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  • study the monitorship in the initial training of physical education teachers, especially in the Physical Education Course of the University of the Para’s State

  • Data: 17-mar-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research has as its main object of study the monitorship in the initial training of physical education teachers, especially in the Physical Education Course of the University of the Para’s State (CEDF/UEPA). The study deals with the objectives of monitoring in UEPA for undergraduate courses, according to Resolution No. 2808/15 and dialogues with the Political Pedagogical Project of the Course of Physical Education project of 2008, considering the training and professional practice of teachers who have graduated from the monitoring program and scholarship recipients, focusing on teaching and learning practices that they still had as monitors and the contributions they played in their professional careers. It characterizes the academic and professional implications that result in contributions of the monitoring program for the construction of teaching practice, and of knowledge that contribute to the creation of teaching identity as a teacher trainer in physical education. It analyzes research in the field of tutoring as an integral part of the initial training process and identifies that it is still scarce in the educational environment. It justifies the research in demonstrating the implications of academic and professional order improved with the participation in the UEPA's monitoring program. The methodology consists of a dialectical study, with symbolic interactionism as a research method and the field research type, in the criticalinterpretative study modality. It develops in writing the study of the knowledge of the object monitoring and initial teacher training; application and treatment of the dialogical interview with dialogues through the conversation wheel; criticalinterpretative analysis of the codified data - symbolic meanings - and appreciates the data gathered from the concepts and ideas of the authors about the field of study. The locus of the research is the CEDF/UEPA and the research participants are the graduate monitors. As an instrument of data collection, the questionnaire was sent to one hundred and seventy-four graduates of the course, where twenty-eight teachers and professors answered, in a dialogical conversation circle via the Google Meet platform, six subjects agreed to participate. It does data reduction with the coding of words, terms, and events organized in frames of meaning. The result shows that monitoring is important for professional development, however, it is not fully exercised by all supervising teachers of the monitoring program in the course, and that there is no possibility of monitoring fundamental subjects in the curriculum, due to the absence of teachers that are adept at this practice.

  • Its general objective is to understand how LGBT people who graduated from high school experienced LGBTphobia in their school experiences arising from the pedagogical practices of teachers in face of their ways of existing

  • Data: 27-mar-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This dissertation is part of the line of research on Teacher Training and Pedagogical Practices, of the Graduate Program in Education at the University of the State of Pará. Its general objective is to understand how LGBT people who graduated from high school experienced LGBTphobia in their school experiences arising from the pedagogical practices of teachers in face of their ways of existing; the specific objectives focus on reconstructing LGBTphobic experiences in life trajectories based on the process of recognizing and revealing their gender identity and sexual orientation, as well as discussing whether school experiences are marked by actions to silence gender diversity and sexualities at school and, finally, problematize teaching and school initiatives related to activities focusing on gender, sexuality orientation and LGBTphobia. The concern that underlies such objectives stems from the question: How did high school graduates, who express their gender and sexual orientation in a non-normative way, experience the effects of LGBTphobia in pedagogical practice in high school in view of their ways of existing? In order to understand, answer and achieve the objectives, this study used qualitative research with an approach in social phenomenology, using the narrative interview as a data collection instrument and subsequently applying the documentary method of interpretation that enabled us to understand the senses and meanings that emanate from the experiences of life in high school of the people interviewed, which we identified in the text by Dandara, Paulo and Siena. From the interpretative process, we concluded that LGBTphobia was unfortunately part of the student reality of the people interviewed, which can be confirmed from three guidance models entitled “Living between conflicts”, “LGBTphobia at school” and “Pedagogy of Negation” that reveal an education/school that reinforces heteronormative patterns of sexuality orientation and gender identity and pedagogical practices marked by inertia and silencing in the face of situations of prejudice that exclude dialogue and contact with sexual diversity by omitting, relativizing and marginalizing the prejudice against LGBT students.

  • Popular education is configured as a modality of education that serves the popular cause and is carried out by the people and with the people, that is, it expresses the struggles of the working class for a transforming, liberating and emancipatory education

  • Data: 29-mar-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Popular education is configured as a modality of education that serves the popular cause and is carried out by the people and with the people, that is, it expresses the struggles of the working class for a transforming, liberating and emancipatory education. The history of Popular Education in the municipality of Altamira, state of Pará, is directly linked to the history of social movements that emerged in the 1970 and gained new configurations soon after the new economic and social situations generated from the implementation of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant. The working class of Altamira was exposed to various environmental, social and economic problems. In view of this, the present study aimed to analyze the educational process developed at the Casa de Educação Popular (CEP) in the municipality of Altamira-PA, in one of its fronts, the Popular Course, as well as their impacts on the working class served. The research had a qualitative approach and is characterized, methodologically, as a case study. We used as instruments for the construction of the research corpus: the documentary survey, field research, participant observation and semi-structured interviews. The interviews were carried out from June to August 2021. 15 interviews were carried out with the following subjects: (i) Students; (ii) Professors; (iii) Coordinators and (iv) Leaders of Social Movements. From the results obtained, the importance of CEP fronts in the region was evident, above all, the importance of the Popular Course in the lives of the students served. With its innovative theoreticalmethodological perspective based on the principles Liberating Education of Paulo Freire, the Popular Course had several positive results during its more than ten years working in the education of young people and adults in this municipality. The importance of Popular Education in the municipality of Altamira, in a context of social vulnerability, had an incisive participation in the daily lives of the individuals involved in the movement, making it clear that the Popular Course was not only responsible for the approval of a large part of the poorest students in the city in public universities and private, but it also had an impact on teaching citizenship and politics to the working class in the municipality

  • The present work has as a central issue of study the performance of the National Union of Students in the context of the debate on Public University and democracy between the years 2015 to 2020

  • Data: 30-mar-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The present work has as a central issue of study the performance of the National Union of Students in the context of the debate on Public University and democracy between the years 2015 to 2020. Thus, we point out as a problem question: Is it possible to identify, nowadays, a debate of a public university project and democracy for the country, led by the National Union of Students? The general objective of the research is: to analyze the contribution of the National Union of Students, currently, to a public university and democracy project in Brazilian society. And we indicate as specific objectives: To identify the contribution of UNE in various moments of Brazilian history, focusing on the debate on democracy and public university; to analyze the position of the UNE, in the face of the current crisis situation, regarding the debate of the public university and democracy in the country; to present the advances and limits of UNE's performance in relation to the defense of the public university and democracy in the Brazilian conjuncture. The theoretical and epistemological references are in the field of the studies of dialectical materialism and decolonial studies. The dissertation assumes a materialist dialectical methodology with a decolonial approach linked to methodological procedures such as documentary research, bibliographic and semi-structured interview. Thus, the data analyzed together with the narratives of the militants who were interlocutors of the research reveal the UNE performance in the dispute of the projects of public university and Brazilian democracy, both in previous years and in the analyzed section. They point to the existence of a plurality of political positions that internally seek to cohesive the performance of this entity in the face of the conjuncture that presents itself.

  • Teacher Training: how the research teacher in music is being formed deals with the figure of the Research Professor in Music

  • Data: 25-abr-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The present study entitled “Teacher Training: how the research teacher in music is being formed” deals with the figure of the Research Professor in Music, as well as his training based on an investigation carried out in the Full Degree in Music course at UEPA (State University of Pará), Campus I located in Belém. Thus, based on the problem raised, the study has as its central question: How is the training of the Music Teacher in the Full Degree in Music course at UEPA/CCSE, and what are the contributions of this training to the engagement of students in research? And as guiding questions: How is training in the Degree in Music at UEPA/CCSE directed towards research and actually develops, in students, a researcher teacher profile? Is the concept of Professor Researcher and the idea of acting on this perspective consolidating in the training of students of the degree course in Music at UEPA/CCSE? With the general objective of analyzing how the Degree in Music course at the University of the State of Pará, on Campus I, in Belém, has cooperated in the training of teachers who make use of research in their teaching practice. It is research with a qualitative approach, and has as contribution the base authors Gatti (2019) and Demo (2012). The results showed that the Music course, through the collaboration of teachers and coordination, has sought to advance in what is necessary for the profile of the music educator, as well as to prepare its students through engagement in activities, disciplines and programs that are research-oriented. It can be concluded that there are several ways in which an undergraduate course, and more specifically a teaching degree, can contribute to the training of professors who are research professors, but what will really make all the difference is whether these opportunities are actually being offered and if so, in what way, and also, if the students have an understanding of the importance of taking advantage of these opportunities to guarantee a complete formation and that ensures an effective teaching practice that generates good results.

  • Fiesta de las Tribus Indígenas en la ciudad de Juruti/PA

  • Data: 26-abr-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Esta investigación tiene como objetivos identificar y analizar los saberes vividos y compartidos por los niños que bailan en la Fiesta de las Tribus Indígenas en la ciudad de Juruti/PA, así como los posibles procesos educativos en la compartición de esos saberes. Como método de estudio optamos por la Etnometodología con el fin de detallar la descripción de los objetos investigados, estos asociados a elementos etnográficos, a través de mirar y escuchar al otro. Esta es una investigación cualitativa, ya que el principal interés de este estudio es captar la perspectiva del participante en situaciones cotidianas, por lo que utilicé como técnicas de recolección de datos la observación participante, círculo de conversación, entrevista individual, diario de campo, registro fotográfico y filmación que ayudó a dialogar con los sujetos involucrados en la investigación y a comprender los objetivos del estudio. Para analizar estos datos, utilicé el análisis de contenido con el fin de superar las incertidumbres de la investigación y enriquecer la lectura de los datos recopilados. Al final del estudio realizado con doce (12) niños, seis (6) de cada tribu, identifiqué cinco (5) saberes y prácticas educativas compartidas y vivenciadas en este contexto tribal: lúdica, compartir, afectividad, espectacularidad, ancestralidad. En ese entendimiento concluí que ante las narrativas realizadas y la comprensión de los saberes identificados en el contexto de Festribal y la relación entre saber y educación, entendemos que los procesos educativos también se evidencian en los espacios culturales y que los niños-jugadores, intérpretes de este estudio, experimentan, comparten y perpetúan este conocimiento con sus pares através de su representación en la danza.

  • CHILDREN'S EDUCATION IN THE COUNTRYSIDE: childhood perceived by children on the island of Cotijuba/PA.

  • Data: 04-may-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The objective of this study is to analyze the child and childhood through the perception of children in a school on the island of Cotijuba-PA, in the context of their experiences in early childhood education. As a research object, we have the child and childhood in the rural early childhood education school. The problem consists in knowing how children experience and perceive childhood, school and early childhood education in the countryside? The theoretical methodological procedures proposed have the Dialectical Historical Materialist approach as a scientific method with emphasis on Vygotsky's Historical-Cultural perspective - the research method is dynamic-causal, discussed by Delari Júnior (2015) in Questions of method in Lev Vigotski, whose approach is qualitative. In order to understand the locus of the research, we used photographs and an unstructured interview with a resident of the island. The research participants are 20 children aged between 4 and 6 years, from two multigrade classes of early childhood education from two pedagogical units, Flexeira and Seringal, belonging to the Fundação Escola Bosque Professor Eidorfe Moreira, located on the island of Cotijuba-PA. As a data collection instrument, we used participant observation, the conversation wheel and the commented drawing; for that, ethical precautions were adopted, data analysis, pervade an analytical category and five units of analysis. The main results of the study show us children who understand themselves as children, realize their importance to society, feel respected by their teachers and have the conscience to give meaning and creatively re-elaborate the cultural instruments with which they live together; which demonstrates seriousness in reflecting on educational practices that consider the specificities of children in their childhood, in early childhood education in the countryside.

  • Education and Religion: scientific production in dissertations of the Graduate Program in Education at the State University of Pará from 2008 to 2021

  • Data: 08-may-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This study focuses on analyzing the relationship between education and religion present in the scientific production of dissertations of the Graduate Program in Education at the State University of Pará (PPGED-UEPA) between the years 2008 to 2021. In this direction, he asks: How do the PPGED-UEPA dissertations on education and religion, referring to the line of research Cultural Knowledge and Education in the Amazon, understand the educational phenomenon that is expressed in different religions? From this central question, others arise, namely: How this area of knowledge dedicated to the phenomena of education in religions is presented in the academic research communities in education in Brazil and in the Amazon, and how the PPGEDUEPA organizes itself to promote and produce research of that nature? What theoretical thoughts does this research production dialogue with to support the concepts of education, knowledge and religion? And, what methodological paths guide the production of these researches on the interface of education in religions? Thus, its general objective is to analyze the scientific production in dissertations of the research line Cultural Knowledge and Education in the Amazon of the PPGED-UEPA, which relates the themes of education and religion in the period from 2008 to 2021. More specifically, it seeks to investigate research groups interested in the theme of educational practices by religions, as well as to analyze the theoretical perspectives that underlie the concepts of education, knowledge and religion, as well as the methodologies that sustain the production of these researches. Methodologically, it is a bibliographical research, in the state of knowledge style, based on authors such as Soares and Maciel (2000), Romanowski and Ens (2006) and Ferreira (2002) where there are reflections that help to proceed with this type of research. The theoretical perspective of analysis is based on Bourdieu (1975; 1976) in an attempt to understand the scientific field and its hierarchical structures, in order to understand the social position occupied by scientific production in PPGED-UEPA dissertations on education and religion in the scientific-educational field. Among some results, the study points to religions as educational agencies that carry content, teaching strategies and a vision of knowledge, expressing what is meant by non-school education. However, this study topic is an area of investigation still limited to a few centers and research groups interested in the phenomena of education in religions. At another point, the dissertations analyzed here comprise the knowledge and practices of education in religions through interdisciplinary dialogue with different areas of knowledge such as Anthropology, Cultural History, Popular Education, Cultural Studies, Decolonial Studies, among others. As a methodological contribution, these academic studies work with the procedures of the Qualitative Approach in the social sciences, Ethnography in its creative aspects (ethnomedology, poetnography and phenomenology), Cultural History and Oral History.

  • Un estudio sobre la inclusión de los/as alumnos/as con discapacidad en la EJA: percepciones y vivencias

  • Data: 11-may-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • La presente investigación parte de la siguiente problemática: ¿cuáles son las percepciones y vivencias de los/as alumnos/as con discapacidad y de sus familiares sobre la inclusión escolar en la EJA? De ese modo, el objetivo general fue el de analizar las percepciones y las vivencias de los/as alumnos/as con discapacidad y de sus familiares sobre la inclusión en la EJA. La investigación se orientó hacia estos objetivos específicos: describir cómo sucede la organización para la inclusión del/la alumno/a con discapacidad en la Escuela Flores; averiguar las percepciones de los/as alumnos/as y de sus familiares sobre la inclusión escolar de los/as alumnos/as con discapacidad; conocer las vivencias y las percepciones de los/as alumnos/as sobre las clases desarrolladas por los/as profesores/as; evidenciar los avances y los desafíos percibidos por los/as alumnos/as con discapacidad y por sus familiares. Este estudio es de enfoque cualitativo, basado en la fenomenología social (SCHUTZ, 1979) y en el estudio de caso (LÜDKE; ANDRÉ, 1986). El loco de la investigación es una escuela regular que ofrece la modalidad de la Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos (EJA), ubicada en el municipio de Belém, y adopta como procedimientos metodológicos la observación in loco y la entrevista semiestructurada. Los sujetos de la investigación fueron: los/as alumnos/as con discapacidad y sus familiares. Los datos de esta investigación fueron colectados por medio de la categorización de análisis de contenido de Bardin (1977). Como aportes teóricos fueron utilizados: Araújo (2007), Márquez y Godoy (2020) y Haddad y Di Pierro (2000), Fernandes (2013), Mazzotta (2005), Jannuzzi (2012), Sassaki (2020), Mantoan (2003), Ferreira (2006a; 2006b; 2009). También se recurrió a las legislaciones nacionales: las Leyes de Directrices y Bases de la Educación Nacional (1961; 1971; 1996) y a la Ley Brasileña de Inclusión de la Persona con Discapacidad. Algunos resultados alcanzados fueron: al trazar los perfiles de los/as estudiantes, verificamos que eran jóvenes y adultos, cuyo rango etario varía de 15 a 48 años, los cuales, en sus trayectorias escolares, fueron excluidos de la educación regular. De esta forma, sus familiares buscan en la EJA la oportunidad de escolarización y socialización para sus hijos. En cuanto a los desafíos identificados por los/as participantes, ellos estaban relacionados al prejuicio de los/as alumnos/as sin discapacidad y a la ausencia de prácticas inclusivas por parte de algunos profesores/as. Durante las observaciones, constatamos que estos desafíos están relacionados con las clases basadas en el método tradicional. A pesar de los desafíos, los/as participantes identificaron avances en el aprendizaje de los/as educandos/as con discapacidad tras la inscripción en la institución, tales como: avances en la lectura, escritura, socialización, comunicación y también motivación para la asistencia escolar, pues había en la Escuela Flores profesionales que realizaban clases que consideraban las necesidades y las habilidades de los/as estudiantes de la EJA.

  • The educational process is inherent in all subjects and new learning is necessary at every stage of life, including learning a profession. In this sense, this research entitled "Training in Performing Arts of People with Disabilities: inclusive pedagogical processes for the integral development of students

  • Data: 15-may-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The educational process is inherent in all subjects and new learning is necessary at every stage of life, including learning a profession. In this sense, this research entitled "Training in Performing Arts of People with Disabilities: inclusive pedagogical processes for the integral development of students" had as its central question to investigate: do the teaching-learning processes in dance and theater carried out at the School of Performing Arts provide inclusion of people with disabilities and contribute to the integral education of the subject? Considering the proposed questions, the research objectives are: general objective to analyze how the teaching-learning processes in dance and theater conducted at the School of Performing Arts provide inclusion of people with disabilities and also contribute to the integral education of people with as specific objectives: 1) Describe how the School of Performing Arts develops dance and theater instruction and how this instruction is adapted for students with disabilities; 2) Identify what negotiations are established in the educational process from a Deleuze-Guatttarian perspective; 3) Analyze whether the negotiations can be defined as pedagogical negotiations, thus making a deterritorialization of Deleuze and Guattari's thinking for education; 4) Review how the knowledge domains of teacher education, special education, and the arts are interrelated and promote an integral education of the subjects. The research method indicates an epistemological approach anchored in the poststructuralist concepts of Deleuze and Guattari, because for these authors the existing problems are understood as possibilities for the creation of concepts, because more important than saying "what" a thing is and trying to define its essence, would be to investigate the circumstances that cross it, asking questions about the events and looking for possibilities of transformations. The research is designed as qualitative research with case study methodology. Bibliographic studies were conducted as research procedures on: (a) special education from the perspective of inclusive education and in relation to teacher training for inclusive education and authors such as Oliveira (2016), Pletsch (2009), Morin (1996, 2000, 2015), Dutra and Santos (2015), Dourado (2015), were used to support the writing; b) integral education and how it contributes to the formation of the individual, the following authors Araújo (2015), Cardoso and Oliveira (2020), Carbello (2014), Cavaliere (2007), Freire (1987, 1996, 2011, 2013, 2015) and Guará (2006) were the basis for discussion; c) about the teaching of dance and theater as promoters of the integral development of the individual, the authors who contributed were: Canda (2000), Gaio and Penachione (2021), Japiassu (1992), Marques (1999, 2010). This sets these authors apart from many others that have been triggered. Semi-structured interviews were conducted for data collection, and the collected data were grouped into categories for thematic analysis. Regarding ethical criteria, the study was approved by the UEPA Ethics Committee and all interviewees signed an informed consent form. As a result, for the three students interviewed, the school cannot yet be considered inclusive because it does not have an inclusion policy that targets students with disabilities and seeks accessibility both structurally, procedurally, and attitudinally. Two teachers agree with the interpretations presented by the students, for them the school cannot be considered inclusive because even if it has already implemented some measures, many changes still need to be made in order for it to be truly considered an inclusive school. However, for four of the six teachers interviewed, the school can be considered inclusive because it is open to welcoming and working with diversity, though they acknowledge that improvements need to be made in terms of accessibility. In terms of holistic education, all interviewees, students and teachers, believe that teaching at the School of Performing Arts is not limited to content delivery, but provides an education that takes into account biopsychosocial aspects. In the concluding reflections, reflections on the interviewees' statements about the teaching-learning processes at the School of Performing Arts are presented.

  • Pointing out the need to answer this question, the general objective was to understand how gender relations are present in the school pedagogical practices of high school physical education teachers

  • Data: 29-may-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This text is the result of research whose problem was to verify how pedagogical practices are affected by the understanding of gender relations by physical education teachers? Pointing out the need to answer this question, the general objective was to understand how gender relations are present in the school pedagogical practices of high school physical education teachers. In addition, the specific objectives sought to analyze how the interviewed teachers understand gender relations, compare the experiences of the interviewed teachers' school period with their current physical education classes; and, discuss how teachers' strategies for the inclusion of gender in their classes take place. To achieve and respond to these objectives, qualitative research was used with an approach in the social phenomenology of Alfred Schutz (1979), the narrative interview of Fritz Schutze (2013) as a data collection instrument, in addition to the documentary method of interpretation developed by Mannheim (1964) and adapted by Bohnsack and Weller (2013) to understand the meanings and senses used in the speeches of six Physical Education teachers interviewed, working in high school in public, private or confessional schools in the city of Belém - Pa. The results showed the teachers' lack of understanding about gender relations, leading to the understanding that the lack of information on the part of the teachers is a determining factor for the organization of their classes, which may affect the participation, especially of girls, in bodily practices. Respondents believe that there are no specific body practices for girls or boys, but demonstrate that, at certain times, they use gender as a dividing factor for the composition and organization of classes.

  • Saber del río: el juego del niño quilombola de la comunidad de São Sebastián en el municipio de Acará/Pa

  • Data: 31-may-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • La investigación “Saber del río: el juego del niño quilombola de la comunidad de São Sebastián en el municipio de Acará/Pa”, tiene como objetivo analizar los saberes compartidos por los niños de la comunidad de São Sebastián, mientras juegan en el río Genipaúba. Como método de estudio, traigo la etnometodología, con el objetivo de investigar el cotidiano de la comunidad desde el punto de vista del niño, sobre el contexto en que se encuentran. Este método estuvo asociado a elementos etnográficos, anclados en conceptos teórico-metodológicos que orientaron la investigación de campo, contribuyendo a la comprensión investigativa, con el niño como protagonista. Se trata, por lo tanto, de una investigación con abordaje cualitativa que se ocupa de la interpretación de la dinámica social del niño quilombola, en el acto de jugar en el río. Las técnicas utilizadas en la colección de datos fueron: levantamiento bibliográfico, observación participante, rueda de conversación, entrevista individual, grabación de voz, diario de campo, registros fotográficos y filmaciones, que contribuyeron significativamente al envolvimiento con los sujetos, así como para la investigación y asimilación del objeto de estudio. Como forma de enriquecer la interpretación de los datos, este estudio utilizó el análisis de contenido. Los sujetos fueron 11 niños, que asumieron el papel de intérpretes relatando las comprensiones de sus propias experiencias. Identifiqué, por lo tanto, 5 saberes que son evidenciados por los intérpretes, mientras juegan en el río Genipaúba, y son: el juego, el compartir, la afectividad, la vida cotidiana y la ancestralidad. Desde esta perspectiva, a la vista del análisis de la investigación de campo, comprendí el saber que se entrelaza con el universo lúdico de los intérpretes, mientras juegan en el río, y cómo ese saber impregna el proceso educativo de enseñar, experimentar y resignificar.

  • The social phenomenon studied regards cultural knowledge as learning practices and knowledge circulation in territories of the riverside traditional communities of Céu and Caju-Una, located in the insular region of Marajó

  • Data: 01-jun-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research is attached to the Postgraduate Program, Master in Education studies, of the State University of Pará, in the line of research on Cultural Knowledge and Education in Amazon. The social phenomenon studied regards cultural knowledge as learning practices and knowledge circulation in territories of the riverside traditional communities of Céu and Caju-Una, located in the insular region of Marajó. Its assumption is that artisanal fishing ontologically founded as work experience and in local practical knowledge guarantees the production of human existence and development. It is guided by the following issue: In what ways has artisanal fishing work contributed for the realization of learning practices, construction and circulation of knowledge among territories of the riverside traditional communities of Céu and Caju-Una? It seeks to analyze the contribution of the artisanal fishing for the realization of learning practices, construction and circulation of knowledge among territories of the riverside traditional communities of Céu and Caju-Una. It is methodologically built according to qualitative approach, performed by means of field research, under use of procedures from ethnography and oral history, and for data production and analysis, participant observation, semi structured interviews, and photographs. It is epistemologically grounded on theoretical contributions aimed at categories as territory/territoriality; work experience; cultural knowledge/experience; learning spaces; traditional peoples and communities; and artisanal fishing; to which the main references were Haesbaert, Medeiros, Floriani, Silva, Bondía, Diegues, Furtado, Brandão, Freire, among others. Referenced by the plurality of knowledge produced on the artisanal fishing work experiences, the knowledges that guide the fishing pedagogy were mapped: knowing the sea, the river, the mangrove, and the beach; knowing how to make their instruments; knowing about the techniques; knowing the fish. Thus, it was found that through the circulation of those knowledges in formal and informal spaces, learning practices occur socially, ecologically, affectively and through the experience on the interaction between human beings and local environment.

  • Alimentación y educación: movimientos de San Benito de la limosna en Bragança (PA)

  • Data: 05-jun-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • CAMINHA, Nalton Rodrigues. Alimentación y educación: movimientos de San Benito de la limosna en Bragança (PA). 2023. 103 ss. Disertación (Maestría en Educación) – Universidad del Estado de Pará, Belém: [s.n.], 2023. Este estudio investiga a San Benito como santo cocinero-educador. Por lo tanto, el objetivo general es analizar cómo San Benito se configura, históricamente, como un santo cocinero-educador, mediador del conocimiento en las cocinas benedictinas de Bragança (PA). Como objetivos específicos se buscó contextualizar los aspectos históricos relacionados con San Benito a través de su identidad como santo cocineroeducador; describir cómo se dan las prácticas de educación alimentaria en la cocina benedictina; mapear el saber que impregna esta cocina. Metodológicamente, esta investigación es de carácter histórico, documental y de campo con abordaje de la historia cultural, en particular la historia de la alimentación, a partir de Macêdo (2016) y Cascudo (2008), e historia de la educación, con Fonseca (2003). También se apoya en los senderos conceptuales de la educación de Alves (2003), Ingold (2015), Thompson (1981) y el conocimiento con Albuquerque y Sousa (2016). Entre las consideraciones, la investigación destaca prácticas educativas que emergen históricamente de Bragança, atravesada por la Fiesta de San Benito, y las cocinas benedictinas como espacio educativo. En la relación entre el hambre y la abundancia de alimentos, el conocimiento se construye y se presenta en diálogo con autores y conceptos, así como con la realidad de la vida cotidiana de Bragança. La investigación apunta que entre la Italia del siglo XVI y la Amazonía del Estado de Pará contemporánea, la devoción benedictina se arraiga en la cocina, donde se vive un proceso educativo permeado por saberes interculturales mediados por San Benito. Entre los saberes destaco los curativos, culinarios, estéticos, religiosos y relacionales.

  • This study addresses the personal and professional life story of Maria do Monte Serrat Carvalho Quaresma, a black woman, writer, teacher and poet.

  • Data: 16-jun-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This study addresses the personal and professional life story of Maria do Monte Serrat Carvalho Quaresma, a black woman, writer, teacher and poet. Serrat was born on January 18, 1937, in the city of Abaetetuba/Pa, located in the Baixo Tocantins region. The research was developed in the Postgraduate Program in Education at the State University of Pará, in the Cultural Knowledge and Education in the Amazon Line and in the History of Education in the Amazon Group, History of Educational, Intellectual and Printed Institutions line. The general objective of the research is to analyze the personal and professional trajectory of Maria do Monte Serrat, in the years 1940-1970; and as specific, outline the social and cultural profile of Maria do Monte Serrat; map knowledge and practices experienced by Serrat; characterize your teaching practice at the Basílio de Carvalho School Group. This is a documentary research that has as its object and sources three works by Maria do Monte Serrat “The mother of stubbornness and the desire to be” (2012), “From the middle of the people – our story in life lessons” (2005 ) and “Dreaming a fairer world generated in the light of love” (2012); documents available at the Our Lady of the Angels Institute bb(reports, bulletins, individual form and diploma) and oral narratives from five subjects who lived with Monte Serrat in different social spaces. Monte Serrat's childhood and adolescence was marked by social inequalities, prejudice and resistance. Even in the face of difficulties, she did not give up on her “desire to be”: to train as a teacher. A singular figure of strong social representation, who influenced not only his writings, but also his work in different educational spheres. She was a teacher, poet, writer and religious educator, developing an innovative teaching practice at the time, possibly influenced by New School ideas, as she took students' interests into account and proposed practical teaching to facilitate learning. In the works analyzed, Monte Serrat's intimate relationship with nature is noticeable - in the exaltation of rivers and forests - and devotion to God, however, his productions do not only deal with his personal experience, they also highlight a certain society, with their educational practices, environmental knowledge, customs and sociocultural manifestations. This study makes significant contributions to the Field of History of Education, especially to the history of women's education.

  • Dissertation that deals with meaningful learning in the early years of elementary school.

  • Data: 22-jun-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This text is the result of the Master's Dissertation that deals with meaningful learning in the early years of elementary school. Part of the research problem is how learning can be meaningful and with children's participation it aims to propose didactic indications for this stage of teaching and seeks pedagogical strategies that consider children's cultures and promote the role of children in school. Defines as specific objectives the mapping of concepts and conceptions about meaningful learning to enhance teaching in the early years; discusses the conceptions of childhood and child in the authors who study the theme to understand and indicate teaching elements; and reveals children's characteristics and needs in order to propose indicatives for the pedagogical work in the early years. It proposes that knowing and considering such characteristics and needs of children is fundamental to promote their engagement in the teaching-larning process in order to enable meaningful learning. The theoretical framework begins with Paulo Freire, David Ausubel, Walter Kohan, Sônia Kramer, Sarmento and Vigotski. It is a bibliographic research, with a qualitative approach, of a descriptive and critical nature. The results demonstrate that children are capable of leading actions that promote meaningful learning when favorable conditions are created in the school curriculum, promoting its openness to children's manifestations. This work understands that the didactic indications proposed in this study contribute to the pedagogical practice in the early years of elementary school, having in mind the dialogic communication with the children and considering the reality in which they are inserted.


  • Data: 27-jun-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • RAYOL, Luiz Augusto de Moraes. A WEB PLATFORM FOR TEACHING PORTUGUESE TO THE DEAF AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. (Masters dissertation). University of the State of Pará. Belém, 2023. This work presents the results of research on learning Portuguese as a second language for deaf people, whose main objective is to create a web platform for deaf people to check their writing errors in Portuguese and obtain text correction in real time. . The methodological approach was field research and development included the following phases: Theoretical Framework, Development of the tool, Application of the tool, Review of the tool, Data collection, Analysis of results, Preparation of texts and Dissemination. The instrument used for data collection was a form and the practical use of the web platform at IONESB (Instituto Nossa Senhora do Brasil) in Brasília – DF. The data analysis highlighted the difficulties of deaf people in learning Portuguese as a second language, the specific needs that deaf people have to stay focused, the difficulties of everyday life in society and that it is possible through technology to reduce the distance between correct text and repetitive errors in writing Portuguese by deaf people.

  • Theaching the Decimal Number System and aditive and multiplicative problems in the 5th year through experimental activities

  • Data: 28-jun-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This work presents the results of a research on the teaching of Decimal Numeral System, additive problems and multiplicative problems with natural numbers, which aimed to analyze the possible effects of the application of a didactic sequence for teaching by experimental activities of the Decimal Numeral System and the additive and multiplicative problems to students of the 5th year of Elementary School. The guiding problem of this study was: What are the possible effects of the application of a didactic sequence for teaching by experimental activities of Decimal Numbering System and additive and multiplicative problems to students of the 5th year of Elementary School? The research method of the work was Didactic Engineering. The Experimentation took place in a 5th grade class of Elementary School of a SEMEC – Belém school with 31 students and corresponded to the application of the Didactic Sequence. It was concluded that the didactic sequence applied achieved the following effects: in the Decimal Numbering System, the students showed advances in reading and writing numerals; In the additive and multiplicative problems, the students obtained an improvement in their performance in the tests, especially in relation to the choice of the operation, with emphasis on the second stage, where there was a jump in the performance of the majority of the students; In addition, the students showed enrichment in the accuracy of the conclusions formulated and an increase in protagonism and interest in the classes. However, this research found some limitations, related to numerical compositions and decompositions and the use of algorithms, which presented less successful results, indicating the need for future studies related to these domains.

  • Policies present, socio-educational indicators and scientific productions on Special Rural Education in the State of Pará

  • Data: 30-ago-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Special Education and Rural Education are modalities faced with enormous challenges. Research indicates a growth in academic discussions about the interfaces of Special Education and Rural Education, however, this growth still occurs in a timid way, especially when we deal with the different fields located in the State of Pará. Considering the importance of making these realities visible, this study aims to answer the following question: what the policies present, socio-educational indicators and scientific productions on Special Rural Education in the State of Pará? In this sense, the research aims to understand Special Rural Education in its political dimensions, socio-educational and scientific indicators in the State of Pará. It is important to highlight that this research is an excerpt from the macroproject entitled “Special Education and Education in/in the Countryside: Interfaces, Policies and Socioeducational Indicators” , which is linked to the Special Rural Education Network, a research group created in 2020 that involves several researchers from different regions of the country. The study methodology consists of documentary and bibliographical research, involving bibliographical research referring to theses and dissertations, documentary and socio-educational data survey, where there was a collection of material accompanied by analyzes through literature review, document analysis and systematization of literature graphs and tables. The results demonstrate that: regarding normative political documents, the State of Pará still leaves something to be desired, as documents dealing with the interfaces of the two modalities were not found, discussions only occur in isolation and are not sufficient to guarantee the implementation of policies that guarantee access and maintenance conditions for the rural public and Special Education in schools in an inclusive and quality manner. In socio-educational data collected at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE through the IBGE Automatic Recovery System - SIDRA, we identified 66,458 people with disabilities in rural areas in the State of Pará aged between zero and seventeen years, of these, the largest number of disability is visual, and the age group that presents the most disabilities is between ten and fourteen years old. As for the data analyzed in the Technical Summary of the School Census (2022), it does not provide information that considers students with disabilities in rural areas, that is, the Special Education and Rural Education interfaces are invisible in that Summary, but it highlights that the The number of students with disabilities is growing in schools. Regarding scientific productions, nine productions were located that discuss this topic specifically in the State of Pará, we consider this number to be reduced compared to all the scientific productions already defended in the State in Postgraduate Programs related to Education, mainly within the scope of the doctorate, because of this quantity, one production is a thesis and eight are dissertations, and the results of the majority of these researches demonstrate the various absences that negatively interfere in the teaching and learning process of students with disabilities who reside in the countryside. Therefore, we hope that this study can make these rural realities visible and contribute to strengthening debates that seek to guarantee the rights of students with disabilities who live in the countryside

  • EJA school curriculum in quilombola communities in the Amazon: advances and limits in affirming the recognition of ancestral territories. Dissertation

  • Data: 29-sep-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research takes as its central analysis the advances and limits of policy and curricular practice in the EJA school, through the EJA Campo Program, in the quilombola territory of Moju Miri (Moju/Pa). In this way, we point out as a questionproblem: What are the advances and limits of policy and curricular practice in the EJA school, in the Quilombola community Moju Miri, in the municipality of Mojú-PA, regarding the recognition of knowledge and ancestral ways of life? In view of this, the general objective of the research is: to analyze the advances and limits of policy and curricular practice in the EJA school regarding the recognition of the knowledge and ways of life of the Quilombola community Moju Miri. Based on this, the specific objectives are: a) To present and investigate the EJA-Campo Program, focusing the analysis on its proposal and curricular practice in quilombola communities b) To analyze, in the school routine of the mentioned quilombola community, the implementation and practice of the EJA Program -Field in relation to the place of knowledge and ancestral ways of life c) Mapping the knowledge of EJA students from the Quilombola community of Moju Miri, based on their daily practices, in order to identify their contributions to the construction of a school curriculum intercultural, that comes to recognize and contribute with its ancestry. The research's theoreticalmethodological framework is based on dialectical materialism, in dialogue with decolonial studies, which allows us to detach from a Eurocentric logic and thinking in what to do in research. In this horizon, one of the references taken in the field of education of ethnic-racial relations focuses on the thought of Nilma Gomes. As methodological procedures, the following are listed: qualitative approach and content analysis; bibliographical, documental and field research and participant research. The techniques used have been: semi-structured interview and participant observation. At the concluding steps of this research, we consider that the male and female students yearn for a specific school curriculum for the quilombo. It's everyone's aspirations! Even teachers and professors. A curriculum linked to quilombola history and memory and the context of these communities. This is still a dream that walks slowly and sustained by the sweat of resistance.

  • From Prison to Education: conceptions about childhood, “minor”, crime and institutions in Belém do Pará (1890-1910)

  • Data: 02-feb-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the thesis object titled From Prison to Education: conceptions about childhood, “minor”, crime and institutions in Belém do Pará (1890- 1910), within the archives: Amazonian Memory Center (Centro de Memória da Amazônia, CMA) and the Public Archive of the State of Pará (Arquivo Público do Estado do Pará, APEP). In this endeavor, we used the following judicial sources: the court files of Maria Magdalena de Lima, where we find the records of her sentencing for disorderly conduct/vagrancy and prostitution, in 1905, which signs the education model applied to low-income childhood during the First Republic; and the incident records from the Public Jail of São José, which indicates the prison transferring of men, women and children in that space, with important epistemological clues for constructing knowledge on the History of Education of Pará. Following a sociocultural and socioeducational analysis of these “minors” in the Republican society of Pará, with court cases and incident records from the Public Jail of São José, to where many were sent by court order under charges of criminality and prostitution. It was identified that the role of such institution and of the State's ideological instruments was that of promoting discipline and incarceration in order to contain behaviors considered to be outside the standards of civility, as well as of professional training, all in view of what was projected for the modern Belém. Therefore, a false impression was created that the imprisonment of those “minors” would be the initial solution for the issues of criminality and prostitution, as the criminal code from 1890 had established that, once convicted in court, they should be sent to disciplinary institutions which provided learning of good conduct and professional instruction.

  • This research is based on the following problem: how are the concrete statements constituted in the various social, political, historical and educational contexts, within the scope of public position exams offered for translators and interpreters of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) in the Paraense Amazon

  • Data: 24-mar-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research is based on the following problem: how are the concrete statements constituted in the various social, political, historical and educational contexts, within the scope of public position exams offered for translators and interpreters of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) in the Paraense Amazon available from 2010 to 2020? The main objective of the study is to analyze the concrete statements of announcements and examinations for translators and interpreters of Libras (TILs) from federal institutions of Higher Education in the state of Pará. The specific objectives are: a) to identify the thematic blocks of the utterances-items of the TILs tests; b) to analyze the authorship references that appear in the TILs tests; c) to identify and analyze the decolonial perspective present in the scope of the utterances-items of the announcements and the TILs tests. As a strategy for the data collection, announcements and test bulletins gathering were made; reading; pre-analysis; use of binders; and concept maps construction. The corpus of the research consists of 07 (seven) bulletins and the aforementioned public position exams announcements for translators and interpreters of Libras from federal institutions of Higher Education in the state of Pará. The analysis of the bulletins and announcements was based on the dialogical-discursive approach and on its bakhtinian theoretical, methodological and analytical assumptions. During this process, it was also possible to analyze some statements-items of bulletins, especially those that bring highlights on: moderators - deaf x listeners; the deaf cultural markers; verb-visual pedagogy; Libras and deafness as a difference. The data reveal that: there is a predominance of non-Amazon linguistic or grammatical aspects, as well as bibliographic references in public position exams for translators and interpreters of Libras. The linguistic/discursive and intercultural language marks used by deaf community and TILs, as well as epistemologies of/in the Amazon are scarcely existing in the elaboration of the tests and their announcements. It is concluded that it is sine qua non to make the field of translation and interpretation studies of Libras, Deaf Studies in Brazil, linguistic studies of Libras, among other theoretical fields in the area of Deaf Education, dialogue even more with the studies and research produced in the Amazon and the critical decolonial and intercultural perspective of thinking about education.

  • The research resorts to the universe of early childhood education in the countryside, in the context of a multigrade class, to extract the cultural and creative actions of boys and girls in educational practice in a multigrade space-time

  • Data: 12-may-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The research resorts to the universe of early childhood education in the countryside, in the context of a multigrade class, to extract the cultural and creative actions of boys and girls in educational practice in a multigrade space-time. The interest in research arises from my immersion in this context when I carried out my master's research in 2016. Many voices of teachers reverberated the attention given to elementary school children to the detriment of early childhood education. This was the reason for entering into the multigrade context to launch the research problem of the thesis: How do early childhood education children from the field of multigrade classes in the context of the Tracuateu Amazon experience, culturally and creatively, the educational practice in time and space of the multigrade? In order to analyze the voices of preschool children from the field of multigrade classes about their cultural and creative experiences in educational practice in collective time and space, we launched the following specific objectives: to identify, from the perspective of preschool children, the educational practices they share in the time and space of multigrade classes; investigate the role of preschool children as social and rights actors in the time and space of multigrade classes; to describe, through interpretive analyses, the cultural and creative actions of children in kindergarten in the countryside in the educational practice of the time and space of the multigrade. Therefore, we place the research based on the educational socio-historical perspective, an ethnographic case study that follows ethical precepts of research with children, incorporating observation, the production of oralized drawings, context photography with interpretation of children as research techniques. accessible to this generational group. In addition, we bring the voices of two teachers and the pedagogical coordinator to understand the organization of this multi time and space. The theoretical contribution is based on theoretical categories, the Sociology of Childhood conceptualizing childhood as a historical-social, generational and permanent category, with children as its subjects (QVORTRUP, 2010; PROUT, 2010; CORSARO, 2011; SARMENTO, 2011) ; the rural education that unites it with the level of childhood, which is configured as that which occurs in conjunction with the materiality of concrete life (CALDART, 2009; OLIVEIRA; FRANÇA; SANTOS, 2011; SILVA; PASUCH, 2010; HAGE; REIS , 2018). These authors allow us to support the thesis that children in kindergarten in the context of multigrade classes creatively and inventively re-elaborate, create and reinvent educational practices in the times and spaces in which they are inserted, producing them, reconstructing them and resignifying them. . The concept of interpretive reproduction comprises what Corsaro (2011) designates as the inclusion of innovative and creative elements of children in peer culture to reframe the adult world and meet their specificities. The results point out that children share different times, spaces and knowledge, incorporated in peer cultures. They build positive relationships with older children, who are learning, playing and sharing partners, in such a way that the multigrade field school is a place for interaction, creation and sociability.

  • Poetry as the epistemological key to a sensitive education announced and realized by the vibration of the voice that constitutes the imaginary and regulates the life of beings in the Amazon

  • Data: 16-may-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Poetry as the epistemological key to a sensitive education announced and realized by the vibration of the voice that constitutes the imaginary and regulates the life of beings in the Amazon is the challenge of this essay that seeks to reflect on education from the fundamental exercise of resistance to the hegemonic paradigm that reproduces epistemic violence and oppression characteristic of the dominant social system, with its reductionist logic based on Cartesianism strongly established by the paradigm of modernity. Through a regime called crepuscular, we seek to meet with the mythopoetic voice present in transcriptions recorded by researchers in their master's degree dissertations from the Graduate Program in Education at the State University of Pará, in fifteen years of production and publication (2005-2020). In this way, the objective is to scrutinize in the productions of Ppged/Uepa a poetics of the voice that unveils an epistemology of Sensible Education in the Amazon, to constitute the twilight regime as the regime of poetic reason that makes sensitive education. Given the research criteria, old people and children are the chosen interpreters. From the evocation of the voice of these interpreters/narrators, images are projected that reflect a poetics of the voice, revealing sensitive education in Amazonian culture. Immersed in the field of oral poetics, the research is anchored on conceptual bases of studies on Memory, Poetry, Voice, Education and the Amazon. In addition to poets and the study's narrators and researchers, the work is grounded in references from the poetics of voice, Zumthor (2005; 2007; 2009; 2010); understandings of image and imagination, as well as epistemology, Bachelard (1985; 1988; 2003; 2006; 2013); Amazonian culture and poetry, Loureiro (2001; 2019), Nunes (1973; 2001; 2012) and Fares (2003; 2015); of the dialogue on sensitive reason and education, Maffesoli (2008) and Duarte Júnior (2006); of memory, Bosi (2015), Halbwachs (2003) and Vernant (1973); besides other scholars who collaborate to the evocation, projection and reflection of. a poetics of the voice to reveal sensitive education in Amazonian time/space.

  • This work presents the results of an experimental study that analyzed the impacts of the teaching-learning process in mathematics through experimental activities on the change in emotions and attitudes towards school mathematics

  • Data: 04-oct-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This work presents the results of an experimental study that analyzed the impacts of the teaching-learning process in mathematics through experimental activities on the change in emotions and attitudes towards school mathematics. For this purpose, the principles of Activity Theory and a methodological approach based on Teaching Mathematics through Experimental Activities were adopted. The research instruments included Likert-scale questionnaires to assess emotions and attitudes, a socioeducational questionnaire, class diaries, and interviews. The research was conducted with 31 students from the 9th grade of elementary school in a state school in the metropolitan region of Belém, Pará. These students were part of a class identified with the worst indicators of emotions and attitudes towards mathematics, according to the initial survey of this school. The analysis of the results, carried out both quantitatively and qualitatively, indicated an overall positive change of approximately 11% in the scale of emotions. As for changes in attitudes, we obtained an overall positive change of approximately 5% on this scale when comparing initial and final results. Regarding emotions associated with mathematics, we observed an increase in the feeling of pleasure towards this discipline, accompanied by a reduction in negative emotions of anxiety, shame, and anger. As for the emotion of pride, we noticed a slight improvement, although without significant changes. When analyzing attitudes towards mathematics, when separating statements into positive and negative categories, we observed that statements associated with negative attitudes towards mathematics obtained more favorable results compared to statements related to positive attitudes. The main changes occurred in the behaviors and dynamics of mathematics classes, with a more active and consistent participation of students over time, reflecting a greater interest and understanding of the content covered. Furthermore, there was an increase in students' motivation, resulting in more effective collaboration among groups and a more accurate resolution of proposed activities. Given this, we present the Thesis that Teaching Mathematics through Experimental Activities, by providing shared protagonism, dialogicity, and the formation of reflective thinking, positively favors the change of negative attitudes towards school mathematics. Finally, suggestions are offered to teachers seeking to promote positive attitudes and improve emotions related to the teaching and learning of mathematics.


  • Data: 24-mar-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This study makes use of narrative interviews and a qualitative autobiographical approach, giving a voice to Physical Education teachers who work in high school education, on a hybrid modality, within the public system of SEDUC/PA. We seek to hear about pedagogical practices, experiences of continued education, as well as practices based on digital technologies of information and communication, which allow to realize how Physical Education teachers work within Interactive Educational System (SEI/SEDUC-PA). We aim at analizying the hybrid education in conjunction with the pedagogical work organization made by Physical Education teachers from SEI. As a characteristic of hybrid teaching in Physical Education, we consider how media narratives through technological artifacts are experienced in Physical Education classes, as we also question if there are innovative practices in such a pedagogical work organization carried out by those teachers. We verified that pedagogical practices in hybrid teaching mediated by technologies are organized through a planning regarding the area of Languages and its technologies, in which the curricular element Physical Education is integrated through study, more planning and action based on cartography and teacher‟s plan of courses. This analytical process of the present research allows both a deepening and an acquisition of knowledge regarding technology, communication, media and media resources, which, through interviews, was pointed out as a possible contribution to teachers, who may establish successful and innovative practices in an educational context. In our analysis, we used categories such as dialogue, work and school interaction in order to make evident a need not only for acknowledging digital technologies within classrooms, but also for thinking on students and their cultures being reflected upon such practices. As results, we highlight a need for continued education towards Physical Education teachers who work with technology, as to make sure there are a major development of scientific knowledge on communication, media, and for a definitive and more meaningful theoretical framework on cultural aspects informed by the very students who live in society, for the knowledge on various cultural languages may be integrated to teaching as a process mediated by technologies in a hybrid manner, so in the future it may lead to innovative pedagogical practices.

  • eaching physical education and the autism spectrum disorder: pedagogical practice in the district of icoaraci/ pa

  • Data: 12-abr-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The investigated theme deals with the teaching of physical education and autism spectrum disorder. The object of study is the teaching practices in Physical Education in the inclusive context, of students with ASD, in a state public school in the District of Icoaraci in the city of Belém/PA. It analyzes the teaching practice of Physical Education teachers who serve students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the school environment, in view of the concept of Inclusion, and for that, it elects three specific objectives: I- identify official proposals for action and execution activities aimed at Inclusive Education; II- characterize the content of the classes, as well as the theoretical support and practices developed in Physical Education classes with students with autism in the Public Education Network and III- raise the theoretical production on the inclusion of students with autism in regular Physical Education classes . The study categories are based on the theoretical framework of Silva (2015; 2016) and Chicon (2011), who discuss the practice of the Physical Education teacher, the interlocutors Orrú (2017), Mantoan (2011, 2015) and Oliveira (2005) that deal with the inclusion of people with disabilities in the education network, among other official documents that guide the public education system with TEA students. It uses as interdependent methodological steps, the bibliographic and field study, for data collection, the semi-structured interview technique and for the analysis of captured messages, the content analysis method, according to Bardin (1977). In the midst of the pandemic, three Physical Education teachers, after agreeing to the Free and Informed Consent Term, participated through virtual means, as informants. As a result, theoretical and methodological weaknesses were found in teaching practices, produced by the challenges and limits that the student with ASD represents for the physical education teacher, although they have expressed a sensitivity to welcome ASD students and to seek strategies to conduct their classes. in inclusive pedagogy.

  • Gender, sexuality and Teaching: narratives of beginning teachers in schools in Salvaterra/Ilha do Marajó,

  • Data: 20-abr-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This dissertation, which is entitled Gender, sexuality and Teaching: narratives of beginning teachers in schools in Salvaterra/Ilha do Marajó, presentes the results of the research that had a general objective to comprehend how beginners teachers, who work in municipal schools in salvaterra/PA deal with the themes of gender and sexuality in their pedagogical practices in the context of the rise of anti-gender rhetoric, and as specific objectives 1) to outline how the theme of gender and sexuality is presented in initial training and in the working environment; 2) discuss if the pedagogical practices of teachers include gender and sexuality issues; and 3) to scrutinize if the perceptions about gender and sexuality are related to the recognition of diversity at school. The investigation was developed from a qualitative approach with a focus on social phenomenology. Altogether, six narrative interviews were realized with beginning teachers, three of whom are male teachers and three are female teachers. From the analysis of the narratives, two orientation models emerged entitled: resistance and instability. The model named “resistance” refers to the narratives that demonstrate that even with all the limitations, there are teachers who deal with the themes in their pedagogical practices. The model called “instability” guides the speeches that demonstrate the absence of these themes in the teachers pedagogical practices, raised by feelings of fear and uncertainty. The research results show that teachers had little access to debates on gender and sexuality issues in formal spaces in initial training, as well as most of them did not participate in projects with this content throughout their trajectories; the schools in which they work do not have initiatives focused on the theme; teachers occasionally deal with gender and sexuality issues in their practices, whether in presential teaching or remote activities, however their practices are challenged by a formal curriculum that does not include such aspects, in addition to the presence of conservatism in many school communities that oppose the themes in the classroom; Despite this, a group of teachers indicates that they act in defense of human rights, equity and protection of sexual and/or gender diversity, while another group demonstrates that they are not yet prepared to deal with these students.

  • alphabetization and literacy conceptions of alphabetization teachers, relating these conceptions to their pedagogical practices

  • Data: 28-jun-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The general objective of this work is to analyze the alphabetization and literacy conceptions of alphabetization teachers, relating these conceptions to their pedagogical practices. For this, we sought to identify the alphabetization and literacy conceptions of the referred teachers, verifying how these conceptions are incorporated by them in the teaching process; to elaborate the profile of alphabetization teachers, based on theoretical reflections on the subject of study and to investigate how alphabetization teachers at the school locus of this study work on alphabetization and literacy. The research, with a qualitative and descriptive approach, was carried out in a peripheral school in the early years of Elementary School in the municipality of Vitória do Xingu, PÁ, in the interior of the Amazon. The participants of this investigation were 16 alphabetization teachers who teach in first and second year classes (alphabetization cycle). For the production of data, in addition to the literature review, documental analysis of the school's pedagogical proposal and activity notebooks prepared by the participating teachers and semi-structured interviews were carried out. The theoretical-methodological assumptions were based on studies by Soares (1985, 2002, 2004, 2017, 2018, 2021), Street (2006, 2014), Kleiman (2007, 2008, 2010), Bakhtin (2016), Morais (2012), 2019), Morttati (2004, 2006), Ferreiro and Teberosky (1999), Frigotto (1989), Minayo (2007) and their interlocutors. The results of the investigation indicated that there are many reductionisms, conflicts, contradictions and fragmentations in the understanding among alphabetization teachers in relation to the conceptions and practices of alphabetization and literacy in the investigated context, with emphasis on the mechanical learning activities of the alphabetic writing system to the detriment of literacy activities, the latter being almost absent in the responses of the alphabetization teachers and in the activity notebooks analyzed. It was also found that conceptions of alphabetization and literacy, related to a traditional conception of alphabetization, have negative implications for pedagogical practices and make activities aimed at a conception of alphabetization closer to what has been discussed, on the subject under study, unfeasible. In the current academic and educational debate, which aims to guarantee a more complete, creative, integral and meaningful alphabetization process for all Brazilian children; in addition to the impossibility of an organic, transformative and emancipatory education focused on knowledge and social practices.

  • The database of university entrance exams from 2012 to 2020, from the University of the State of Pará (UEPA)

  • Data: 17-ago-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The database of university entrance exams from 2012 to 2020, from the University of the State of Pará (UEPA), gathers information from registered candidates on gender, economic situation, origin school (public or private), race and on People with Disabilities, approved or classified in that educational institution. Based on these data, the primary interest in this Master's dissertation is to discuss the access to higher education for candidates with disabilities, so the comparison item is with the question “Do you have any disabilities?”. This is a dialogic documental research made from the aforementioned database belonging to the Dean’s office of Graduation (PROGRAD) and aims to verify affirmative action policies for higher education for People with Disabilities (PwD), identifying, comparing and analyzing the number of enrolled and the number of approved or classified in the years 2012 to 2020. The thesis is that one of the main principles of intercultural education is access to education for an undergraduate degree at a public university so that it is possible to implement the interrelationship between different subjects, between different cultures, questioning power relations and class, ethnic-racial and capableist inequalities. The theoretical reference is on intercultural studies and on the dialogic studies of discourse analysis from Mikhail Bakhtin and Paulo Freire. The research question is: how does the access policy of candidates with disabilities to the University of the Pará state occur in the years 2012 to 2020? The answers to this question indicates that the selection process itself is exclusive because it is an approval mechanism based on a logic of meritocratic colonialist capitalism that does not consider or recognize the singularities of the subjects, represented in the analysis of the electronic form, in the act of enrollment. The survey results show that the number of PwD approved is small, resulting in only 440 of a total number of approved candidates of 10,255 candidates from 2012 to 2020, which in fact requires a public policy of the UEPA with greater amplitude, problematizing and taking into account intercultural and dialogic studies, in the sense of meeting the demand of PwD people, and at the same time breaking with the dominant capitalist and Eurocentric logic in excluding practices.

  • This research has its study context the Antonio Fausto da Trindade School, located in the Quilombola Community Santo Antônio-Pará

  • Data: 25-ago-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research has its study context the Antonio Fausto da Trindade School, located in the Quilombola Community Santo Antônio-Pará. It characterizes how pedagogical practices trigger the knowledge of quilombola subjects and whether they have contributed to the organization and sociocultural self-affirmation of the community. The research was organized from a qualitative approach, focusing on the Critical History method. The research subjects are 06 (six) teachers and 07 (seven) subjects who live in the community. As methodological support, it uses semi-structured interviews, informal conversations, home visits, analysis of pedagogical documents (the School's Political Pedagogical Project, the Teaching Plan, the Activity Book, the Curricular Guidelines and the Ethnic-Racial Legislation). As a theoretical contribution, it basically uses Arroyo (2012), Candau (2008; 2009; 2012), Flick (2009), Freire (1974; 1983; 1987; 2013), Lopes (1987); Munanga (2006; 2015), Quijano (2005), Rezende (2011), Santos (2006; 2010). The text is divided as follows: introduction, section I, section II and section III. In the introduction, it presents the problem, object, objectives and methodology of the research, in section I, the Political Pedagogical Project of the school is analyzed, and dialogues with the sociocultural reality of the quilombola community, based on an epistemological dialogue. Section II points out if there are pedagogical activities based on the sociocultural knowledge of the quilombola community, in section III, it analyzes how the pedagogical practices of the school are characterized. As a result, it observes that the pedagogical practices have not been contemplating the knowledge of the quilombola community, since they do not dialogue with pedagogical elements of quilombola education. The conclusion indicates that the pedagogical practices of the Antônio Fausto da Trindade school have not significantly activated the knowledge of the students of the quilombola community, through the application of the contents.

  • Eneida's Poetics: Culture, Imaginary and Education in the Amazon

  • Data: 29-sep-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Terra Verde is the title of the first literary work by the writer from Pará, Eneida, a book of poems, which she considered to be the result of her “girl phase”. However, it is through these Amazonian verses that the writer begins her journey in the world of literature. His writing, linked to modernism, reveals the fascination for his homeland: Belém do Pará. Reflecting on Amazonian poetics is a way to open and build new spaces for the recognition of one's origin, so it is possible to discover a vast world of traditions, knowledge, culture and imagination. However, the value given to the literature produced by Amazonian subjects is still unsatisfactory for its recognition within educational institutions. Aeneida's poetics are valuable and extremely relevant for Education in the Amazon, since going through the reminiscences of the Amazonian caboclo, through the images projected in each stanza, can bring the student-reader closer to their sociocultural context. Then sought, through the Aesthetics of Reception, to understand how the work Terra Verde can contribute to an education that values the Amazonian imagination and culture, that is, to a more sensitive and less Cartesian education.

  • Esta investigación realiza un estudio sobre la experiencia de Educación Popular denominada Curso Popular TF Livre y centra su análisis en los impactos y repercusiones de sus actividades en el territorio

  • Data: 01-dic-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Esta investigación realiza un estudio sobre la experiencia de Educación Popular denominada Curso Popular TF Livre y centra su análisis en los impactos y repercusiones de sus actividades en el territorio, a partir de la pregunta: ¿cómo la experiencia del Curso Popular TF Livre, basada en los principios de la Educación Popular, viene contribuyendo a la construcción de una conciencia crítica y a la movilización de los sujetos sociales alcanzados por sus actividades? El objetivo general es investigar cómo la experiencia del Curso TF Livre Popular, basado en los principios de la Educación Popular, viene contribuyendo a la construcción de una conciencia crítica y a la movilización de los sujetos sociales alcanzados por su acción. Los objetivos específicos son Reconstruir el curso histórico de la experiencia del Curso Popular TF Livre; Analizar cómo se desarrollan las acciones del Curso Popular TF Livre y cuáles son sus fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos; Conocer los impactos o repercusiones socioculturales y político-pedagógicas que genera la experiencia del TF Livre en el barrio Terra Firme con los sujetos sociales participantes en el proyecto. Los fundamentos teóricos pasan por la perspectiva de la Educación Popular de Liberación en las atribuciones de sentidos hechas por Paulo Freire, esencialmente, y por otros autores a lo largo de su desarrollo en América Latina y en el mundo, así como desde la perspectiva del surgimiento de cursinhos populares que se basan en esta concepción y se establecen como campos fértiles de prácticas de educación popular. El abordaje metodológico se caracteriza por ser una investigación cualitativa, basada en la perspectiva del Materialismo Histórico y Dialéctico y que busca inscribirse en el campo de las modalidades investigativas críticas desarrolladas dentro de estas respectivas prácticas, a saber: la Investigación-Acción Participativa y la Sistematización de Experiencias. Los resultados elucidan que el trabajo de la TF Livre impacta directamente en la construcción de una conciencia crítica de los educadores y en la movilización de cada uno a favor de la transformación de la realidad social que los rodea. Las consideraciones finales son el momento de reflexionar sobre los resultados y la necesidad de continuidad y ampliación de los estudios en este ámbito.

  • Literacy of students with autism from the perspective of Freirean education: analysis of a class of the action research project in special education of NEP/UEPA. Dissertation. (Master's degree in Education) State University of Pará. Bethlehem, 2022.

  • Data: 20-dic-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research is part of the theme of special education focused on pedagogical practices (FRANCO, 2016) developed in the process of acquiring reading and writing of students with autism, based on the collaborative action research project of the research line Inclusive Education and Diversity, of the Paulo Freire Center for Popular Education (NEP/UEPA) and had as research problem: How do the actions of the project "Literacy of special education students in specialized units and public schools" contribute to the literacy of students and students with autism? General objective: To analyze the contribution of the project "Literacy of special education students in specialized units and public schools" for the literacy of students and students with autism. The methodological path adopted was the field research, with a qualitative approach, based on Flick (2009); Prodanov; Freitas (2013); Oliveira and Mota Neto (2011) and others. The instruments for information acquisition used were: semistructured interview and content analysis of the fifteen NEP educational reports produced by the working group in 2019, these documents are the main strategy, considering elements that confer the particular aspect of this research. The participants were three educators who participated in the action research under the ethical protection guaranteed by the Resolutions (BRASIL, 2012); (BRAZIL, 2016). The treatment and analysis of teaching narratives and documentary information were presented through thematic categories and thematic axes extracted from the research data from the methodological orientation recommended by Oliveira and Mota Neto (2011) and Bardim (2011). The locus of action research is a special education care space, which operates in a state public school in Belém-Pa. The main theoretical discussion was based on the works of Freire (1998; 2001; 2011; 2013; 2015) and Oliveira (2002; 2011; 2014; 2015; 2018), which defend conceptions of progressive and emancipatory formative education through the process of dialogical and critical learning. The tessitura aligned itself with authors who dialogue with the Freirean perspective and critically discuss inclusive education by the principle of rights to human diversity, such as Fernandes and Santos (2018); Fleuri (2018); Orrú (2018), among others. The main results revealed that the pedagogical practices carried out inspired by Freire's educational conception promote meaningful learning, because they are dialogued and critical in writing and reading and were favorable for the emancipatory literacy process of students with autism

  • Social representations of teachers about children’s play and their playful culture in the early grades of elementary school: images and meanings in educational practices

  • Data: 20-dic-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The present research proposal deals with the Social Representation of teachers about children’s play and their playful culture in the early grades of elementary school, their images and meanings in educational practices. It is linked to the Postgraduate Program in Education (Master’s Degree), of the Pará State University (UEPA), in the research line Cultural Knowledge and Education in Amazon. The methodological approach is the scientific method of dynamic and procedural Social Representations (MOSCOVICI, 2015; JODELET, 2001, 2005). It is characterized as a field research, of qualitative approach. Its main objective is to analyze the social representations of teachers in the early grades of elementary school concerning the children’s play and their playful culture, their images and meanings in educational practices. The research locus was a public school of the state education system, located in the city of Belém-PA. The participants of the research were four teachers of the early grades of elementary school, from 1st to 2nd grades/9, and a pedagogical coordinator. The methodological procedures for data production were a bibliographic survey and semistructured interviews with the participants. The treatment and analysis of the material were carried out through Content Analysis of Bardin (1977), to complete the categorization process of Oliveira and Mota Neto (2011). Considering the totality of the theoretical framework addressed, the results of the analysis of the teachers’ Social Representation about children’s play and the relationships with their playful culture point to the presence of a conception of play as an auxiliary method for learning, development and transmission of values in the educational and pedagogical practices. This conception appears as an answer to the new status of children as social actors and their play as an experience of culture. To approach the new, it is grounded in references of pre-existing meanings, of theoretical and methodological models historically constituted in the education field. Facing this challenge, they start from previous knowledge of playing under the directed significant from the pedagogy of artifice, whose didactic principle intends an educational environment, which under objectified playful forms, metaphorizes the children’s play for pedagogical and educational purposes. This model of practice, at the interface between play and children’s education, is projected considering a social image of homogeneous and universal childhood, and the child is idealized, under universalizing theoretical models. However, in another layer and branch of Social Representation in its representative activity, under the same shared meaning of the didactic artifice in the playful forms, the participants’ positions are differentiated. It has to do with the individualization, in what concerns the relations between experience and social representations, as to how they experience the situations, in what affects the subjectivity, facing the daily challenges in the relationship with children and the playful form of their childhood cultures. These are ways experienced in gradations and modulations, implied in meanings and processes, which seem to mark in their effects an important symbolic space of potential approach and dialog with children and their playful culture.

  • Life narratives of early childhood teachers: teaching memories and identities under construction. 2022

  • Data: 22-dic-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This work brings as an object of study the teaching identity in early childhood education and its interface with pedagogical practices, proposing to reflect on the quality of educational practices developed with children at this stage. For this, it was necessary to seek information about the theme in focus, based on the narratives of three (03) teachers of early childhood education, during the field research, in a School of Early Childhood Education (EMEI) in the Municipality of Belém/PA. The study starts from a problematization that proposes to understand: how is the identity process of early childhood education teachers effective in its interface with pedagogical practice? In this sense, we chose as a general objective: to investigate the construction of the teaching identity in early childhood education in its interface with the pedagogical practice. The specific objectives, in turn, were: to verify the process of construction of the teaching identity in its relation with the pedagogical practice and the teaching being; understand from the teachers' memories the aspects that contributed to the process of choosing to work in early childhood education instead of another educational stage; to describe, through narrative interviews, how the teachers' identity process occurs with their work in early childhood education, based on their subjectivities and the objective conditions found at school. In this sense, to work on the concepts of pedagogical practice, we traced a dialogue with basic authors such as: Nóvoa (1992), Arroyo (2013) and Freire (1996). In order to work with the concept of identity, in Ciampa (1984; 1998a; 1998b) we aim at the relationship between presupposed identity and identity as metamorphosis. To broaden the perspective of this debate, we describe in Ariès (1978), the conceptions of the concept of child and childhood. To discuss the perception of quality of work in early childhood education, Zabalza (1998). The interlocutors bring concepts related to teaching in early childhood education, announced by: Kramer (1992), Kuhlmann Jr. e Fernandes (2012) and Azevedo (2013), among others who will help us theoretically in the course of this study. The study will be developed under the socio-historical perspective from Vygotsky (1991), in the light of Freitas (2002) and Molon (2008). For the methodological path, in addition to field research, we will use narrative research, based on the proposals of Nóvoa (1992), Josso (2004; 2016), Jovchelovitch and Bauer (2015) and Souza (2006). And, as a data collection technique, we will work with the narrative interview, according to Schütze (1977). We will use the qualitative approach, accompanied by the descriptive view, in accordance with the studies by Minayo (2002). The data will be studied using the categorization technique, where they will be evaluated using Bardin's (2016) content analysis. The results point to reflections about the teachers' teaching identity and its relationship with the pedagogical practice, aiming to observe the quality of education offered to children in this educational stage.



    Individualized Teaching Plan and three specific goals: to present the Individualized Teaching Plan to understand at what point in the teaching process its methodological application is indicated; survey the pedagogical 

  • Data: 09-feb-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research has as theme the inclusive education and methodology for adapted sports. The study object is the pedagogical practice of the Physical Education Teacher as a sports coach in adapted basketball. The general purpose is to analyze the methodological organization of the pedagogical practice of the Physical Education teacher who works with Wheelchair basketball to verify the mediation category in training with the indication of an Individualized Teaching Plan and three specific goals: to present the Individualized Teaching Plan to understand at what point in the teaching process its methodological application is indicated; survey the pedagogical practices used by the wheelchair basketball teacher to locate individual and collective teaching and training; locate the existence of mediating attitudes to know if the teacher uses inclusion actions. The authors in the theoretical reference are: Glat; Vianna and Redig (2012), Tannús-Valadão (2010), Munster; Lieberman; Samalot-Rivera; Houston-Wilson (2014), Teixeira (2006), Freitas (1977), Castellano and Araújo (2013), Vigotsky (1934), Freire (2015); (1992). The methodology used is a field study and for data collection the semi-structured interview and observation, with appropriation of the Vigotsky's method of materialistic theories and cultural historical psychology. The inclusion criteria in the research were: being a Physical Education teacher, working with adapted sports, wheelchair basketball in Belém do Pará, sign the Informed Consent Form, and the study locus was the Clube All Star Rodas. The text presents three sessions: I Individualized teaching plan and the pedagogical practice of the wheelchair basketball teacher; II The physical education teacher's work with adapted sports; III Mediation as a category for inclusion. It is concluded that the methodological organization of the BCR teacher has as objective the individual and collective work with athletes to respect and meet the specificities of different disabilities. It identifies the benefits that sport provides for practitioners, such as agility, strength, balance, reasoning, attention, improved perception, spatio-temporal notion, socialization, competitive spirit, improved self-esteem, autonomy, independence, and highlights the way the teacher treats students with attitudes of sensitivity and dialogue, develops the inclusion of 120 athletes with different disabilities, it is also noted, during data collection, the transformation of individual and collective behavior and responsibility. Therefore, the study contributes to the field of Education, Adapted Physical Education and Adapted Sport, by analyzing the practice of the BCR teacher, highlighting humanist concepts and the inclusive approach and indicating didactic-pedagogical procedures focused on inclusion, individualized teaching and collective work, which are considered the creation and experimentation and not just movement reproduction, and the development of social, cultural and psychological aspects of groups of people with disabilities.

  • The training of teachers of initial years and the use of New Technologies in their educational practice

  • Data: 26-feb-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This study is the result of the research “The training of teachers of initial years and the use of New Technologies in their educational practice”, developed in Universidade do Estado do Pará and in the municipal network of Belém - RME, with the purpose of analyzing if the initial training of initial years teachers contribute towards the use of technologies in their educational practice. In terms of approach is a research of quanti-qualitative type for the need of resorting to methodological procedures of data collection of quantitative and qualitative value. The research was developed in two stages: the first, with specific technical procedures of quantitative research and on the second stage data collection tools of quantitative and qualitative research were used for data analysis. It is a field research that will be performed in the dialectical perspective focus. For the field research, surveys and interviews were used for data collection. For the surveys a roadmap of questions divided in blocks of questions was elaborated and the interviews were semi structured according to a script and recorded in audio, then transcribed to hear the opinions of the participants of the research for subsequent analysis. For data collection a technique of category analysis was used. The development of categories for the data analysis of the qualitatives research is important for better arrangement of ideas for later interpretations, for that, analytical categories used were chosen from elements that supported the methodological theoretical discussion of this dissertation just as it was divided by the participants of the research: Education students and teachers of RME. The highlighted results of this research are: The need to restructure the PPC of the education program of UEPA, the lack of link between the schools and the university regarding the use of technologies of the educational practice and the constant evaluation of curriculums. Regarding the teachers from RME what is seen is that the knowledge that sustains their practices come not only from their initial training but mostly from expertise acquired throughout their educational practice added to their self tuition and collaborative efforts among teachers; the technologies more frequently used by teachers of the initial years are the computer, the cellphone and the internet; with the lack of educational mastery for the use of these technologies. The Lack of investment on the continuous training coupled by the lack of available equipment form obstacles for the practice that has technology as an ally in the teaching-learning process, creating innovative strategies of teaching focused on intectation; the lack of availability of technologies in the schools limiting the teachers use in their educational practices, with it having only a supportive role for the traditional methods of teaching. Lack of investments in schools, greater access to technologies for the students as there still is a very limited access to technologies in schools.

  • literacy and literacy practices are present in the school routine of 9th grade students of regular elementary school and the Mundiar Project? Do these students' literary literacy practices differ

  • Data: 16-mar-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research deals with literary and non-literary literacy practices of students from the State School of Elementary and High School Our Lady of Guadeloupe, located in the city of Belém-PA. From a qualitative approach, we intend to answer the following guiding questions: What literacy and literacy practices are present in the school routine of 9th grade students of regular elementary school and the Mundiar Project? Do these students' literary literacy practices differ? The general objective was to investigate the reading practices in the school daily life of students of the 9th grade of Elementary School and the Mundiar Project. The specific objectives are: to identify the literacy practices present in the school routine; to highlight the literary or non-literary literacy practices of these students. The school selected for the research site is located in the Tapanã neighborhood, which is one of the neighborhoods in the Icoaraci district. The subjects of this research were 5 (five) students from the 9th grade of elementary school and 5 (five) from the Mundiar Project. As data production instruments, a questionnaire with open and closed questions was applied, observations were made and students were also asked to produce a text. The data produced were analyzed according to the statements of Bakhtin (2017) and the theoretical contributions of Street (2014). The results presented in this essay indicate that the work with reading must perceive aspects that value much more than the act of decoding the writing, since reading is understanding beyond it. Reading is above all a process of understanding that simultaneously mobilizes an articulated system of skills and knowledge to form a communicative competence in the citizen, which can be based on the graphic or visual register, or of another nature, be it a verbal message or non-verbal, which means that everything that can be said can be written, drawn, photographed, that is, be expressed in various other media, and there are countless possibilities for reading, of this diversity of media that permeates the school, which configures it as a privileged space for literacy.

  • Learning at Belas Flores garden: women’s knowledges and education in Santo Daime religion

  • Data: 24-mar-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • ARRAIS, Sabrina Augusta da Costa. Learning at Belas Flores garden: women’s knowledges and education in Santo Daime religion. 2021. 164 f. Text of Dissertation (Master in Education) – University of Pará State, Belém, 2021. The current study addresses women’s knowledges and educational practices that arise from daily experiences in Santo Daime religion. From the conception of “teacher plants”, in which it is believed that certain vegetables are able to impart knowledge, stands out a plant known as a teacher by excellence: ayahuasca. It is a indigenous beverage, used in different contexts, particularly in Santo Daime religion, originated within the Amazon Rainforest in the early 20th century. Starting from the perspective of Brandão (2002), who understands education as culture, therefore perpassing school boundaries, Santo Daime is analyzed as an eminently educational space, in which multiple knowledge mediated by ayahuasca are circulating: cognitive, existential, artistic and medicinal, among others (ALBUQUERQUE, 2011). In the notion that ayahuasca gathers a “knowledge ecology” (Santos, 2009), this study aims to analyze educational practices daily experienced in Santo Daime religion and women’s knowledges arising from these practices. The methodology was based in Arias (2010), in the sense of establishing field ethnographic experience “from the heart”, once it approaches an insurgent wisdom, that demands observation and analysis dynamics not related to western epistemological models, which perpetuates coloniality processes. The research was performed at Casa de Oração Estrela D’água, located in Colares Island (PA), and the investigative means, based on oral history, were: semi structured interview, photographic register, daily conversation and active observation. Theoretically, this research was based in Brandão (2002), Ellsworth (2005), Ingold (2010) and Albuquerque (2011, 2018) studies, under decolonial perspective. Thus, an educational dimension is observed in Santo Daime religion, organized by a decolonial cultural pedagogy that emerges from ayahuasca wisdom. Nonetheless, heteronormative and patriarchal social models are perpetuated within Daime practices, contraditory to the “female doctrine” constructed by Daime community itself. Therefore, women’s knowledges related to the practice of singing and handling of the leaves that compose the beverage are also considered as means of ensuring protagonism positions and, simultaneously, resistance to the gender inequality dynamics, still present in this religion.

  • In this context, we highlight the figure of the school teacher, the main school agent who works on the internship, accompanying, guiding the trainee students.

  • Data: 27-abr-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This study addresses the theme of the internship, a mandatory curricular component in teacher training courses, which is effective through the university-school articulation, based on the relationship between university professor, school teacher and trainee student. Aiming to bring future teachers closer to the field. Thus, the internship has been considered of fundamental importance for the training of teachers. However, several researches in the area have found limitations in its effectiveness. Thus, we start from the assumption that, the qualified development of the internship must consider that the training practices are produced collectively. In this context, we highlight the figure of the school teacher, the main school agent who works on the internship, accompanying, guiding the trainee students. Thus, we indicate that our goal is to analyze the conception of teachers who participate in the curricular internship of the Physical Education degree course at the University of the State of Pará. In this investigative process, we have adopted historical - dialectical Materialism as a method based on logic, which seeks to apprehend the object within the totality of complex and contradictory reality, based on a conception of the world, presenting a connection with the political and ideological aspects that corroborate the perspective of a society against hegemony. As methodological procedures, they were carried out; the bibliographic survey of the production of knowledge that focuses on the teachers of the school field of internship; the analysis of the main documents that govern the internship; and the application of semi-structured interviews with professors of the permanent staff who acted as collaborators of internships I and II of the CEDF / UEPA, of the field schools and of the university. And as a data analysis technique, we use content analysis. The production of knowledge that focuses on collaborating teachers has indicated that although the internship is legitimized in training based on the university-school relationship, there are many difficulties in implementing it. The collaborating teacher is a key element in the development of the internship and needs institutional, legal and training support, so that he can carry out his training actions in the training of future Physical Education teachers. The analysis of the collaborator professor's conception showed that there are many weaknesses in the accomplishment of the internship, absence of collaborative work, of training for collaborating teachers, of an official and professional attitude that guides the insertion and the work of collaborating teachers. What contributed to a distorted and dichotomized view of the internship by the collaborating teachers. Although the collaborating teachers understand the importance of the internship, a view based on traditional models of training predominates. However, collaborating teachers have realized the broad training potential of the internship, but they do not recognize themselves as trainers because there is no institutional definition of their role in the internship. However, collaborating teachers have agreed to collaborate with the internship, seeking to contribute to some extent the training of future teachers in the internship.


  • Acutipereira River in the municipality of Portel in the Marajó Archipelago-State of Pará

  • Data: 23-jun-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research was developed with the objective of investigating the following problem: To what extent can a Didactic Sequence involving the concept of human Reproduction according to the Cultural History perspective contribute to the reflective environment on Teen Pregnancy? The research was carried out with the participation of eleven (11) high school students enrolled in the Modular Teaching Organization System (SOME) in a riverside school located on the Acutipereira River in the municipality of Portel in the Marajó Archipelago-State of Pará. As anchorage theoretical based on the concepts of speech, learning and language from the Historical Cultural Theory with the translation and interpretation of Prestes (2010) and other theorists. In the methodology, we developed a qualitative approach, using a Didactic Sequence (SD) for the activity based on the theoretical assumptions of (Zabala, 2011). For the analysis of the interactions of the activities, we work with the theoretical assumptions of Góes (2000) known as Microgenetic Analysis. The research was carried out with the participation of eleven (11) riverside high school students enrolled in the Modular Teaching Organization System (SOME) in a school located on the Acutipereira River in the municipality of Portel in the Marajó Archipelago-State of Pará. In the results we observed through microgenetic analysis that the participating students showed a greater understanding of complex concepts about human reproduction when it worked according to reality, identifying basic structures of human reproductive systems, followed by a positive reflection on the pregnancy of adolescents in the region, of way that our lens pointed out benefits in the development of the activities developed by the use of pedagogical texts organized from problems of their daily life, thus contributing to a reflective debate around the social problems experienced by young people and adolescents, as well as a possibility of improvement in the teaching-learning process in bio in high school at a riverside school in the Amazon Marajoara

  • Youth and Adult in Special Needs Education: teaching practices in a school at the city of Belém

  • Data: 16-ago-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This study provides an analysis of the teaching practices of teachers in Youth and Adult Special Needs Education that teach disabled students on regular education. Therefore, the main objective of this text, is to analyses how are the teaching practices of teachers of Youth and Adult Special Needs Education that act into regular classrooms that integrate disabled students in Elementary and High Public School. From this, the study aims, specifically: (a)to identify the notion that Youth and Adult in Special Needs Education Teachers have over theirs disabled students at Elementary and High Public School. (b) to analyses the disabled student’s educational work’s Dynamic at Elementary and High Public School; and (c) to determine the existing mishaps that hinder the Youth and Adult Special Needs Education Teachers pedagogical approach for disabled students. The research developed through the thesis is of the case study, for it is the one which better represents the reality of a classroom, just as the unfolding of its teaching practices that we intend to analyze, since They provide an empirical elaboration of the subjects studied in this research. As data collection, are used semi-structured interviews and the systematized analysis of data was done from the analysis of Oliveira e Mota Neto’s content (2011). From the results obtained, it is highlighted that the school lacks physical infrastructure to provide appropriate inclusion for disabled students by not offering Special Educational Service Spaces during night classes and not having a Youth and Adult in Special Needs Education Teacher. Also noted that, for some teachers, the special education needs are dependent of medical report, despite the reality of the disability and the global right of access to education, inclusive if necessary. It was, also, possible to verify teaching practices that are inclusive to disabled students and stimulate the capabilities They possess so that the educational process occurs appropriately. It is also noteworthy to have found contradictory practices, a teacher who had a segregating view of Special Education, but was analyzed within a social, political and systemic context, and another educator who developed inclusive and humanizing practices with the students from his conception of education and disability.

  • THE SILP OF THE SERPENT: poetics knowledges in indigenous narratives about the Big Snake

  • Data: 22-sep-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research investigates the poetic knowledge of the Great Amazonian Serpent, in the indigenous imaginary of diverse ethnicities. As a research objective, we reflect on the organization of poetic knowledge about the Big Snake, the great enchanted serpent that inhabits the rivers and forests of the Amazon, and see how these poetic knowledge constitute an educational source. Therefore, it is a bibliographic study, theoretically based on authors from the field of poetics, memory and indigenous narratives. This study is methodologically based on bibliographic research (GIL, 2008), whose approach is qualitative (MINAYO, 2002), with a theoretical-methodological approach anchored in social phenomenology (SCHÜTZ, 1979). The modality of this study is interpretive (SEVERINO, 2007) and its technique is based on the comparative analisys (GIBBS, 2009). To this end, we spoke with authors such as Mindlin (1997; 2007) and Barbosa Rodrigues (1890) and Munduruku (2009), among others, in order to understand how the Amazon Imaginary is established as an approached category, as well as how the narrative variants are collected in different collections. times. Based on the relationships already established with the authors, it is possible to understand that the investigated beings navigate in countless possibilities to immerse and emerge from rivers and forests that give access to “lands without evils”, a place where the diverse enchantments of the legendary Amazon reside and that they give access to their particular senses and their universalities. In this relationship, the winding paths that the great snake follows in the river of the word link us and lead us to the educational knowledge of the enchanters, which feed us and flow directly to our academic existence, as Amazonian researchers.

  • This research aims to analyze the ethical positions and cultural knowledge from the life narratives of residents of Baía do Sol-Mosqueiro-PA

  • Data: 27-sep-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research aims to analyze the ethical positions and cultural knowledge from the life narratives of residents of Baía do Sol-Mosqueiro-PA. Life narratives are excerpts from the history of each resident-narrator, considered significant and involving their knowledge and knowledge in view of ethical positions, in view of the relationship between the self and the other through the act of narrating. The central question of the research is: which knowledge emerges from the ethical positions of the residentsnarrators of Baía do Sol-Mosqueiro? The methodological path of this research is based on a qualitative approach, emphasizing narratives through the methodological procedure conversation wheels, which underlies the dialogical relationships that dimension the types of ethics involved in this scientific-narrative process, based on dialogical analysis, given a social and political dimension of dialogue as a source of analysis to support this dynamic process. The research techniques used were the research diary, the conversation wheels, with the recording of videos to constitute the research corpus. The theoretical framework of the research are: Bakhtin (2014, 2016, 2017, 2018) and Freire (2014, 2015). The results obtained in the corpus reveal the types of ethics involved in their reports and the knowledge that emerges from the dialogue present in these dialogic meetings, constituting positions in relation to ethical issues and other factors such as family, memory, migration, education, territory, work situations, knowledge and Amazonian tales

  • Teaching the Fundamental Principle of Counting through experimental activities

  • Data: 28-sep-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This work presents the results of a research, whose objective was to analyze the effects of the application of a didactic sequence based on the teaching of mathematics Teaching by Experimental Activities have on the performance of students of the 5th year of elementary school, in solving issues involving the Fundamental Principle of Counting. In addition, the research also proposes to answer some questions: What are the effects of a didactic sequence based on the teaching of mathematics by experimental activities have on the performance of students of the 5th year of elementary school in solving questions involving the Fundamental Principle of Counting? The theoretical contribution taken as a reference was Conceptual Field Theory and Teaching by Activities. The path chosen for this work keeps the assumptions of Didactic Engineering as a research methodology, consequently it was divided into 4 stages: Previous Analysis presented the theoretical foundation and the works that approach the Multiplicative Conceptual Field, the Combinatorial and the Fundamental Principle of Counting. In the second section called a priori conception and analysis, we present the theoretical basis of teaching by activities and the description of the instruments: the tests and a didactic sequence for teaching the Fundamental Principle of Counting. The third section describes the experimentation, the collection of information, which was obtained with the 5th year students of a state school in the District of Icoaraci in Belém. In the last section, called a posteriori analysis and validation, we present the results, obtained from percentage comparisons between test results, we also used Pearson's linear correlation to ascertain that socioeducational issues had no significant influence on the results of the tests in this research. In addition to the Hypothesis Test, which showed a significant increase in performance between tests, which corroborates that the positive increase in student performance between the pre-test and post-test was the result of the didactic sequence used at work.

  • Educação Escolar Indígena “Itaputyr” Tembé Tenetehara e o
    Ensino de Filosofia: olhar decolonial e intercultural na Amazônia paraense.

  • Data: 30-sep-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • MORAES JUNIOR, Henrique de. “Itaputyr” Indigenous School Education Tembé Tenetehara and the
    Teaching of Philosophy: a decolonial and intercultural look in the Amazon region of Pará. 2021. 437f.
    Dissertation (Postgraduate Program in Education) – University of the State of Pará, Belém, 2021.
    This Master's Thesis aims to analyze how the philosophical, educational and cultural knowledge of the Tembé
    Tenetehara people are incorporated into Philosophy Teaching in the pedagogical and curricular processes of
    the “Itaputyr” Indigenous State High School. Its specific objectives are: a) to check, based on the problematic
    universal cores, the ritual and culture of the Tembé Tenetehara people, which knowledge is considered to be
    philosophical and educational that guide life in the Zawara Uhu community; b) verify in the Philosophy
    Teaching of the Indigenous State High School “Itaputyr” if there is an intercultural and/or colonial
    relationship between the Ritual of the Porridge and Moqueado Festival and the philosophical knowledge of
    the European tradition; c) identify the concept of education (coloniality and/or interculturality) underlying
    the politicalpedagogical project, involving the curriculum, teaching material, lesson plan, teacher training,
    didactics, methodology and evaluation of apprenticeship, from the Indigenous State High School “Itaputyr”
    Tembé Tenetehara; and d) point out how the relationship between the philosophical knowledge of the Tembé
    community with the philosophical knowledge of the European tradition in the teaching of philosophy is
    established. The Methodological paths assumed in the Research were: the State of Knowledge with the
    descriptors: Indigenous School Education; Interculturality; Intercultural Education; Teaching of Philosophy;
    Coloniality. The analyzes of the Theses and Dissertations evidenced the absence of works that address the
    indigenous philosophical knowledge in Indigenous School Education in the Amazon region of Pará; The
    research is qualitative and field; the Study Method is the Analectical. The Locus of Investigation was the
    Indigenous State School of Elementary and High School “Itaputyr”, located in the Alto Rio Guamá
    Indigenous Land in the State of Pará in the city of Capitão Poço in the municipality of Santa Luzia do Pará
    – PA. The interlocutors of the Study are: the Chief, Indigenous Leadership of the Zawara Uhu Village for
    possessing the philosophical and educational knowledge underlying the Ritual of the Porridge Festival
    (kàwi'u haw), of the Moqueado (wyra'u haw) and the Teaching Teacher Middle School Philosophy at the
    “Itaputyr” School. The following Procedures were adopted: o Bibliographic Survey on matters relating to
    Indigenous School Education; Decolonial Theory; Liberation Philosophy; Indigenous Philosophy;
    Intercultural Philosophy; Teaching of Philosophy; Interculturality and Education and the History of the
    Tembé Tenetehara People and their way of life and the Ritual of Porridge (kàwi'u haw) and Moqueado
    (wyra'u haw). Document Analysis was carried out on the Political-Pedagogical Curriculum Project; the
    Lesson Plan; Teacher Training, Didactic Material; the Pedagogical Practice, the Methodology Strategy and
    the Learning Assessment. A Freirean Dialogic Interview was also carried out with the Chief, Indigenous
    Leadership and the Professor of Philosophy. The analysis and systematization occurred through content
    analysis, from the thematic category with: a) “Modernity and Coloniality: decolonial, intercultural critique
    in education and teaching of philosophy”; b) “The Tembé Tenetehara People: history, locus, philosophy,
    education and cultural ritual”; c) “Indigenous Policy, Indigenous School Education in Brazil and in the State
    of Pará”; d) “Indigenous School Education ‘Itaputyr’ Tembé Tenetehara: indigenous educational policy,
    school and curricular politicalpedagogical project”; and e) “Teaching Philosophy and Philosophical
    Knowledge in Indigenous School Education ‘Itaputyr’ Tembé Tenetehara: political pedagogical project for
    curriculum, decoloniality and interculturality in the Amazon region of Pará”, Analytical categories were
    identified such as: Eurocentrism; the Coloniality of power, gender, being, memory, knowledge and nature;
    Decoloniality; the indigenous and intercultural liberation philosophy; intercultural education; functional and
    critical interculturality; banking and liberating education; indigenous school education; and the Teaching of
    Philosophy. Finally, Ethical Care. It is inferred, the absence of philosophical and educational knowledge of
    the Tembé People in the teaching of Philosophy through the Coloniality of European Knowledge in the
    absence of critical intercultural knowledge, with a functional relationship of labor, the full absence of
    Indigenous School Education being overcome for democratic, liberating, decolonial and critical intercultural
    education in PPP and in teaching, execution of EEI and Bem Viver Tenetehara.


  • Data: 25-nov-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The following work entitled “Education, gender and sexuality in cyberspace: learning in conservative and progressive Facebook groups” is a Master's thesis in Education made and presented throughout the COVID-19 pandemic period (SARS-CoV- 2), which was driven by the problem question on how LGBTI+ individuals learn and what they learn about gender and sexuality in online interaction groups; we have researched about how their learning about gender and sexuality take place in virtual community of human rights defense and also in conservative religious virtual community on the social network Facebook. The research aimed at understanding how the education on gender and sexuality takes place in the context of Facebook groups. Then, its specific goals were: describing how online education on gender and sexuality is set up in virtual groups that stand up for LGBTI+ people rights, and also for principles of Conservative Christian Right; Understanding the community mediators and users’ participation means/mechanisms on online processes of interaction, discussion and understanding of issues related to gender and sexuality and comparing the realities of different virtual groups, pointing out similarities and differences in the teaching and learning processes. This work presents a qualitative study carried out through social phenomenology (SCHUTZ, 1979), virtual ethnography (POLIVANOV, 2013; FRANKHAM and MCRAE, 2015) as a data gathering method besides using the documentary method (GARFINKEL, 1967; BOHNSACK; 1999; WELLER, 2005) for data interpretation. We have researched as a distant observer the daily life and interactions of four Facebook community, i.e., two progressive groups, one conservative group and one group that flows between the two features. The theoretical background was based on foucaultian post-structuralism (FOUCAULT, 1979; 1987; 2003), on queer theory and education by Guacira Louro (2000; 2001; 2012) and Richard Miskolci (2009; 2017) as well as cyberspace concepts by Pierre Lévy (1999). As a result, it was noticed that conservatism and progressivism are blended in groups’ daily experiences which deals with gender and sexuality issues; the cyberculture of Facebook groups presents itself as conducive to the teaching of marginalized themes in the School, hate speeches, Fake News dissemination and transmission of moral panic are worrying factors in gender and sexuality struggles in cyberspace.

  • Teachers' practices at the interface between special education and rural education in a specialized institution.

  • Data: 22-dic-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Since the implementation of Special Education from the perspective of inclusive education, it has been discussed how its processes can take place in the most varied spaces, shapes and dimensions. In the latter case, works dealing with special education in interface with other modalities such as rural education are included. This is the case of children with disabilities who live in the countryside and study in the city. In this, the research analyzes the pedagogical practices of teachers with riverside children of a Specialized Educational State Unit (SESU) that serves students with blindness and low vision in the city of Belém do Pará. In a qualitative approach, having as a methodological procedure the field research using semi-structured interviews and observation with the instruments field diary, photographic record, analysis of school documents and, having as participants 03 special education teachers from different sectors of SESU the results were obtained: the SESU is still defined as the “only school” for the type of disability above and, in general, has adequate space for the functioning of the services; by law, all of his work was based on Specialized Educational Assistance (SEA); some students have other disabilities and/or comorbidities that are considered by the SESU in its plans and teaching practices; there are rural and/or riverside students with disabilities who come to the SESU and who are not necessarily enrolled in a regular school, and riverside students, despite some developments in teaching practices that drive intercultural processes, are still not considered in the Individual Pedagogical Plans ( IPPs); In addition, it was identified that there are students from the countryside who stay in the city to have SEA directly for a week, because when they return to their homes, they will stay there for two months due to transport difficulties, thus making the service schedule for these students more flexible, but, harming them in attending regular classes. The analyzed data point to the need for an inclusive and intercultural education planned for the riverside student with a disability, who often has the SESU as the only educational space for all its services, including regular teaching assistants. However, it was verified: few pedagogical-teaching practices that consider the riverside interculturality of each child; lack of interface training and little contact from the Pedagogical Coordination and Special Education Managers with regard to teacher training, among other issues. With this, it is hoped that the research can subsidize the debate that will strengthen the few intercultural or interface pedagogical practices that already exist in the SESU and problematize innovative actions that increasingly raise the dialogue of special education with other areas that consider the identities and specificities of people with disabilities, in particular riverside children, who live in the countryside and study in the city.




    The Flame ofthePulsingandBurning Star: SensitiveEducation in thePoetic Prose ofAbguar Bastos

  • Data: 30-ene-2020
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • CONCEIÇÃO, Evellin Natasha Figueiredo da. The Flame ofthePulsingandBurning Star: SensitiveEducation in thePoetic Prose ofAbguar Bastos, 2020, 136 f. Dissertation (Master in Education). StateUniversityof Pará, Belém - Pará, 2020.


    Floodedwithrivers, colors, woods, aromas, etc. theAmazonisanextremelymultifaceted region. The nativesestablish a differentrelationshipwiththeenvironment in whichthey are inserted, in a spacethatbecomesaestheticizedfrom a close connection withthe natural (LOUREIRO, 2015). It is in thiscontextthatthe book “Somanlu, The Star Traveler” byAbguar Bastos, published in 1953. One crucial point, whichformsthe core ofthenarrative, It isthefactthattheexplanations for thegenesisofthings are wovenfrommythopoetics. For twentymoons, Abguar shows usanotherperceptionaboutthebirthofbeings in the world. In thissense, it provides a strongimage game thatsensitizesthereader's gaze, in anexpressivestateofaesthetic-literaryenjoyment. Somanlu, theprotagonistofthenarrative, iscategorical in establishingallhis networks of communication withtheotherfrom a sensitiveconductbasedontherelationshipwithnature. The time in whichtheiradventures are narratedisdistinct, henceanotherviewofexistence, drenched in sensitivity. Contactwiththe star iscriticalto its humanflow. The star istheconductoroftripswhichgivethe boy recognitionoftruthsthat are oftendifficulttounderstand. Each time youtravelwithinyouunderstandeven more themeaningoflifeandunderstandhowmuchslowingdownyourexistenceisnecessary, in ordertohave a keener insight intothethingsaroundyou. Myintent in thisspaceistoreflectontheknowledgethroughwhichthemythopoeticnarrativesthatgeneratehistorypassthrough, from a conceptionofeducationthatrecognizesthecorporealsensibility as a fundamental element in theconstructionoftheknowledge.

  • This work aims to develop the sign-terms corresponding to the following Vaganova’s Ballet moves: first, second and third positions

  • Data: 04-feb-2020
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This work aims to develop the sign-terms corresponding to the following Vaganova’s Ballet moves: first, second and third positions, Tendu, Plié, Jeté, Fondu, Frappé, Grandbatments and Rond. Its specific objectives are: to identify the communication of deaf students during ballet learning; to inspect if there is any record of the signs relative to Vaganova’s Ballet moves; to verify and register what are the necessary parameters to create sign-terms related to each specific ballet’s movement; to systematize a glossary of Vaganova’s Ballet sign-terms. As theoretical reference, there is Faulstich (2014), Tuxi (2017), Quadros (2004) and their interlocutors. This is a qualitative and descriptive research, done in two stages: creation and validation of sign-terms. The first stage was done in an open and informal environment, with ten adult participants, seven of which were deaf; the second stage was done in a deaf’s school dance room, with ten participants, of which, one was a hearer adult and nine were deaf children students – five boys and four girls. In the creation stage, the Vaganova’s Ballet movements were analyzed and, based on LIBRAS’ parameters, the sign-terms were created. In the validation of the signs stage, eight classes were taught to the deaf children in order to teach the sign-terms. The two stages were recorded through photography and filming. In order to create the sign-terms, the visual details and the name of the movements were analyzed; in order to validate the sign-terms, a teaching-learning environment was set up, in which, through practical lessons, taught by a ballet professional, hearer, with a basic level of LIBRAS, the ballet movements were taught, using the sign-terms created in the first stage of the research. The analysed data came from the material collected at the two stages of the research. It showed the importance of the creation of sign-terms to deaf people’s learning in the educational context of dance.

  • History and Life Memory of Students with
    Disabilities in EJA

  • Data: 14-jul-2020
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • OLIVEIRA, Iranildo da Silva. History and Life Memory of Students with
    Disabilities in EJA. 2020. 138 f. Thesis (Mastership in Education) – State University
    of Pará, Belém, 2020.
    This master's thesis research sought to narrow two teaching modalities that have
    their achievements from the social struggle, being Young and Adults Education –
    EJA that is a teaching modality aimed at young, adults and the elderly and the other
    is Special Education that have as target audience people with disabilities, global
    developmental disorder and high abilities/giftedness. Sought to answer the following
    question: In what way do students with disabilities experience inclusion and
    schooling in Young and Adult Education classes in the city of Santa Maria do Pará?
    The aim is to know through life history how students with disabilities experience the
    process of inclusion in the EJA modality in the municipality of Santa Maria do Pará,
    northeast of the state of Pará. About the methodology, Life History was used. The
    type of research was field with qualitative approach. The locus of the research was
    the municipality of Santa Maria do Pará, northeast of the state of Pará, distant about
    100 km from the capital Belém. The research participants were three students from
    EJA, one with physical disability and two with intellectual disability. The interview with
    a semi-structured script was used as data collection instrument. The data’s analysis
    happened through the analysis categories. The results were: two students with
    intellectual disabilities and one with physical disabilities; only two participants had
    specialized clinical follow-up; the participants moved outside of the municipality to
    perform clinical procedures and follow-up; there is no physical therapy for two
    participants who need it; there is a lack of partnership between health, social
    assistance and education; the participants studied in schools located in their
    communities during childhood; the participants did not have Specialized Educational
    Service - AEE during early childhood education; there is an absence of accessibility
    in the rural school; two participants stopped studying during elementary school, one
    due to the closure of the rural school and the other due to the lack of a wheelchair;
    the participants arrived at EJA without understanding about this modality; one
    participant never knew the AEE; two participants have attended AEE since
    elementary school; there is a mismatch between legislation and the provision of AEE
    in the rural school; the participants build their identities from the space they live in
    and what they produce; two participants identify themselves as people with
    disabilities; there are other results that are present in this dissertation.

  • analysing how the herb handlers who work at the Ver-o-Peso market develop their know-how ways, the educational dimension of such practices and its contribuitions to the Amazon intercultural education study.

  • Data: 17-ago-2020
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This study consists in analysing how the herb handlers who work at the Ver-o-Peso market develop their know-how ways, the educational dimension of such practices and its contribuitions to the Amazon intercultural education study. The realization of this dissertation was embodied from the participation of the following subjects: Edna, Maria Loura, Elizangela, Socorro Loura, Vanessa and João. This research locus was the Ver-o-Peso complex, located in Belém do Pará, in Comércio neighborhood, between Boulevard Castilhos França Avenue and Guajará Bay.Regarding to the methodological characterization, it consists in a qualitative approach research (MINAYO, 2002); field research (SEVERINO, 2007), which data acquisition took placein the herbs sector. It is situated the present research in agreement with the critical-dialectical focus. It is a case study (LUDKE;ANDRE, 1986). It was adopted as methodological strategy the knowledge cartography, based in the symbolic cartography of Boaventura de Sousa Santos.With regards to the methodological procedures, it were conducted semi structured interviews with the herb handlers, in the herbs sector; observation in loco (MINAYO, 1994) and photographic records. For the participation in the research, an Informed Consent Form (TCLE) was carried out. Concerning to the data systematization and analysis, analytic and thematic categories were built (OLIVEIRA; MOTA NETO, 2011).The categories building had content analysis tecniques as reference (BARDIN, 2010). From the organization of the acquired data, the themes autonomy of being herb handler, know-how and teach-learn emerged. Regarding to their know-how ways of medicinal herbs preparing, the subjects demonstrated aspects such as: memory, belief, religiosity and family heritage. The responses about teaching and learning experiences evidenced places beyond the herbs sector and moments beyond the work, as the experiences shared in family daily life.The educative character present in the herb handlers know-how ways corresponds to the daily experiences of such subjects, related to the acts of teaching and learning, the knowledges of healing experience and herbs medicinal properties.Among the experiences reported by the subjects, it was observed a bathingof learning, referring to the baths practiced and the teas and “garrafadas” (mixture of herbs with medicinal purposes) used by the subjetcs. Characteristics such as: the experience of feeling and distinguishing medicinal herbs, the importance of the relationship between spiritual energy, body and mind, which constitute the know-how ways of the subjects; evidence corporealities and announce cultural expressivities that contribute to the critical intercultureality, in view of the affirmatives about the autonomies of being herb handler, the specificities of the knowledges about healing and wellness and the daily life of teachings and learnings, built from the subjects life experiences




    to the denunciation of the Other's denial and oppression and to the announcement of the Other in its otherness in the years 1995 to 2019

  • Data: 24-ago-2020
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research has as object the / Other in memories, productions and actions of educators and educators of the Center for Popular Education Paulo Freire - NEP in the Pará Amazon throughout its twenty-five years of history, an object delimited from the restlessness how NEP's productions and actions have contributed to the denunciation of the Other's denial and oppression and to the announcement of the Other in its otherness in the years 1995 to 2019? In order to address this problem, we aim to analyze how the NEP, in its 25 years, in terms of its productions and actions, has contributed to denouncing the Other's denial and oppression and to the Other's announcement in its otherness, promoting popular education and critical interculturality in the state of Pará. The progress of this research was possible through a qualitative approach, conducting historical research, based on Cultural History (BURKE, 1992), case study (LUDKE; ANDRÉ, 1986) and systematization of experience (JARA, 2017). The locus of the investigation is the Popular Education Center Paulo Freire (NEP / UEPA), in the historical section from 1995 to 2019 and the subjects are educators of the Center. The methodological procedures are: bibliographic and documentary analysis, in addition to oral history with a semi-structured interview. Data analysis was carried out through categorizations, based on Content Analysis (BARDIN, 2011) and the use of ethical research care through the Informed Consent Form. Its main theoretical references in the field of discussion of the Other are: Freire (2015a), Arroyo (2014), Dussel (1993), Oliveira (2015), Fleuri (2017), Walsh (2008) and Santos (2010a); in popular education: Freire (2018), Brandão (2002), Mota Neto (2015) and Puiggrós (1994). In the course of the investigation, a state of knowledge about popular Freirean education, about the history of a research group and about otherness and Paulo Freire was realized. As a result of the investigation, the foundation history of the Youth and Adult Literacy Program (PROALTO) was systematized, followed by NEP, in addition to presenting how the Center defines itself, how its history is marked by concern and learning with the Another and some challenges and contributions from the Nucleus listed by the narrating subjects. Also presented are some NEP productions and actions, developed in these 25 years, such as: research, Study and Works Group and coordination of the Paulo Freire da Amazônia Chair. Then, also as a result of the research, there is a discussion about education, the concept of popular education for the NEP, popular education in Latin America and Brazil, as well as some specificities of Freire's popular education. Finally, the latest version results about who the subjects are Others in the history of NEP; about denunciations of how the subjects with whom NEP works are denied and announcements of how NEP fights these oppressions in search of recognizing the alterity of these subjects, announcements that go through the recognition of pain, the expansion of possibilities of existences and knowledge, for problematization and intercultural encounters. We end with general considerations about the research and its implications.
  • BETWEEN THE NOISE AND THE SILENCE, THE WISDOM IS MADE... SAVE D. MARIA PADILHA: on the hem of her skirt the swirling knowledge of an education that sings

  • Data: 31-ago-2020
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • L’ange du Seigneur a annoncé à la Vierge Marie, et elle a conçu le Saint-Esprit ... Laroyê, mojubá,
    Saravá D. Maria Padilha!» Quelles voix-corps tapissent mon corps? Afro religieux, marqué
    par des insignes chrétiens catholiques, nourri et éduqué par des femmes Marajoara, enceintes de
    connaissances afro-amérindiennes. Des voix qui résonnent dans les temples afro-amazoniens,
    selon les mots de D. Maria Padilha. Reine espagnole du XIVe siècle, devenue une entité spirituelle,
    entrelacée de divinités africaines, règne comme une réminiscence ancestrale. Par ses
    paroles D. Padilha, il nourrit et instruit les enfants et les adeptes du terreiro, pour une culture de
    résistance du peuple saint en Amazonie. Entrevoir les connaissances de D. Maria Padilha, une
    entité afro-religieuse, est ce que cette recherche vise: à travers une méthodologie autobiographique
    (Freeman, 2006), en buvant aux sources fructueuses de Poética Orais (Zumthor, 2010);
    coudre des réseaux de l’Imaginaire (Bachelar, 1998) avec les tissages de la Mémoire (Halbwachs,
    1990) et de l’Histoire des habitants d’Axé (Sodré, 2017); construire des ponts entre les
    connaissances de Terreiro et éduquer le sensible (Maffesoli, 1998), entre la poésie et la rigueur
    scientifique; en emmêlant les concepts et les perspectives décoloniales (Santos, 2008; Rufino,
    2016-2018) qui insultent un éducateur plus heureux et plus humain; qu’à travers Voice, un phénomène
    est fait pour être capté par les sens et décrit par une écriture poetnographique (Silva ;
    Lima, 2014). Ainsi, j’ai l’intention de décrire des actions dans un contexte afro-religieux, et
    d’analyser qualitativement les déclarations / informations obtenues, qui se présentent comme
    des récits du sujet recherché, D. Maria Padilha, lorsqu’elles se manifestent dans une transe médiumnique,
    peuvent être rejetées dans les liens d’une éducation sensible, qu’au-delà de ce que
    leurs inquisiteurs supposent savoir, ils enseignent, et ils le font, comme une chanson qui plante
    dans le monde, une manière d’être, un amour qui éclabousse sur nous et agité.

  • How are the religious literacy practices of the elderly configured in the São Francisco Xavier Catholic Community

  • Data: 31-ago-2020
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • In this study, the daily life of the Catholic community São Francisco Xavier was investigated with the objective of identifying the religious literacy practices of the elderly that compose it. With a qualitative approach, to answer the following problem question: How are the religious literacy practices of the elderly configured in the São Francisco Xavier Catholic Community? Thus starting from the following guiding questions: a) What are the religious literacy practices existing in the community of São Francisco Xavier? b) How do these educational practices develop within the community? c) What knowledge emanates from religious literacy practices in the social context of the community? The locus of the research is a Catholic community, located in the Marco neighborhood in Belém / PA, the subjects of the research are the elderly. For the production of the data, direct observation was used; photographic record of religious literacy practices in the community and semi-structured interviews. The basic theorists of the research are Street (2014), Bakhtin (2016) and their interlocutors. The data obtained for the composition of the corpus reveal relations of sabares and religious practices in the context of this community, thus constituting the recognition of religious Literacy among the subjects of the research. Configuring, within the practices and events, that the elderly practice in the community: pilgrimages, meetings to pray the rosary, meetings for reading the Bible, worship, funerals, Christmas pilgrimages, the month of Mary, among others, permeated by languages oral and written.

  • Dialogic and antidialogical relationships between students with and without disabilities and educators in a high school class at a public school in Icoaraci - PA.

  • Data: 31-ago-2020
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This dissertation has a problem question: how do the dialogical and antidialogical relationships between students with and without disabilities and educators occur in a high school class? This research aims to analyze the dialogic and antidialogical relationships between students with and without disabilities and educators in a high school class. The theoretical framework of this investigation is based on Freire (1982, 1985, 1986 2001, 2003, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018); Oliveira (2017,2015), Fleuri (2018); Guedes (2007); Scocuglia (2019). The methodological conception is based on the qualitative approach in the perspective of Freire's dialogical analysis. The research subjects were three students with disabilities - one student without disabilities - two educators. The methodological procedures were bibliographic and documentary survey; semi-structured dialogic interview, observation and field diary. The systematization and analysis of the data were through analytical and thematic categories. The results revealed the dialogical and antidialogical relationships constituted by the research subjects are present in the school context, which we can infer that: the dialogical relations exist in the school context, being carried out by the multiple subjects who seek the transformation of this educational context to promote the protagonism of students with and without disabilities. Thus, we found that although it is a public school on the periphery, the results showed that there are contradictory dialogical practices: on the one hand, the actions of teachers cause transformation in this school space, we could see in the interviewees' statements that there is a concept of progressive, dialogical education liberating, humanized and inclusive anchored in dialogicity under construction to recognize, value and listen to differences in the school context. In the same way, there are also antidialogical practices that reflect human interactions, the model of the school curriculum and the pedagogical practices that are present in the school organization. Finally, we conclude that the dialogic relations in the school routine need to be discussed in the academic and school environment with the aim of enabling the emancipation and social recognition of people with disabilities, that is, it is the opportunity to talk about subjects due to their distinction physical, sensory and psychic in the field of educational research, anchored in Freire's dialogicity as a theory of transformation of school reality.





    AssociationofWomenFarmers (AMACAMPO): Knowledgeandpracticesthatinvolvebeing a peasantwoman in the MST

  • Data: 29-sep-2020
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • ABREU, Victória Santos de. AssociationofWomenFarmers (AMACAMPO): Knowledgeandpracticesthatinvolvebeing a peasantwoman in the MST, agroecologyand rural education. Dissertation (Master in Education), StateUniversityof Pará - UEPA, Belém-PA, 2020. Thisresearchhas as mainobjectivetoanalyzetheexistenceof a particularityandreinventionofthe debate on rural education, in the MST, throughtheknowledgeandpracticesofagroecologicalproductionledbywomenfromtheAssociationofWomenFarmersofthe Mártires de Abril Settlements, Paulo Fonteles and Elizabete Teixeira (AMACAMPO). Seeking as specificobjectives: a) Carry out a mapping oftheknowledgeofthewomenof AMACAMPO, throughagroecologicalproduction; and b) Identifyandanalyzethecontributionof AMACAMPO, through its knowledgeandpracticesofagroecologicalproduction, tothe debate on rural education in the MST, particularly in thecontextofthe Paraense Amazon. Tothisend, a fieldresearchwascarried out, with a qualitative approach, basedon a decolonial approach, basedonthe perspective of Southern Epistemologiesand Post-abyssalThinkingby Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2004; 2010), as wellandunderthecontributionsabout decolonial feminism, wovenby Maria Lugones (2014). Having as methodological procedures for datacollection: semi-structured interviews, participantobservation, bibliographicsurvey, documentarysurvey, systematizationandanalysisof data andethicalcare. Fromthe mapping oftheknowledgeandpracticesthatinvolvebeing a peasantwoman in the MST, as well as theagroecologicalproductiondevelopedby AMACAMPO, it waspossibletoidentifyandanalyzethecontributionofthisexperiencetothe debate on rural education in the MST, particularly in thecontextof Paraense Amazon, whenweunderstandthe role ofwomenfarmers as a counterpointtotheindividualisticanddestructive marketing and financial logicimposedbymodern / colonial capitalism, byreinventingtheiraffectionsandthewayofbeingaffected, weavingresistancetotheformsofcolonialityofknowledge, power, ofbeingand feeling; they point out otherways, through a projecttotransformthecountrysideandsociety; andrecreating new social, ethical, political, economic, affective, educationalandenvironmentalrelationships.

  • Environmental Education in the Amazon: a Study on the Grupo Ambiental de Fortalezinha (GAF)

  • Data: 30-sep-2020
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This essay had as object of investigation the experience of environmental education in the collective actions of the Grupo Ambiental de Fortalezinha (GAF), aiming to identify and analyze what the collective action of GAF, in the traditional fishing community of Fortalezinha, presented about its experience of "environmental education" from the narratives of the community and other institutional agents that consists the GAF. The issue raised in this research was guided by the following question: What does the collective action of the GAF, in the traditional fishing community of Fortalezinha have to reveal about its experience of "environmental education" from the narratives of the community and other institutional agents that consists the GAF? Seeking to get an answer to this question, some questions were used to guide and help to ask and answer the main question: What is the origin of the GAF and what led to its constitution? What role did the Traditional Fishing Community of Fortalezinha have in its constitution? What is possible to learn from this experience of collective action of environmental education from traditional fishing communities of the Amazon under the focus of southern epistemologies? What are the advances and limits of this collective action of the GAF regarding its proposal of "environmental education" in the fishing community of Fortalezinha from the perspective of epistemologies of the South? What challenges can be identified for the environmental education debate from this experience with these traditional communities of the Amazon? To answer these questions, the aim was to present elements that characterize the origin of the GAF and what led to its constitution, as well as the role that the Traditional Fishing Community of Fortalezinha had in its constitution; to analyze the conception of environmental education present in this GAF experience; to investigate in which this experience of collective action of environmental education of The GAF contributed to this community; to identify the advances and limits of this collective action of the GAF regarding its proposal of "environmental education" from the perspective of epistemologies of the South. The methodological path was characterized by the qualitative approach, from the perspective of epistemologies of the South. With the field research, the techniques used were: case study, participant observation, field diaries, photographic and audio records, data collection through narrative interviews. This study had the participation of eight individuals who participated of the GAF: six people from the community, three of them identified themselves as fishermen and active in other economic activities, one of them as a health agent, another one as a trader and a also coordinator of an educational space. The two external individuals were not residents of the village, but they have houses and private enterprise. For the data interpretation of this research, the categories of analysis in data triangulation were used. Thus, it was identified that the GAF arises, at first, from the problems encountered with the issue of garbage in the community, but the research revealed other structural and contradictory factors that contributed to promote discussions within the group and consequently in actions that aimed at the resolution of these basic needs of
    Fortalezinha. According to the narratives of external subjects and residents who participated in the action of the GAF, the experience of environmental education was based around the economic, social, political, cultural and environmental aspect, demarcated in its historical temporality in advances, presented as a formative space and movement of knowledge for the members in the construction of a more critical and sensitive look at the environment and also in autonomy, social participation and claiming their rights. The limits of the group's performance, and consequently of the actions taken, were punctuated due to structural factors that involved, from the financial support of other institutions for the maintenance of the group and factors that involved interpersonal relationships. As a result of the data found with the research and its respective analyzes, some challenges appear to be added in the debate on environmental education in the Amazon, which I highlight: how local communities are organizing themselves in the face of current environmental issues, how environmental protection areas have been working on environmental education in their territories and, finally, recognizing the local culture of the Amazonian reality as a fundamental element in the discussion of environmental education in the Amazon.

  • They are beautiful because it’s my Family”: Social representations of children from early childhood education’s beauty

  • Data: 03-dic-2020
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research was carried out in a public institution in the municipality of Ananindeua -
    Pará, with 24 children of 5 years old
    has as a problematic point: How the social
    representations of 5-year-old children about beauty influence in the process of
    socialization in the school field? The general goal: Knowing the social representations
    of 5-year-old children about their own beauty and of others, and its influence in the
    process of socialization in the early childhood education. And the specific goals:
    knowing the social representations that children possess about beauty; understanding
    how the social representations that children possess about beauty influence in the
    process of socialization in the school field; identifying how far the social
    representations that children possess aboutbeauty define their friendship groups. In
    this investigation we made a field research with qualitative approach and focus on the
    social historic.The technics used were direct observation, the drawing technic,
    storytelling and interviews in talking circles. The theoretical basis of the Social
    representations of Moscovici (2003) and Jodelet (2011). In the perspective of the
    childhood sociology, we get references from Sarmento (2011) Sirota (2011), Corsaro
    (2011). About the singularities and the ethic on the research with children we lean on
    Kramer and Santos (2011). Related to the beauty we get base on Eco (2017), Adorno
    (1970) Vigarello (2004) e Talon Hugon (2009). Related to the histoy of the childhood
    and the children’s education, we get references from Aries (1986), Kuhlmann Jr (2007),
    Heywood (2004).The technic of the analysis of data was the content analysis based
    on Bardin (2002) e Oliveira; Motta Neto (2011) meanly using the processes of
    categorization.The results of the research highlighted the fact that young children
    possess social representations of beauty and they assume the perspective of caring
    and attention which receive from the family, the affection in the human relationships,
    the body and the culture of consumption associated with owning things. The results
    also reveal that children anchor the social representations of beauty in the acceptation
    and rejection of themselves and the others, highlighting the white color, straight hair,
    thin body as objective aspects aimed by children. From thecorpus of the study, it was
    evidenced that these social representations of beauty built by young children, generate
    in many situations of exclusion of their peers in the context of early childhood
    education. It is necessary affirm the fact that in the whole research, we observed the
    value of the aesthetic and ethic sensibility, in all relations with the childhood and it was
    the children’s voices exalting the beauty of the family what sensitized us hugely
    throughout this work, becoming an invitation to the sensitive education, of caring and
    that could be capable of deconstructing social representations that have the purpose
    of excluding, to become the experiences of otherness in the childhood.

  • Due to the complexity of teaching deaf children in regular schools, this research aims to analyze how it portrays the reality of deaf children’s educational process in the Brazilian context.

  • Data: 21-dic-2020
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Introduction -This dissertation was developed in view of questions which were raised by professors in the area of Continuing Education offered by the Manaus Department of Education. Due to the complexity of teaching deaf children in regular schools, this research aims to analyze how it portrays the reality of deaf children’s educational process in the Brazilian context. In this context, it was necessary to identify which authors are used that support the discussion of teaching deaf children in the research identified in Capes' thesis and dissertation database; to identify the concept of deaf children in the research identified in Capes' thesis and dissertation database; to investigate which paths this theme has takenin the research identified in the bank of theses and dissertations of Capes in the scientific scope; and, to present how this educational process has occurred through the methodologies and pedagogical practices in the researches that were analyzed. Methodology -Documentary research, data collection survey of 11 dissertations and 3 theses registered in the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel in the years 2006-2017, going through an analytical process, where the documents were analyzed, critiqued and interpreted. Result-The authors who bring up the discussion about children appear as an important source, in order to understand both historically and socially what the child is like yesterday and today. It was found that new perspectives arise regarding the teaching of deaf children, teachers seek methodologies and techniques which enable them to achieve their goals, that is to teach the deaf child. When talking about the educational process of a deaf child, it was noticed that research is still very much focused on Sign Language, not that it is not important, because I understand that it is part of the process, however, it is still a long way from bringing the reality of the use of teaching methodologies and techniques in the classroom. Consequently, when analyzing the selected documents, I met with teachers who challenge themselves in the classroom in teaching and others who only adapt to what the system imposes, harming the learning process of the deaf child. ConclusionA deaf child still has a lot to achieve in terms of his/her teaching-learning process, that being included in a classroom does not imply being included in its entirety, but that as the child is given the opportunity to show up and to express him/herself , that reality can be changed



    professional and personal trajectories of gay teachers and lesbian teachers

  • Data: 18-dic-2019
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This text shows the result of the research that had as objective to verify how homosexual teachers who make their sexual orientation public experience heteronormative school daily life, do they have to deal with homophobia and to what extent does this interfere with their pedagogical practices? Therefore, the object of study was the homophobia experienced by gay teachers and lesbian teachers in schools that reproduce heteronormativity in the municipal and state school systems of Castanhal-PA. The overall objective was to understand how homophobia is present in the professional and personal trajectories of gay teachers and lesbian teachers, given their coexistence with students, their families and co-workers in an environment that reproduces heteronormativity. And as specific objectives: a) Demarcate homophobia in the teacher's professional life story; b) Describe evidence of homophobia in the relationship between gay teacher / lesbian teacher and school community; c) To examine if, there is homophobia, how this violence influences the teaching pedagogical practices. As for the methodology, it had a qualitative approach focusing on the Social Phenomenology of Alfred Schutz (1979). Fritz Schutze's Narrative Interview (2013) was used as a method of gathering data. Data analysis was performed according to the Documentary Method developed by Mannhein (1964) and adapted by Bohnsack and Weller (2013). The main authors that problematize the theme of gender and sexuality in education are Foulcault (1988), Butler (2018), Borillo (2016), Louro (2014), Junqueira (2008) and others. Some results showed that homosexual teachers suffered homophobia throughout their life trajectory; whereas the relationship established with the school community also culminates in homophobic acts; and that the gay teacher and lesbian teacher, at some point, adapt their classes to talk about gender and sexuality as a way to combat prejudice and discrimination against homosexuals because they are people who do not fit heteronormativity.





    “gênero, corpo e poder: visões de mundo de estudantes de educação física”

  • Data: 19-dic-2019
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This dissertation whose title is “Gender, body and power: visions of the world of physical educations students” starts from the problematization of gender inequalities that permeate body practices and the way this is discussed or not in initial formation. It presents as a general objective to understand the way Physical Education students conceive the gender relations built in and by the corporal practices and, more specifically, to map their understandings about body in relation to the corporal practices related to the gender, to delineate the conception of these subjects about the role the teacher to confront gender inequalities imbedded in body practices and to discuss whether experiences in initial training influence students' understanding of gender relations. The research was developed from the field of gender studies, with Scott (2005), Piscitelli (2002), Rago (1998), crossed by the concept of power proposed by Michel Foucault (2014) in the field of post structuralism and finally intersected by Education, Louro (2007; 2011; 2014; 2018), and Physical Education with Altmann (2015). As a methodological approach, the qualitative approach was chosen, focusing on Social Phenomenology. As data gathering technique we used the Narrative Interview and for data analysis and interpretation we used the Documentary Method. In all, eight interviews were conducted with students regularly enrolled in the seventh and eighth semesters of the Physical Education Course of the State University of Pará, of which four were men and four women. Through the use of the Documentary Method of Interpretation, it was possible to reconstruct the meanings emanating from the narratives, which allowed us to arrive at three models that guide the students' conceptions about the gender relations implied in body practices, namely: women”,“ binary” and “equity”. The orientation model “situation of women” reveals an understanding of students about gender relations that are linked to the historical process of insertion of women in the spheres of public life and is linked to the understanding of women's struggle for the conquest of these spaces, including in the field of bodily practices and within the university. The second orientation model, “binaryism”, relates to the biologiciste understanding of male and female and believing that they are distinct and complementary poles and therefore should receive a distinct body upbringing. The third model, “equity”, presents a fissure movement in the biologicist understanding of body education and takes into account that bodily practices should be taught to all, sharing the understanding of a just education that presents content meaningfully. and without inequality. It is concluded that the disputes in the field of gender-related body practices are patent and that there is a tension between positions that believe that body practices are distinct for men and women and positions that seek an equalized Physical Education for all.




    This present work is an investigation of the lexical-semantic in nature and of special and social variation nature, speaking residents of the Administrative District Mosqueiro

  • Data: 05-nov-2013
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This present work is an investigation of the lexical-semantic in nature and of special and social variation nature, speaking residents of the Administrative District Mosqueiro - DAMOS. The same is justified by a lexicon mapping never before described in the DAMOS. Registering this semantic- lexical existence means to Show another kind of talk is that a local culture that should be recognized during the teaching of the Portuguese language. Thus, we start from the assumption that the lexical-semantic archives spoken by residents of DAMOS is different compared to the one proposed by Lexical - Semantic Questionnaire, Linguistic Project Atlas of Brazil (QSL: ALiB, 2001). The general objective of this study is to analyze the occurrences lexical -semantic in nature and of special and social variation nature, found in the speech of residents of DAMOS compared to the lexical-semantic archives of ALiB proposed by the project. The locus is the Administrative District Mosqueiro and selected points in linguistic research locus are five boroughs: Maracajá, Aeroporto, Murubira, Carananduba and Baía do Sol and five communities: Fazendinha, Caruaru, Itapiapanema, Santa Cruz and Mari - Mari. The research is composed of the following steps: identify lexis found in the speech of residents collected through QSL, distributed in 14 semantic fields based on social variables: gender, age and social class in two (2) subjects both sexes, by linguistic point; register in tables, lexis whose frequency was less than 75 % and not coincident with the proposal by QSL; cartographically document this corpus and analyze it according to quantitative and qualitative approach. The type of study is guided in geolinguistics, the mapping method used in studies of character dialectology. Inserts, therefore, in the field of three areas of the Science of language - linguistics Dialectology and Sociolinguistics. The results demonstrate that a universe composed of 196 (One hundred and ninety- six) issues, applied to twenty (20) individuais, two of each linguistic point, five districts and five communities of DAMOS, (90) issues, not match those proposed by QSL, and of these, only sixty (60) obtained frequency equal to or higher than 75%. Data interpretation notes that large variation lexical semantic and frequently below 75% of the corpus not enabled the development of a greater number of cards lexical. Thus, lexical - semantic features of the talk of the DAMOS are represented in sixty letters lexical, divided among 14 fields that represent the semantic lexicon and culture of the Administrative District Mosqueiro.

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