Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
art and body painting; indigenous Tembé cosmology; indigenous school education
This research aims to analyze the cosmologicalure and identity of the Tembé Tenetehar people.
Based on the data collected in the research, we intend to elaborate didactic material in the form
of a booklet to be used in the History discipline, in the higher elementary classes of the Félix Tembé school,
in Aldeias, Sede, Ituaçu and Pino ‘a. The didactic material will have the general objective of showing that body
paintings inscribe meanings beyond body aesthetics and also act as a form of cultural (re)existence of the
Tembé people, since painting calls us to reflect on our existence as a Tembé people.
In this sense, the paintings also have a political meaning. Interest in the topic arose from the realization
of the need for specific teaching materials to work on the practice of body painting in the classroom.
As a History teacher at that school, I tried to find out in the community with the leaders and the elderly,
what themes they would like to be worked on at school with the students, referring to the culture
of their people. In the discussions brought by the community and in the classroom, several themes
were addressed, such as the forms of cultural resistance maintained by the Tembé people throughout their
history, and body painting was one of the most highlighted. The permanence of this cultural practice
and the ancestral knowledge it evokes are proof that the people resisted all types of violence, prejudices
and discrimination that they historically suffered from society and the State as attempts to annul
and prevent cultures and traditions were maintained and passed on to new generations.
The research will be carried out through ethnography with participant observation and interviews with
the elderly, in a total of six (06) people, and with the people (three), directly responsible for the teaching
and practice of body painting in the comm