Curriculum. Interculturality. Political Pedagogical Project. Indigenous School. Munduruku.
Curriculum. Interculturality. Political Pedagogical Project. Indigenous School. Munduruku.
This paper deals with the theme of the Political Pedagogical Project in indigenous schools. Its objective is to develop the elaboration of the Political Pedagogical Project of the Kaba Biwun Indigenous School of the Munduruku Territory of Alto Tapajós/Karapanatuba Base Center. As methodological procedures, I chose action research, such as bibliographical and documentary research. I also used narratives, indigenous assemblies, observation, and meetings with the community. The main theoretical references on Curriculum are: Tomaz Tadeu da Silva and on the Political Pedagogical Project are: Alcir de Souza Caria, Ilma Passos Alencastro Veiga, Francisco J. Nascimento, Rita de C. do Nascimento and Maria S.L. Lima, Celso dos S. Vasconcelos and on Indigenous School Education are: Eunice Dias de Paula and as expected results that this document will serve as a reference for other indigenous schools in the Munduruku territory, the elaboration of the Political Pedagogical Project for the Indigenous School of Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education Kaba Biwun was completed.