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  • HARMFUL MASCULINITIES IN THE AMAZON OF PARAENSE: intersections between the bodies of young men and the dynamics of urban violence
  • Data: 19-feb-2024
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • In this research we seek to understand how gender and sexuality relations relate to the materialities of urban living in bodies of young peripheral men. We understand that it is important to interpret gender relations and sexuality in the manifestation of urban experience of young peripheral men in view of the need to embody the manifestation of urban violence reproduced by and in the body of such young people, which allows us to identify how the actions of the State of weakening urban violence comprise the relations of gender and sexuality. As a methodology, we started with a literary search in the catalog of theses and dissertations of institutional repositories that addressed the analyzed theme, especially in the northern region, as well as advanced the analysis for qualitative and quantitative data from institutions such as IBGE, SEGUP/SIAC, Violence Yearbooks and, finally, the Public Policies of the State of Pará, in a complementary and embodied interpretation, fieldwork and free diaries were carried out with young people from the outskirts of Terra Firme, in Belém. Finally, we identified in the actions of the State of weakening urban violence the absence of statements and deepening of data about gender identity, raciality and sexuality of murdered bodies within the context of urban violence, information provided by the Secretariat of Public Security and the Secretariat of Intelligence and Criminal Analysis of Pará, thus generating the absence of public policies aimed at dissident bodies, thus allowing the cycle of violence, the existence of dissidences of gender, sexuality and race that also promote the intensification of the deaths of young peripheral men, crossed by social relations that build the performativity of gender identity, their bodies in the context of urban violence.

  • Occupations and Right to the City in Benevides - Pará

  • Data: 15-abr-2024
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Benevides is one of the municipalities in the Belém Metropolitan Region that is increasingly replacing green areas with precarious occupations in a way of converting rural land into housing. These areas are transforming space and social and economic dynamics, especially for the social agents who are part of this process. The social agents who are precariously included shape the urban space from the moment they produce their dwelling place through precarious settlements, as in the case of the Nossa Senhora do Carmo and Novo Brasil communities, the objects of analysis in this research, from the perspective of the right to the city. The general objective of the research is to analyze the production of spatial injustices materialized in precarious housing in the Novo Brasil and Nossa Senhora do Carmo communities, in Benevides, in the metropolitan area of Belém/PA. Using a qualitative approach to analyzing the materials, methodological procedures were used such as bibliographic and documentary surveys, the creation of cartographic representations using QGis software, as well as interviews with residents of the Nossa Senhora do Carmo and Novo Brasil communities. The results showed the absence of basic services for quality of life, as well as the consequences perceived when analyzing the distance between the communities and the urban center of Benevid. Faced with the lack of essential infrastructure, the strategies for overcoming problems show that families adapt to deal with the poverty of resources and socio-economic inequalities, tactics in which they build wells, pits and configure the use of the land according to their needs. However, the precariousness of the housing, which is now an intrinsic part of the residents' daily lives, does not cancel out their hopes that the place where they live can be valued.

  • Territory and Violence: the dynamics of crimes intentional lethal violents in the
    neighborhoods of Curuçambá and Icuí-Guajará, Ananindeua-PA

  • Data: 15-abr-2024
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The municipality of Ananindeua/PA has remnants of a concentrated urbanization
    process, which developed in a heterogeneous manner, generating socio-spatial
    fragmentation, downtown marginalization and an increase in violence. In this context,
    the neighborhoods of Curuçambá and Icuí-Guajará emerged from a process of
    irregular occupation, motivated by the population need ́s to have a space to live.
    However, the support actions of public institutions did not keep up with the expansion
    of the municipality's limits, causing multiple social problems, mainly with regard to
    violence and crime. In this sense, the main objective of this research is to analyze
    power relations and influence on the dynamics of intentional lethal violent crimes
    (ILVC) occurring in the neighborhoods of Curuçambá and Icuí-Guajará, in
    Ananindeua/PA. The chosen period of analysis lies between the years 2017 and 2022.
    The methodological procedures were based on bibliographical reviews, survey and
    analysis of documents, data and information relating to the areas of study, in addition
    to practice of exploratory fieldwork, with the application of interviews and photographic
    recording, as well as cartographic production, with emphasis on maps that present
    criminal behavior and the areas in which some crime is concentrated. The results
    obtained show that the reality present in the neighborhoods is not the result of
    something invisible, but rather the reflection of actions carried out by multiple territorial
    agents, which create and strengthen traits such as poverty and inequality, as well as
    influencing the dynamics of violent crimes. The territorialization of violence and crime
    tends to be more intense in peripheral neighborhoods, where existe a precarious
    presence of infrastructure and important public services, such as education, security
    and leisure. To alleviate this situation, the Territories for Peace Program (TerPaz)
    under the responsibility of the Government of Pará, has sought to expand the
    territorialization of the State in the face of illicit power. Therefore, it is concluded that
    the State's action from the perspective of public security is not only done with the
    insertion of police officers and combating crimes, but also with the promotion of life


  • Data: 17-abr-2024
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The main objective of geographical science is the study of geographical space and
    the relationships that occur within it, more precisely the relationships between individuals
    that cause transformations in spaces. When it comes to teaching geography, we are
    dealing with knowledge that has been consolidated and that, through the teacher, this
    knowledge will be transposed in a didactic way so that the student can build and
    understand the science of geography in his or her experience. However, the teacher may
    also have students who lack one or more senses, as is the case with visually impaired
    students. The teaching of geography to visually impaired students still has many gaps in
    the construction of methodologies that complement the construction of teaching/learning,
    more necessarily the construction of the concept of landscape, which in turn is essentially
    This research was carried out at the José Alvares de Azevedo Specialized
    Educational Unit, located in Belém-PA and it is necessary to point out that the research
    locus and part of it are being built together with the researcher's master's dissertation. The
    main objective of this research is to understand how the concept of landscape is
    constructed for 6th to 9th graders at UEES José Alvares de Azevedo in Belém-PA. To
    help with this task, the following specific objectives stand out: To investigate the ways in
    which the concept of landscape is constructed at UEES José Alvares de Azevedo in the
    6th to 9th grade classes; To identify the methodologies used in the teaching/learning
    process relating to the concept of landscape at UEES José Alvares de Azevedo; To show,
    based on the methodologies used at UEES José Alvares de Azevedo, the students'
    understanding of what landscape would be for them;
    From this research, it is possible to understand the importance of using
    methodologies that will contribute to the teaching/learning process of visually impaired
    students, highlighting the importance that tactile models had for a better understanding of
    the concept of landscape, which is sometimes not understood by the target audience
    because it lacks a greater visual appeal. However, this does not prevent the student from
    understanding it in a different way.


  • Data: 18-abr-2024
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The city of Castanhal stands out as an important economic center in the state of Pará, especially in the commerce and services sector. The city plays a crucial role in supplying neighboring cities. This role has been further reinforced after the arrival of large cashand-carry chains in 2018. Since then, the operations of these large enterprises have significantly reconfigured the organization of local economic dynamics, directly impacting the operation of local supermarkets. The general objective of the research aims to understand the socio-spatial dynamics of national and international wholesale networks in Castanhal, in the state of Pará, and their repercussions on the dynamics of centralities in the city. To achieve this objective, a qualitative approach was adopted, associated with surveys and documentary analysis and fieldwork. The results obtained demonstrate that the installation of wholesale stores (Mix Atacarejo, Assaí and Atacadão) has caused a scenario of dependence on the part of local businesses in relation to the promotions offered daily in the new wholesale stores. In this sense, the result is the construction of a cooperative relationship between local supermarkets and new cash and carry stores. Regarding the operating logic of local businesses, there has been a change in the operating profile of local supermarkets in Castanhal, which now focus mainly on supplying consumers due to necessity or emergency. Dealing with the dynamics of centralities developed in Castanhal, we observe the constitution of multicentralities and polycentralities. The first is associated with the formation of commercial sub-centers in at least four neighborhoods in the city. The constitution of this centrality occurs along the main circulation axes. The manifestation of polycentrality is associated with the functioning of the new wholesale stores. These developments are located along the main circulation routes, as well as in peripheral neighborhoods, acting as attractive hubs, polarizing consumers from various locations, from the capital Belém to neighboring cities, strengthening Castanhal's role as economic centrality.

  • REGIONAL DYNAMICS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION: Spatial analysis of food production in the immediate geographic region of Castanhal

  • Data: 29-abr-2024
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The Immediate Geographical Region of Castanhal (IBGE, 2017), which has been formed and consolidated in recent years, is important for the state of Pará, since it plays the role of producer and supplier of agricultural products from the region to Belém and its Metropolitan Region. The research looks at the production, circulation and marketing of food products linked to farming in the municipalities that make up the region, thus forming a complex relationship of spatial interactions that results in the formation of an urban network between the municipalities. The research uses a database that has undergone a process of manipulation, refinement and treatment, using the Geographic Information System (GIS), as well as a literary and methodological contribution, with the reading of classics that have enabled a better understanding of geographical concepts, such as Lefebvre (1999), Côrrea (1989); Haesbaert (2010) and authors with recent works, with themes linked to centrality, spatial interactions and the urban network. The results of the research show that the Immediate Geographical Region of Castanhal has a large amount of agricultural production that provides circulation in the region itself, as well as playing a leading role in supplying the fairs, markets and supermarkets of Belém and its Metropolitan Region.

  • Data: 30-abr-2024
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research aims to analyze the forms of territorialization of the hip-hop movement through the rhyme battles in Belém/PA, understanding the conflicts between the activities of these peripheral groups and the penal state, always seeking to bring to the center of the analysis, the race, a theme that runs through this research. We analyze the spaces and territorialization strategies of rhyme battles, the conflicts between the subjects who think and live the battles and the hegemonic forms of appropriation of the city's public spaces, in addition to identifying the ways in which such movements in hip-hop culture mark their differentiations in space, as well as their forms of (re)existence in the face of attempts at silencing by hegemonic agents. Based on the relationship between the concepts of city, race, penal state, territories in resistance and biopolitics, and using as methodological tools research and bibliographic and documentary analysis, cartographic production, semi-structured interviews and systematic observations, the study demonstrates that hip-hop culture , through the rhyme battles in Belém, is configured as territories in resistance to the hegemonic forms of use of public space in the city, standardized, in biopolitical terms, by race and which, through a penal state, criminalize expressions of black culture, notably linked to hip-hop culture. Through lyrics and rhymes and marking territories, hip-hop points to other, more democratic uses for the city of Belém and its resistance points not only to the city's racial division, but also to the violence of a penal state to maintain this racial division

  • GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION BRAGANÇA FLOUR: Challenges of implementing a territorial distinctive sign
  • Data: 08-may-2024
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Bragança flour is a product that has won the preference of consumers and acquired state and national notoriety over the years, factors that contributed to the granting of its geographical indication (GI) registration in may 18, 2021. However, the operationalization of this GI represents complex and challenging work, as it involves everything from the functioning of the Regulatory Council, through the regularization of Flour houses, and even the recognition by producers of the relevance and importance of this distinctive sign. This research aims to analyze the process of implementing the Bragança Flour Geographical Indication, considering the participation of the actors involved, the strategies for adding value to this product and the challenges for the integral valorization of the territory. The methodology is based on an approach with a dialectical approach and the use of technical procedures such as bibliographical, documentary and field research in the territory of IG flour de Bragança. The results demonstrate that the majority of producers do not have the financial resources to regularize their flour houses and only one producer is currently using the GI registration, contrasting with the reality of more than 12 thousand establishments.Therefore, although the IG contributes to the protection of the notoriety of the geographical origin of production and adding value to the product and its territory, there are important difficulties to be faced by producers, COOMAC and municipal, state and federal governments

  • The question socio-environmental and environmental injustice on the
    neighborhood of Ponta Grossa, District Icoaraci, Belem\PA

  • Data: 20-jun-2024
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The debate on environmental Injustice is a recente theme incorporated into
    geographical discussions and of great relevance to bring visibility to the
    environmental risks to which precariously included groups are exposed.
    Considering that the urban expansion of Belém was guided by inequality and
    that the metropolitan region of the municipality has high rates of housing in
    areas of socio-environmental fragility, the present research aims to analyze the
    implications that generate environmental injustice, affecting the fundamental
    basic rights and the quality of life in the lowland area of the neighborhood of
    Ponta Grossa. located in the district of Icoaraci, in Belém do Pará The study
    sought to identify the main socio-environmental problems that affect the region
    and how the population behaves in relation to these problems. For the
    development of this research, the methodological procedures used were:
    literature review on urbanization, environmental injustice, the concept of
    lowlands and the production of urban space in the district of Icoaraci; fieldwork
    with direct observation, which enabled the analysis of the conditions of the
    houses and the care of the These procedures were important for the elaboration
    of a map that identifies the areas of greatest environmental fragility in the
    lowlands. As a result, this research presents the socio-environmental impacts
    generated by the occupation of lowland areas, in which the right to a healthy
    environment, housing and adequate infrastructure is denied to the poorest
    population, who, as a consequence, are more exposed to contamination,
    flooding, pollution and diseases.

  • CURRICULAR POLICY AND INITIAL TRAINING OF TEACHERS GEOGRAPHY an analysis of BNC-Formation at the State University of Pará
  • Data: 02-jul-2024
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Educational policies in Brazil over the past 30 years have been strained by various agents and actors, particularly those directly or indirectly linked to political education networks that impose market demands on public policies for basic and higher education through the insertion of hegemonic-business discourse, connecting education to capital. This study aims to analyze the process of restructuring the Political Pedagogical Project (PPC) of the Geography Teacher Education Program, required by the State Council of Education (CEE) to comply with educational legislation and the new National Curriculum Guideline, imposed by Resolution CNE/CP no. 02/2019, known as BNC-Formação, and its effects on the initial training of geography teachers at the University of the State of Pará, Belém campus. The research is qualitative in nature and uses the dialectical method, utilizing official documents (from private institutes, public institutions, and Brazilian legislation), primary and secondary data, as well as theoretical-methodological concepts from authors who have historically researched educational policies, the process of business reforms in education, and their effects on the initial training of teachers, as well as curriculum analysis, understanding it as a territory in dispute. From the study, there is an observed advance of political education networks on the initial and continuous training of teachers in Pará, especially by creating connections with Education Departments (state and municipal); however, the UEPA stands as a "barrier" against the hegemonic-business discourse, as the curricular restructuring imposes university autonomy even with the advancement of educational capital over the initial training of geography teachers. Furthermore, it reinforces the need to establish the initial training of geography teachers based on a critical-emancipatory perspective, aiming to achieve an ethical, aesthetic, critical, and liberating education.

  • GEOGRAPHY AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS: The resistance processes of the Movement of the Affected by Dams - MAB and the installation of the Hidrovia Project Araguaia-Tocantins in the Tocantina Region, state of Pará
  • Data: 19-ago-2024
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research aimed to understand the significant processes of resistance of the Movement of Affected by Dams – MAB, based on confronting installation of the federal government's Hidrovia Araguaia-Tocantins project, which has times has represented remarkable potential for promoting problematic environmental and social impacts to populations and communities associated with the Tocantins River in called the Tocantina region, state of Pará. Aiming to understand the ways of political organization and resistance elaborated by the Movement of Those Affected by Dams in this context, we adopted an approach that sought to revisit the phases of socio-spatial formation in the Tocantina region, problematize the waterway project Araguaia-Tocantins from the perspective of those affected, and understanding the history of organization, territorialization and resistance strategies of the movement in that region. Our theoretical basis included an approach to the theme of movements social issues in Geography, and the discussion about geopolitics which, in general, involves the Amazon region. The methodological procedures used consisted of documentary and bibliographic survey techniques, interviews, cartographic production, fieldwork, photographic production and analysis and data systematization, through a dialectical and qualitative perspective. The research shows that the Tocantina region, like other Amazon regions, is also affected by intense contradictions of the capitalist mode of production where populations are brutally hit, but they also resist pressures and challenges to their ways of life through movements such as MAB, a social movement which has improved and acquired more and more characteristics that are themselves, in a scenario that points to the intensification of such contradictions and for the consequent imposition of challenges on populations and movements, against which the popular struggle will tend to be essential.

    contradictions between curriculum (BNCC) and the territory of the Community of Santa
    Terezinha, Castanhal/PA.

  • Data: 30-mar-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) is a normative (or guiding) document
    of the curricula of basic education in Brazilian educational institutions, with
    implementation moves since 2019. This implementation has brought implications to the
    teaching of geography, especially to what is taught in rural schools. In this sense, the
    objective of this study is to analyze the teaching of geography from the relationship
    between curriculum of the National Common Curricular Base (Curricular Policy) and
    the territory, pointing out the contradictions present in geographic teaching and
    principles of rural education in the Community of Santa Terezinha-Castanhal/PA. After
    all, it is understood and confirmed that the school is one more territory in dispute by big
    capital, which aims to get hold of the school through the control of educational practice
    via BNCC, establishing a practice that does not recognize the social and territorial
    dynamics of the students. In this dimension, Arroyo (2011) already anticipated such
    dispute saying: curriculum is another territory in dispute. In this context, this study
    analyzes the space of the Leandra Paulino Corrêa Municipal School of Early Childhood
    and Elementary Education, located in the Community of Santa Terezinha-Castanhal/PA
    in the state of Pará, having as research subjects community residents, pedagogical
    coordinator, geography teachers and students of elementary school initial and final
    years. The designer of this research followed the qualitative approach that was carried
    out in the following steps: bibliographic survey of the theoretical threads around the
    Teaching of Geography, Field Education, Curriculum and Territory; documentary
    survey of the BNCC, the main regulatory frameworks and educational legislation for
    field education and field research, which will perform the systematized observations of
    classes, developed out-of-class activities, feelings and impressions. As in other contexts
    in dispute in the Amazon, thinking about the role of geography teaching and field
    education linked to the territory in the community is to strengthen the dimension of
    emancipatory criticism, in order to demonstrate the political and ideological aspects
    underlying the interests of capital, and collectively build ways to overcome them. For,
    what Field Education advocates is human emancipation (SANTOS, 2017, p. 82).
    Therefore, the study is justified by understanding and experiencing that the school
    ground is another territory of dispute in which the peasant needs to establish himself
    and (Re)think as a subject of his existence.


  • Data: 17-abr-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The precarious occupations express the practical and symbolic character of the fight for housing in the midst of socio-spatial inequalities perpetuated by the process of production and unequal appropriation of cities. These spaces emerge as a form of collective action by social groups that, even in the midst of precariousness, find alternatives for their reproduction. Based on this assumption, the main objective of this research is to understand the production process of precarious occupations in Santo Antônio do Tauá from the perspective of the right to the city, analyzing the implications of its regional insertion for the configuration of occupations and survival strategies of the social groups inserted in these living spaces. The research, of a qualitative nature, is based on a case study and had the methodological procedures segmented into two stages: the first included a bibliographical survey of the concepts pertinent to the development of the research and the documental survey about the city. The second phase was dedicated to carrying out field work in the two study areas, the Barcelona and Sete de Setembro occupations, in which interviews were conducted with community representatives and residents. As a result of the study, it is possible to point out that the condition of a small city inserted in a complex urban space has a significant impact on the production dynamics of precarious occupations. In addition to expressing elements intrinsic to the municipality itself, that is, the social contents and internal demands for housing, the occupations also express the regional insertion of the city, which are marked by the dispersion of the popular layers of the metropolitan space of the city-region of Belém for this small town. In this sense, it was evident that the reproduction of these spaces represents the relevant strategy for access to housing and housing for groups that are precariously included in the city. This means that in response to the socio-spatial problems that denote the current mode of production in cities, forms of survival are created, sometimes exhausting, but which are the possible way to maintain life for these social groups. In this sense, the two occupations present a relation of possibility/denial regarding the guarantee of the right to the city. The barriers that arise in the face of the reproduction of social groups show the dimension of the denial of the right to the city, since the very precariousness of the insertion of occupations in the urban complex and the stigmatization of its residents continue to intensify inequalities and ( in )spatial justice and imply greater challenges for overcoming the condition of precariousness. The possibility is in the sense that the practices of appropriation of space, through occupation, go against the logic of the market and value the right to collective use of urban land, the right to live and to take ownership of the process of production in the city. Thus, the different strategies of survival by social groups show the active positioning of subjects in the face of inequalities and denote the need to change the reality that is set. On a practical level, the speeches and demands of the residents of the occupations also express the daily struggle for spatial justice, that is, for overcoming deprivation, for improving housing conditions and mitigating socio-spatial problems

  • Precarious centralities in the urban space of Castanhal, Pará

  • Data: 25-abr-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The expansion of the urban fabric propitiates the incidence of significant changes in the logic of the city, among these, underlining the distance from the center of the population inserted in this expansion process. The then dynamics made possible the creation of important secondary centers of commercial activities and services, in which they present themselves with different configurations, which in turn are directly linked to the socioeconomic aspects and population density of their areas of influence. In Castanhal, this reality is manifested, above all, from the significant urban expansion experienced in recent decades, which obeys some of its main road links, such as the BR-316 and Transcastanhal highways, in which, respectively, the analysis spaces of the then research, being the neighborhoods Jaderlândia III (southeast sector) and Fonte Boa (northwest sector). The respective spaces stand out for presenting a relevant agglomeration of commercial activities and services with different organizations and complexities, established in their main roads, represented by Dr. Adailson da Silva Rodrigues and Rua XI. Based on this, the objective of this research is to analyze the dynamics of centrality in spaces far from the center of Castanhal, marked by precarious socio-spatial conditions. The methodological procedures carried out to obtain data were based on a bibliographical and documental survey of the concepts and themes included in the problem of this work, as well as field work and structured interviews with entrepreneurs and clients of the neighborhoods under analysis, in addition to unstructured interview with the municipal secretary of industry and commerce. In view of the data obtained, it appears that the significant centrality exercised by the Jaderlândia III and Fonte Boa neighborhoods in relation to the sectors they occupy, configure them as subcenters, guided by the logic of the lower circuit of the urban economy, molded to the daily life of the population in their areas of influence, thus succeeding the exercise in these of a precarious centrality.

  • HOUSING AND PRECARIOUS LIFE: an analysis of the housing and survival strategies of the population of the Tocantins Occupation in the Parque Guajará neighborhood in Belem

  • Data: 27-abr-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • With the widespread production of precarious settlements and inequality in
    distribution of land and income that permeates the Brazilian territory since the
    Hereditary Captaincies in the 16th century, there was a boost in socio-spatial inequalities due to lack of access to housing, contributing to the increase in housing problems in Brazil. A process marked by precariousness and inequalities as a condition, means and product of relationships capitalists. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to analyze the housing and survival strategies adopted by the population when occupying the
    Tocantins in the Parque Guajará neighborhood in Belém-PA, in addition to specifying which subjects present in the social production of urban space and how they imply the precarious socio-spatial formation of the occupation, also describing how constitutes the precariousness of urban life (Housing, Basic Sanitation, Security Public, Education, Health and Leisure) in the occupation of Tocantins. The search will justified by the need to advance academic studies on the
    housing settlements that can be classified, for the most part, as as precarious, and in the socio-spatial processes existing from the process of urbanization-peripheralization that contributes to increased inequalities socio-spatial aspects, present in the daily lives of certain groups that make up the production of urban space in the metropolis of Belém. The research, of a qualitative, is structured based on the following methodological axes: in a Firstly, a bibliographical research was carried out on the concepts that
    guide the research, later documentary research was carried out in which
    concerns the Tocantins Occupation in the Parque Guajará neighborhood, with former and current community leaders. Fieldwork was then carried out in the occupation, so that conceptual realities could be better utilized and observed empirically, with interviews with residents and community leaders and photographic records. Therefore, it is understood that the
    housing presents itself to the citizen not only as a house, but as all constituent elements that make up the house, that is, all the equipment urban spaces for collective use that need to be available to people. It's done It is therefore necessary that public policies for housing are more favorable
    to those who need better living conditions, as decades living with the contradiction between the metropolization of Belém and the production of precarious housing spaces.

  • Data: 02-may-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Housing production is one of the themes that have the most impact in terms of sociospatial processes, even more so when it is the State that generates incentives for this production. Based on different processes and taking into account the different Brazilian urban contexts, this production is capable of generating effects in the short, medium and long term. Given this situation, the present research aims to examine the recent housing production carried out in the last 14 years in Castanhal-Pa through the fractional production of the Minha Casa Minha Vida Housing Program, verifying its results in terms of spatial (in)justice. The work was carried out according to the following methodological procedures: 1) design of the object of study based on the observed problem; 2) bibliographic survey on related topics; 3) documentary research on data relevant to the analysis; 4) exploratory field research for the recognition of the studied area; 5) field research to carry out interviews and obtain other related data. With the results obtained from the application of the methodological procedures, it was possible to arrive at some points about the aspects of recent housing production through fractional developments in the municipality: 1) Housing production through this model is a step towards the formation of more justice spatial, insofar as it is aimed at families who collectively manage to afford housing finance through the program in question; 2) The recent housing structure takes advantage of a dynamic of old unsuccessful subdivisions in the city, thus using areas with better characteristics, and consequently inserting these families in places more articulated with the urban context; 3) This production is starting to penetrate areas close to housing developments in the 1st segment, which accelerates the process of occupation of these spaces by market residences, contributing to the installation of more basic services. These points constitute important steps towards the production of more spatial justice. However, a fourth point puts a certain duality in this process, given that, as much as the facilities generated by the policy can help the families framed to acquire their homes, the marketing aspect is still imperative, that is, this production of more articulated houses in the urban context is still for those who can afford it. Given these contexts, the analysis of this recent real estate production is presented as a significant instrument for understanding its various repercussions in the face of the urban expansion of the aforementioned city
  • TRANSPORT RESTRUCTURING INTERMUNICIPAL: the rural bus and the centrality of  Castanhal-PA.

  • Data: 02-may-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The rural and urban transport system of passengers and cargo in the Geographical Region Immediate Castanhal (RGIC, IBGE, 2017) has been expanding in the region, highlighting their interaction and mobility to the central space of the Castanhal fair. The research addresses the circulation and converged flows to the hub city of the region that promote different intensities in economic, social and political dynamics, thus presenting multiple conflicts motivated by interests between agents of the urban and rural spaces. The research uses a collection of information who have undergone treatment in a Geographic Information System (GIS), as well as as, from a methodological contribution with the rereading of classics of geographical analysis, as Milton Santos (2009), Roberto Corrêa (1995), Ana Carlos (2007), pervading by recent references in the context of the reading of transport and its roles in the redefinition of economic, political and social structures. The search results point to the understanding of the flows will allow to understand the effects of the Restructuring of the rural and urban transport network at road and low level route, articulated to the city of Castanhal, and its dismantling in recent years.

  • The rural-urban relationship in the Marajoara territory: an evaluation from quilombola communities in Salvaterra-PA.

  • Data: 19-jun-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This is an analysis of the rural-urban relationship in the territories of quilombola communities in Salvaterra, the Marajoara municipality in the State of Pará. This analysis deepens in the rural community Caldeirão, the largest remaining quilombo community in Salvaterra, created more than 250 years ago, when the território, where it is located today, still belonged to the village of Soure. The proposal aims to analyze the socio-spatial context of Salvaterra-PA, which in a macro way, emphasizes the rural-urban relationship existing in the quilombola communities of the place, directing a special look at the quilombola community Caldeirão. To this end, it is proposed to highlight the historical context, the main dynamics, conflicts and strategies, considering the rural-urban relationship existing in the quilombola communities of Salvaterra, showing how it is expressed in the quilombola community Caldeirão. For data analysis, a predominantly qualitative approach is adopted, based on bibliographical references and field work, guiding theory and practice that encompass the subjectivity of the subjects – the quilombolas. It points to the need to understand Salvaterra in its ethnic and socio-cultural composition of strong indigenous influence, colonized by Jesuit friars, which already attracted many enslaved blacks, and they territorialized in the place. Today, its descendants claim their quilombola rights in favor of justice for their ancestors who brought part of their sociocultural identity to the place. The struggles, conflicts and strategies used until today by the black communities reflect a scenario of reality, historically, imposed on them, which create survival strategies based on the collectivity among the 17 quilombola communities of Salvaterra. In the process of analyzing the rural-urban relationship played by the quilombolas of Salvaterra, and in particular of Caldeirão, elements of everyday life are captured that demonstrate the naturalness of the interaction. It is noticed that The Caldeirão quilombola community created as a community to the detriment of the rural-urban relationship interacting daily in its specificities, showing that rural and urban are also spaces of struggle and rights that are expressed in the quilombola culture, present in the daily needs what characterize the living space of the subjects of the Salvaterra communities. The displacements evidenced in the process are presented as a frontier of rural-urban interaction. The rural-urban relationship in the Marajoara territory, as well as in Caldeirão, models new survival strategies on existing conflicts, risks and needs, imposing new demands for access to structural policies, as well as the political struggle necessary to conquer the titles of their quilombola territories.

  • Açaí production in the Cametá Microregion: Geographical Indicationand the perspective of territorial development  
  • Data: 29-jun-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Açaí is one of the main components of the diet of people from Pará, and in
    recent times it has become one of the main fruits in the export basket of the
    State of Pará. The present work discusses the relevance of a Geographical
    Indication (GI) of the açaí produced in the Microregion of Cametá. To achieve
    this objective, the work was developed through a qualitative-quantitative
    research, as it aimed at the use of questionnaires, interviews, analyzes and
    production of statistical data, starting from the point of view of social reports of a
    discursive nature. Methodological procedures of bibliographical research were
    adopted, data surveys (secondary and primary sources) and field work carried
    out in the Ver-Peso market, as the main commercial center of the State of Pará
    and in the açaí processing industries of the Microregion of Cametá. A survey of
    official data from government agencies was used, in addition to documentary
    research as a very important methodological instrument for collecting
    information to carry out the analysis of reports from the IBGE, association and
    other institutions. The theoretical-conceptual basis of the research is based on
    the concept of geographical indication, understood as a quality record that
    guarantees protection to the name of the producer, the product and its
    production territory, thus being pointed out as a tool to induce grassroots
    development local-territorial. The main results of the research point to the
    relevance of the potentiality of a geographical indication of açaí for the
    Microregion of Cametá, based on data collected from the recognition of the fruit
    in commerce and industries. Preference locations were identified that have
    similar production characteristics in the region. It was also found that the açaí
    production qualification process in the region is still precarious and steps need
    to be taken in the eradication of child labor and in the technical formalization of
    the extraction of the product, which is still very risky. The Geographical
    Indication is pointed out as a solution to this problem, since it obeys legislative
    and social criteria and makes it possible to expand the qualification of
    production throughout the territory.


  • Data: 30-jun-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Mining represents a great stronghold of wealth of the country, however, its activity causes several environmental impacts in the places where they are developed, affecting mainly localities and social groups around the enterprise because of the lack of supervision. A set of operations are in activity that signal the occurrence of disasters. In this context, the present paper proposes to address the environmental crime caused by the mining metallurgical company Hydro Alunorte in the territory of the municipality of Barcarena/PA in February 2018, accused of committing environmental crimes linked to the processing of bauxite into aluminum oxide, a fact evidenced after the episode involving the overflow of effluents from the tailings basin of the mining company, after heavy rains, affecting several riverside communities near the enterprise. The Bom Futuro community, the object of study of this research, is one of the areas located in the vicinity of Hydro Alunorte, directly affected by the red mud on the day of the spill. Thus, the objective of this work is to analyze the social and environmental implications that this event brought to the territory of the Bom Futuro community, seeking to closely investigate this environmental crime from the point of view of those who were most affected by the mining operation, in an attempt to understand how this process impacted the study area in the face of the fact that it occurred. This is a qualitative research, a field study where the techniques of semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and analysis of environmental surveillance reports and official reports were used. The results obtained from the development of this research point out that the environmental crime committed by Hydro in the area of the Bom Futuro community is responsible for a process of socioenvironmental changes that, due to the irregular dumping of industrial waste from the refinery, has profoundly altered the residents' way of life, as well as the relationships established between them and the natural environment. The reports from the research institutes prove that there has been contamination due to the overflow, directly impacting the community's water bodies, with metals above the levels allowed by law according to CONAMA's resolution 357/05, compromising the soil, as well as causing the loss of biodiversity both in terms of fauna and flora.

  • Data: 30-jun-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The dissertation aimed to understand the conflicts arising from the use and appropriation of water resources in the Auí-Açu river sub-basin through the mapping and categorization of these conflicts, considering the roles of users and social actors, as well as the multiple uses of water. To achieve this objective, several works were used as references, including Bordalo (2019), Ribeiro et al. (2019), Tozi and Ribeiro (2022), Cunha (2012), Moreira et al. (2016), Costa, Sombra, and Bordalo (2019), Rabelo et al. (2021), Gusmão, Sombra, and Costa (2020). The research was conducted in the Auí-Açu river sub-basin, which encompasses the municipalities of Tailândia and Moju. In this context, conflicts related to the use and appropriation of water resources were identified and analyzed, taking into account the different activities carried out by users and social actors. The results indicate that the conflicts are based on the multiple forms of water use, and the absence of management mechanisms also contributes to their occurrence.


  • Data: 13-jul-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Among the Marine Extractive Reserves (RESEX) existing in Brazilian territory, those established in the Coastal Zone of the State of Pará (ZCPA) have the function, in addition to ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources and guaranteeing the livelihoods and culture of traditional communities. However, a view of nature came from the dichotomy between society and the environment, and conflicts have arisen between social actors/subjects who have different views and interests about nature and its resources. Therefore, this research sought to identify and investigate the socio-environmental conflicts involving oyster farmers at RESEX-MAR Mocapajuba, in the Municipality of São Caetano de Odivelas – Pará. Taking the geographic category of the territory as an analysis tool, in addition to the perspectives of Political Ecology and Environmental Justice, we sought to carry out exploratory research with a qualitative and quantitative approach in the communities of Pererú de Fátima and Alto Pererú, located in the municipality of São Caetano de Odivelas /PA. By carrying out a bibliographical and documentary review, as well as observations and semi-structured interviews with oyster farmers, those responsible for community associations, members of the Deliberative Council of RESEX-MAR Mocapajuba and with the environmental analyst from ICMBIO, we sought to analyze the differences in typologies of socio-environmental conflicts involving oyster farmers. It was therefore evident that conflicts occur due to disputes between oyster producers and other social groups, identified here as net fishermen, boat owners and shrimp farmers, who dispute the use of the natural resource and access to the territory. In Alto Pererú, conflicts are more recurrent, with a history of friction with local boat owners, and currently, there are problems with net fishermen and shrimpers. In Pererú de Fátima, conflicts are less recurrent, depending on its location. Because oyster farming is located on the perimeter of the wider river. Even so, problems have been reported with vessels passing through the river during low tide, which is detrimental to cultivation. Regarding the deliberative council, the interviewed members are emphatic in stating that the management of RESEX-MAR Mocapajuba has made little progress, which reflects inefficiency and the absence of public policies. The environmental analyst (ICMBIO), as far as he is concerned, admitted that he has many limitations in managing the RESEX, due to the great demands, which involve all seven RESEX of the NGI - Salgado Paraense. The lack of human and financial resources, and the constant change of those responsible for the bodies, undermines the efficiency in the management of the UC, which has no provision for preparing its management plan. Therefore, the inefficiency of the management body was clear, which justifies the worsening and emergence of other types of socio-environmental conflicts at RESEX-MAR Mocapajuba.

  • Territorial Frictions between Peasant Agriculture and Mining in Southeastern Pará. The Case of APA do Gelado

  • Data: 14-sep-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • To unveil the asymmetrical power relation between Neoextractivism and the Campesinato in the mining region of Carajás, is the bias of the research effort partially demonstrated in this article. For this, we emphasize the need for a relationship between the environmental dimension of the Agrarian Question in the Amazon. In the first semester of 2021 we entered the Environmental Protection Area of Igarapé Gelado, APA do Gelado, located in the Carajás National Forest - FLONACA, in the southeast of Pará, the center of our study. For data collection, we used institutional documents (IBAMA, ICMBio and VALE). However, the main stage of our research was the fieldwork. We used as research technique, audio recordings and semi-structured interviews, which seeks a dialogue between the moment of land conquest and the relationship established between Vale and the peasant families. In addition, we use photographs to bring the reader closer to the imagetic reality of our research. At other times, the use of a field diary was indispensable. We went through the settlers' plots that still resist in the territory. We discuss this because many families have suffered profound impacts on their way of life and production and, logically, on their peasant social reproduction. Dams, surveillance, and restricted use of territory in the APA are some of the elements that constrain the territoriality of these family units. The data induce us to question the action of mining practices, mainly promoted by Vale, which reinforces the contradictions of its own activity, causing environmental problems by converting the common goods into a logic of permanent accumulation. As a result, territorial conflicts are intensified and, contradictorily, possibilities are opened for the permanence of peasant families who have been resisting in the territory and building their freedom woven in the daily work with the land.


  • Data: 29-sep-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This work entitled The dynamics of pedagogical alternation in the island
    region of Belém: a qualitative study in the fishing school house, is a qualitative
    study that investigated the perceptions of Youth and Adult Education (EJA)
    teachers on the implementation of teaching methods. innovative teaching in the
    classroom. The research was carried out in an urban school, with rural
    dynamics and characteristics, where a variety of innovative pedagogical
    approaches were introduced as part of an educational improvement initiative, in
    addition to considering the perspective of the people involved and their different
    points of view on the same. situation. To this end, we used semi-structured
    interviews and content analysis, exploring the experiences, challenges and
    opportunities perceived by teachers when adopting this teaching method.
    Furthermore, it tends to be an instrument for bringing riverside diversity closer
    with a view to rural education, carrying out a geographical reading of the
    pedagogy of alternation and the different geographies present in this process:
    school geography, riverside geography and that experienced at school. As a
    general object of investigation, it incorporates elements of culture, history,
    geography and specific challenges of the island region of Belém into the
    curriculum, making education more connected to the local reality, actively
    involving the community in the construction of the educational process,
    promoting partnerships between schools and local organizations to enrich the
    educational experience. As well as, implementing a pedagogical alternation
    approach, in order to allow different forms of learning, such as periods of
    theoretical study at school interspersed with periods of practice in the
    community. Ensure that the dynamics of pedagogical alternation is inclusive,
    meeting the needs of different ethnic, socioeconomic and cultural groups
    present in the region. Therefore, in order to study and understand the Fishing
    School House, two approaches were considered: First, conceptually, What to
    study? What is the school concept for the pedagogical model adopted in the
    PPP? How to identify the elements involved in the community and their
    relationship with the school? Second, a temporal analysis of the research field
    of the Casa-escola da Pesca (CEPE), given that the dynamics of alternation are
    current. Therefore, analyzing the influence processes that guide the location
    where the school belongs is something that interferes in the school and
    community relationship. To do this, make the methodological choice of the
    research, analyze the combination of knowledge and define the bibliographic
    tools and interviews relevant to enriching the field research. The results
    revealed a range of perceptions among participants, from enthusiasm and
    motivation to concerns about adaptation and resistance to change. Key areas of
    interest included the perceived effectiveness of these teaching methods in
    engaging students and facilitating learning, as well as challenges faced by
    teachers in practical implementation, such as a lack of resources and
    institutional support. Furthermore, issues related to professional training and the

    continuous development of pedagogical skills necessary for the effective
    implementation of this teaching modality were identified. Therefore, this study
    contributes to a deeper understanding of teachers' perspectives on the
    implementation of teaching methods in school, providing valuable insights to
    inform educational policies and practices that promote innovation and
    excellence in education.

  • Data: 10-oct-2023
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The research focused on a search for the riverside territorialities of Ilha do Combú-Pa,
    in the community of Piriquitaquara, analyzing the social and economic relations that
    permeate the way of life in this territory, where the contradictions, conflicts and
    resistance of this place were elucidated. Thus, aiming to understand how the
    community has perceived changes in their way of life, as well as identifying what has
    been influencing territorial dynamics, and observing the relationship between ways of
    life and their economic and productive relations. To achieve the aforementioned
    objectives, the dissertation methodology was based on the theoretical and
    methodological understanding of the relationship between riverside man and nature,
    their social relations, their cultural, political and economic constructs, to analyze the
    Amazon and its interfaces in the development process economic, its contradictions
    and conflicts, as well as its riverside singularity, and its consequences. At the same
    time, it required research with qualitative analysis, where ethnography was the path
    followed with the research subjects, based on fieldwork and listening to memories. And
    in this journey, we saw the need for collective demands of an institutional nature in
    public health, safety and education policies, especially the respect and appreciation of
    their riverside way of life.

  • Teaching Geography on the riverbank: interfaces between curriculum and riverside knowledge in Cametá Pará. 

  • Data: 02-feb-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The presente study is related to the sub-line “Teaching of Geography and Education in the Countryside” of the research line: “Socio-spatial and Territorial Analysis in the Countryside of the Amazon”. Its general objective is: to understand the interfaces/relationships between the Geography curriculum and the riverside knowledge in Cametá- Pará. The municipality in question is located in the northeast of Pará and has a large representation of populations residing in the rural (56.3%). Among these populations, there are the riverside ones, that is, those who live on the banks of the river, in the region of the Cametá islands and in this spatial context build their knowledge and ways of life. According to the Municipal Department of Education of Cametá (2020), 48% of the schools that make up the public education network of this municipality are located in riverside communities, so we consider it important to bring the theme in question to the scenario of research in geography in the Amazon. We chose to focus on the analysis of the elementary school geography curriculum (final years - 6th to 9th year). In relation to riverside knowledge, this study sought to identify them from the participant observation in the riverside community called Pacuí de Cima, which is part of the daily life of this researcher who is also a teacher in the municipal network of Cametá and works in the school inserted in the community in question. We consider the qualitativos approach of the subject in question, seringo through field work, photographic records, document analysis and open and semi-structured interviews to achieve the proposed objectives. As a result, we found that the geography curriculum of the municipality of Cametá of the final years of elementary school was built in its entirety from what the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) considers as essential learning, not observing for this component the construction of a diversified part, where topics such as the knowledge of the riverside populations could be addressed. Despite this, we found some possibilities in the geography curriculum in question, for interfaces with the knowledge of traditional populations, but which are limited to other factors.

  • Territorial dynamics in complex urban spaces: the Ananindeua homicides, metropolitan area of Belém/PA

  • Data: 04-feb-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Urban spaces are made up of numerous specificities, which together form complex environments, highlighting socio-spatial inequalities and, above all, the different faces of crime that affect significant portions of the city population, as structuring elements of these realities. So, when talking about cities, it becomes necessary to adopt a more comprehensive view, in order to consider, for example, the actions of historical and real agents, who, in the midst of a social game, form them through their objectives. In this multiple and diverse scenario, it was possible to find, from a geographical and cartographic perspective centered on the concepts of space and territory, a broader and more approximate way of analyzing such issues. As part of this, Ananindeua is presented, as a metropolitan space of Belém/PA, formed by contrasts, as it represents one of the most important areas for the political and economic strategies of Pará, simultaneously, it is a center of problems and dilemmas, such as social ills and the high number of criminal occurrences, which commonly makes it the second most violent municipality in the state in Pará, in relation to homicidal violence. Thus, noting this, the main objective of this research was to understand the spatial and territorial dynamics that involve the intentional homicides that occurred in Ananindeua-PA, between the years 2018 and 2020, from the socio-spatial context of each of the areas that compose it. The methodological procedures were basically based on bibliographic reviews, collection and analysis of documents, data and information regarding the place of study, in addition to the practice of exploratory work, with the application of interviews to the actors who build it daily, as well as primordial portions of this research, became possible from cartographic productions that enabled the visualization of criminal behavior, such as the observation of the areas in which a certain crime is concentrated. The results obtained show that the existing conjunctures are reflections of territorialities consummated by multiple agents, which create and strengthen traits such as poverty and segregation, as well as influence the executions of violent deaths. homicides, modus operandi and the situation of each of the victims, which focus on young people as the main targets. For these reasons, geography and cartography have much to contribute by bringing to light through their mechanisms part of the issues experienced by the local population.


  • Data: 24-feb-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The present research aims to analyze the precariousness of labor relations in urban service provision activities in the cities of the Amazônia Tocantina, specifically Cametá and Abaetetuba, as well as its socio-spatial implications. In view of the above, the problem of this work focuses on the precariousness existing in work relationships, found in urban spaces in cities in the Amazônia Tocantina, specifically in Cametá and Abaetetuba. From such debates and conceptions, the importance of understanding precarious work is considered, especially in the context established here, that is, in its interrelationships with the spatial dimension and, even more, because it is the socio-spatial context of cities in the Amazônia Tocantina. The present research has a qualitative nature and field research was carried out. Considering the final result of the research and the discussions raised, the activities of motorcycle taxi drivers and fishmongers in the cities of Cametá/PA and Abaetetuba/PA, are spatialized in conditions marked by precariousness and thus refer to the dynamics of precarious work and its implications in the life of the worker when considering factors such as income, working hours, education, health, housing spaces, among others.

  • National and international cash-and-carry-spatial implications in the middle
    town of Castanhal, Pará

  • Data: 24-ago-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The present research covers the socio-spatial implications in the performance of the commerce of national and global atacarejos (Assaí, Atacadão and Mix atacarejo) in the city of Castanhal, located in the northeast region of Pará. This segment has generated important transformations in urban spaces and in the urban network, as evidenced by the analysis of the Brazilian and Pará reality and is going through a period of transformations in the face of the role played by big capital. It was found that the atacarejos are characterized by bringing together characteristics of retail and wholesale, reducing prices by reducing costs. In this sense, the work aimed to analyze the socio-spatial implications of the activities of the atacarejos, members of national and international networks, for the medium-sized city of Castanhal. It focused on the main operating characteristics of these activities, as well their economic and spatial strategies, highlighting the effects of the installation of networks in the center of the Jaderlândia neighborhood, marked by activities of the lower circuit of the urban economy in the city. Small retail stores characterized as stores in the lower circuit of the urban economy reaffirm new facets and reveal changes and continuities in their new ways of acting. Bibliographic, documentary studies and field research were carried out, with the application of interviews with consumers of the atacarejos chains, the residents of the surroundings of these networks and owners of the circuit in the Jaderlândia neighborhood. With the introduction of atacarejos chains from 2016 in Castanhal, these play a significant role in the city of expanding goods and services on a regional and local scale with important changes in the internal organization of the city. New spatialities were created around the networks, improvements in infrastructure, services, employment, income and security were created. The atacarejo market emerged from the need to change the retail market due to the differentiated needs of current consumers, with this, the operation is organized in a hybrid way. However, it uses two types of markets: self-service and pay and take, thus serving both merchants and family consumers. Such changes in the retail market imply knowing the relationship with the lower circuit of the urban economy, that is, small retailers find themselves under the need to innovate, adopting change strategies to stay in the Market. The current scenario of the atacarejos commercial segment in the city of Castanhal is marked by the resistance of small retailers in the face of big capital and, at the same time, the new competitive relations demonstrate that, in the midst of technical advances and the modernization of economic segments, forms old and new commerce coexist and relate, (re)configuring and (re)defining the spatial dynamics of cities.



  • Black pepper spatial circuit: Implications in the socioeconomic
    reproduction of family farmers in the city of Cametá-PA.

  • Data: 26-ago-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • This research aims to analyze the dynamics of the spatial circuit of black
    pepper in Cametá and its effects on the socioeconomic reproduction of the
    family farmer in the municipality. To achieve this objective, methodological
    procedures were adopted, such as a bibliographic review, data collection
    (secondary and primary sources) and fieldwork carried out in the villages of
    Porto Grande and Bom Jardim, municipality of Cametá - State of Pará. The
    research approach method, which directs our interpretations of reality, is the
    dialectic, from which we start from the genesis of the process, reconstruction
    and explanation, to understand the current reality. The theoretical-conceptual
    basis of the research rests on the theory of productive circuits, a concept that
    allows us to understand space from the point of view of production, distribution,
    exchange and consumption and that emphasizes the particularities that emerge
    from the territorial division of production and the successive exchanges/flows
    among areas, allowing us to understand the regional space in its dialogue with
    broader scales (MORAES, 1985; SANTOS; 1986; 1988;2020; ARROYO, 2008;
    CASTILLO; FREDERICO, 2010; DANTAS, 2016). The concept of geographic
    situation (SILVEIRA, 1999; CLAVAL, 2011; CATAIA; RIBEIRO, 2015;) shows
    that a geographically situated production is the result not only of edaphoclimatic
    factors, but of a set of technical-productive variables that explain specific
    development related to pepper production. The main results of the research
    indicate that the earning capacity of black pepper producers is directly affected
    by the dynamics of the spatial circuit, which is global, as well as by the
    development of stricto sensu production and the trade structure that still
    presupposes the existence of the buyer-intermediary. A series of factors such
    as production costs, prices, intermediary trade, access to credit lines, shortage
    of labor and lack of technical assistance explain the geographical situation of
    the production and commercialization of black pepper in the municipality,
    reproducing locally a global productive logic which takes place and separates
    producers from the results of their work, transferring surplus value from the local
    to the regional, national and global circuits in which capital accumulation takes


  • Data: 29-ago-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • It is not today that socio-environmental issues have been the scene of intense debates, especially when we refer to the future of humanity. This happened from the moment that society began to question its actions on the environment, reflecting on the levels of impacts and environmental imbalances historically triggered. Since these imbalances began to generate controversies and conflicts between societies. In the field of geography, we seek to disseminate discussions about the socio-environmental dynamics based on studies that include the levels of transformation of the environment, the landscape, the exchange between society and nature. Here we aim to spread discussions about socio-environmental conflicts that arise from the actions of artificialization of the landscape, respectively in the Tracuateua Marine Extractive Reserve - REMT, on the coast of Pará. In order to do so, we are based on the theoretical-methodological conception of the G.T.P to understand the physiographic aspects of the Landscape Unit of Campos Alagados, to perceive the territorial and socioeconomic relations that are established there and to perceive, in the face of the culturally and historically humanized landscape, the socio-environmental conflicts. that are drawn within the scope of the impacts that the biophysical environment has been suffering over the years. Therefore, we stipulate as a general objective, to understand the socio-environmental conflicts in the landscape of flooded fields in the RESEX-MAR of Tracuateua-PA, from different uses. The following specific objectives are also highlighted: I- To present the physiographic aspects of the landscape of flooded fields in the Chapada community; II- Discuss the historical process of occupation of the landscape of flooded fields in the community of Chapada; III- Identify the main uses of natural resources in the landscape of natural fields in the community of Chapada and IV- Identify and analyze the main socio-environmental conflicts that occur in the landscape of fields in the community of Chapada, RESEX-MAR de Tracuateua-PA. For the development of this study, it was necessary to carry out a bibliographical and documentary review, development of cartographic collections such as maps and sketches, as well as fieldwork, where data were collected through interviews and photographs were taken of the Chapada community, our empirical cut. In our research, we realized that the socio-environmental conflicts in the community of Chapada, happens from impacts arising from various uses of the landscape of flooded fields, which triggers differences between the usurious population. Thus, we perceive that the environmental policy in the Resex category has weaknesses in terms of protecting the environment, translating only as a policy that guarantees the creation of a reserve of value and/or natural capital for ecocapitalism – an environmental geopolitics. Bearing in mind that management plans or agreements have little effect when it comes to implementing the sustainable use of the territory, in addition to their guidelines causing strangeness among user populations. At an institutional level, the REMT association is apathetic and/or peaceful in terms of dealing with socio-environmental impacts for the resolution of socio-environmental conflicts.



  • Data: 30-ago-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The present research analyzes the precarious housing in the distant outskirts of
    Belém in light of the regional urbanization process as expressions of the configuration of a city-
    region. The district of Mosqueiro, the municipality of Santa Bárbara do Pará and the
    municipality of Benevides are part of the process of expansion and dispersion to distant areas.
    It aims to analyze the agents and strategies involved in the production of precarious housing

    from the process of regional-polycentric urbanization of Belém and its formation as a city-
    region. The methodological procedures were elaborated from stages, consisting in
    bibliographic analysis of authors of the area for discussion of theories linked to theoretical-
    methodological and conceptual approaches to explain the structures, processes, forms and
    functions of the polycentric regional urbanization associated to the city-region of Belém and its
    influences on the production and reproduction of precarious housing in the areas of action of
    the new urban arrangements. The expansion and dispersion do not obey the administrative
    limits of the municipalities involved, consolidating a new phase for the entire metropolitan
    space and its surroundings, especially in the areas of precarious housing insertion. The
    residents of the settlements, from their experiences and the denial of the right to the city,
    from their precarious inclusion, exposed the changes that occurred as a result of such
    processes and their role as groups transforming the space, since these agents are products and
    conditionings for the understanding of the peripheral dynamics. As a means of systematizing
    this analysis, the choice of three settlements was necessary in order to prove the theoretical
    thought of new urban forms to the spatial transformations that occur daily in increasingly
    distant areas. For this reason, the settlements analyzed in this research are spread throughout
    the city region, with the Comunidade Nova Esperança occupation in Benevides and the
    subdivision Portal da Ilha, in the district of Mosqueiro composing the metropolitan space, and
    the subdivision Fazendinha, in Santa Bárbara do Pará composing the metropolitan
    surroundings. As a result, we verify that the precarious settlements spaces, even though they
    are influenced by the polycentric regional urbanization and are in na area of consolidation of a
    regional city, are not contemplated with the range of diversification and intensification of
    flows and fixed that make urban development possible, resulting in a peripheral area with
    rapid growth associated with the need for housing, contributing to the expansion and
    dispersion of the city, as well as to the polynucleation and deconcentration of Belém. The right
    to the city and the search for spatial justice go through the constant unequal reproduction in
    space, where there is na unavoidable need for articulation of all social groups existing in the
    periphery as the main vector of transformation of space, seeking daily to overcome the
    precarious condition and equitable access to resources offered by the city through a
    restructuring so that new urban nuclei can develop and perform equitable functions in the
    city-region of Belém.

  • THE REGIONAL APPROACH IN THE CLASSROOM: an analysis of the curricular component of Amazonian Studies
  • Data: 31-ago-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The concerns about understanding the sócio-spatial transformations in the Amazon, especially from 1960 onwards, led teachers to think about a curricular componente focused on the regional approach in basic education. In this way, Amazonian Studies in created as a school subject officially operationalized in the state of Pará in the 1990, with the aim of proposing the debate on the region. Since then, several questions have been problematizing this discussion in terms of theory and practice, since the componente is, at first, thinking to emphasize the recurring events in this contexto and gains new roles over time, as objectives more linked to the formation of citizenship, ro the maintenance and constuction of local/regional identity. In the perspective, this research aims to analyze the approach to the region in basc education, in the contexto of the Amazon, from the curricular componente of Amazonian Studies, which is currently configured as the only instrument aimed at carrying out this type of discussion. The methodological procedures and strategies were based on a vast bibliographic and documentar survey to provide theoretical support to questions related to the history of Amazonian Studies. Interdisciolinarity, curriculum and the relevance of the study on the region. We chose as a cotout for the collection of a dará sample, the municipality of Bujaru, in which we interviewed teachers, scool managers and pedagogical coordinators, as wellas students from three scools located in the urban space, in order to obtain a practical basis for the discussion. From these procedures, we seek to achieve the specific objectives of abalyzing the perception of students, teachers and managers about the curricular componente of Amazonian Studies, verifying what is proposed for Amazonian Studies in curricular terms, understanding how Amazonian Studies presentes itself within an interdisciplinary perspective and clarify the relevance of the regional debate in yhe classroom. As a result, we realize that there are reductionist views on the Amazon, which in many cases is considered just as a river and forest, in addition there is a lack of curricular basis, as state and municipal proposals are still  very dependente on the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) and the componentes of History and Geography, in terms of objects and objectives. It is also observed that the interdisciplinar proposal designed for Amazonian Studies is compromised by a series of factors, such as the direction of contente, lack of didactic materials for this discussion and the diversity of professional who carry out this debate, which in many cases translates as a multidisciplinar componente. We verified the importance of studying the region, since it was found that many subjects are unaware of their own reality and that there is a loss of regional identity, which consequently are shown throungh reductionist conceptions and stereotypes about the Amazon.

  • Data: 31-ago-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The purpose of this work is to problematize, within a theoretical, discursive and empirical approach, the precarious public school space as a spatial injustice. For Therefore, it studies the understanding of spatial (in)justice intertwined with the right to school not precarious, in a reference to the Right to the City. It assumes that the space school, as a physical support of education, when it is anchored in a context of precariousness, indignity and disability, in their physical and environmental conditions, is understood as a spatial injustice, and can be designated as geographic friction that segregates, excludes and diminishes whatever the scale and lens of observation. A methodology has a qualitative nature, within a critical aspect, integrated with the technical of bibliographical, documentary research, based on the empirical method. In the case of a descriptive and interdisciplinary research. As research, it also uses field study, carried out in two Belenense schools and documents. As a study, essentially, if wants to show, highlight and reflect theoretically and discursively on the theme, from the Belenense school geographic space, as a way of improving the space itself school, as a physical support for education and as a utopian possibility of dignity, humanization and spatial fairness. The results of the present work report the need to rethink the school physical space as a holder of potentialities that improve educational practice, humanly dignifying their actors. Thus, we analyze, albeit incipiently, the close relationships and intersections between education and geographic space in an interdisciplinary perspective and approach, dialoguing with the potentializing perspective of a more liberating education from of the school space.
  • THE RIBEIRO-QUEER-BODY: Of R-Existences Embodied in the City’s to the Landscape
  • Data: 31-ago-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo

    From the problematic: how does the queer-ribeirinho-body produce landscapes of ruptures, co-instituting emerging images of a geographically disorienting body-territory in the city of Oeiras do Pará? This dissertation is inserted in the thematic field of LGBTQIA+ or queer geographies, proposing the dialogue between the categories of the landscape in the direction of a possible territory from the relationship of the body-queer-riverside, a concept that emerges from the relationship between 5 interlocutors and their experiences in an urban-riverside context, in the Marajoara and Brazilian Amazon region. To this end, we prepared a bibliographical discussion between Geography authors such as Joseli Maria Silva (2008), Sara Ahmed (2004) and Algustin Berque (2019) in line with Butler (2019), Preciado (2014), among other regional and local authors to the elaboration of a geography in phenomenological dialogue with Decoloniality and Queer Theory. In this opening of a queer episteme and in its power to generate new narratives between the body and the city, the aim is to understand the (re)creation of the landscape as the foundation of the emergence of the LGBTQIA+ body-territory in this portion of the Amazon. From the absences of this body in institutional spaces of power such as the academy, for example, we seek to contrast with the sphere of the street, the margins and the experiences here correlated by the subjects themselves with the claim of a territory and the city from the cartographic perspective, which here we call riverside-queer-landscapes. An articulation and search for methodologies that intertwine from the approach of phenomenology as a theoretical-methodological current and life stories, semi-open interviews and multiple languages such as documentary photography, performance in public spaces and the proposal of what we have agreed here to call Contrasexual Cartographies of the queer-ribeirinho-Body. Records that emerge as scientific documents from living archives based on the survival strategies and counter-hegemonic life practices of these subjects; which allowed us to draw up maps articulating existential, symbolic, discursive and territorial scales of multiple existences that make up the diversity, other metrics of representation/registration and the rupture of abject Amazons and of geographies of r-existence that emerge from the margins, from the precariousness of the life and the city lived, geo-embodied and subversive in the face of the current context of economic, political, health (Covid-19) and above all human crises.


    Space production, socio-spatial inequalities and urban
    violence: a socio-space analysis on the city of Castanhal,Pa

  • Data: 31-ago-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo

    Urban spaces are constantly undergoing changes, modifying and alternating the population's style and quality of life. Currently, there is a greater need to study the growing phenomena of these spaces, as well as to carry out a plan that aims to improve mobility and control the internal security of urban areas, due to the various problems and needs that these nuclei entail. In this scenario, urban violence emerges as one of the main problems faced by the inhabitants of these centers, causing several areas of scientific knowledge to intend their research on the theme in order to establish a theoretical dialogue that can contribute to the understanding of the causes that may be influencing on the dynamics of violence in these areas. It is noteworthy here that violent crimes are urban phenomena associated with processes of disorganization in large urban centers, in which there is a process of deterioration of control mechanisms. In this sense, it was thought that the same process unfolds in the city of Castanhal, and specifically in the neighborhoods highlighted in this research. In this way, it was decided to analyze the dynamics of urban violence based on geographic information on the production of urban space and socio-spatial inequalities in Castanhal and its relationship with homicides that occurred between 2019 and 2021. The research was carried out through the review theoretical, field research, interviews, data analysis from the Single Registry of Social Programs - CadÚnico, document analysis from the Municipality of Castanhal (PMC), Secretary of Public Security (SEGUP), Secretary of Public Security of the State of Pará (SEGUP), Assistant Secretariat for Information and Criminal Analysis (SIAC), University of the State of Pará (UEPA) and Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). We were able to understand that the dynamics of urban violence is associated with the process of concentrated urban growth and the expansion of areas of expansion of cities that present precarious spaces of intense poverty, with the insufficiency of public policies and records of precarious social indicators. Homicide data generated cartographic material, where it was found that in peripheral areas there are a greater number of occurrences. Thus, areas of expansion and poverty become a space for disputes and a stronghold for crime, since there is a kind of vacuum of power left by the low participation of the State. Thus, through geographic discussions, we were able to identify an intrinsic interrelationship between criminality and social inequality, which can be seen even in static analyzes of homicide victims.


  • Data: 31-ago-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The açaí tree (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) is known by various names such as: açaí, açaí-do-Pará, açaí-de-touceira, açaí-de-plant, juçara, juçara-de-touceira and açaí-verdadeiro, in which it is easily found in the floodplain areas of the Amazon estuary and behaves as one of the main sources of food for local communities and, currently, has a significant commercial importance for various social subjects. The research is focused on an analysis of the cultivation of açaí in floodplain and upland areas where managed native açaí groves are distributed in the estuary of the Tocantins, Pará and Amazonas rivers and the planting of açaí in upland areas can be a viable means for recovery of degraded areas favoring the reduction of pressure on the floodplain ecosystem and preventing the transformation of this palm tree into homogeneous forests. The main objective of the research is to analyze the differences and similarities of açaí cultivation in the State of Pará in floodplain landscapes and upland landscapes to carry out a comparison between public policies aimed at the extraction of açaí in the State of Pará. The research is justified by the need to seek socio-environmental understanding in relation to the differences in the cultivation of açaí in floodplain landscapes and upland landscapes, in which they present themselves with geographic, technical and cultural specificities, as well as to identify the public policies involved. in this spatial circuit of production. The methodology of the work was based on a bibliographical revision regarding the conceptualization of what is understood by Landscape, mainly the floodplain of the Amazon estuary, collection of secondary data in public and private institutions and in scientific repositories with the intention of incorporating relevant information for the analysis of the differences between floodplain areas and upland areas in relation to the cultivation of açaí and preparation of thematic maps. From the 1990s onwards, there was a growth in the cultivation of açaí in upland areas, which directly interferes with the criteria for exporting and importing the fruit and the life of the extractor, which, despite all the technology already incorporated in the field, is still sees outside the Labor Laws. With that, this activity is still extremely unhealthy for this worker.


  • Data: 31-ago-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The present study aims to understand different functionalities and forms of relationship between city and river in São Miguel do Guamá. Its problem is structured from the absence of public policies and/or the new dynamics as the main distances. Understand the permanence or changes with the implementation of the so-called “big projects”, especially the construction of BR-010 Highway (Belém-Brasília). The historical context and the relations of the social groups established from the memories of former residents of the city, the importance in the daily life of the contact/dependence with the Guamá River (past), the participation of traders, sellers and visitors who design the social representation in the relations with the dynamics at the moment. From the methodological instruments for the development of the research, with regard to the understanding of the use of the Guamá River in different periods, the elements of analysis of the bibliographic and documentary research of theoretical assumptions that elucidated concepts related to the city. Thus systematic observations, semi-structured interviews, photographic records and photographs provided by interviewees, considering the periods and activities established. Demonstrated through interviews, with emphasis on memories, social representations, landscape through the use of IRAMUTEQ software. Thus, we found that the socio-spatial formation of the city of São Miguel do Guamá, constituted direct relationships in the face of the temporalities altered or continued functions, meaning to the image of the individual in society the historical specificity of the cities on the riverbanks, with riverside references. Regarding the relationship between the city and the river, the distance was noticed, due to the absence of public policies that extended over the years, let's consider the first factor. The second refers to the functioning of the place and activities that they promoted that caused fear/fear, which it represented for residents and visitors. And finally, a new reading of the reality of the urban contours, the attempt to (re)establish and strengthen and rethink urban management and policies for the urban space. We can say that the construction of the Beira Rio Complex provided the return of activities that were once paralyzed.

  • Indigenous Land Mother Mary and the Territorial Conflicts that affect the Kyikatêjê Amtàti Village

  • Data: 09-sep-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The Indigenous Land (TI) Mother Mary in the Southeast of Pará it suffers pressure from livestock, invasions of its lands for hunting and gathering in the forest, among others. The opening of Estradas, Eletronorte’s high voltage transmission line, the construction of a railroad between São Luiz (MA) and Parauapebas (PA) brought conflicts and socio-environmental damage to IT. The present research has as its spatial cutout the Kyikatêjê village, of the Mother Mary TI, in the municipality of Bom Jesus do Tocantins in the Southeasr Region of Pará. It is important to analyze the environmental damage present in the Mother Mary Indigenous Land and in the Kyikatêjê village, because what is observed is that the damage that affects indigenous communities, their environment and customs is not taken into account, and therefore, a better evaluation of studies of socio-environmental damage that affect indigenous peoples present in the Mother Mary Indigenous Land. The main objective of this work is to analyze the territorial conflicts caused in the Kyikatêjê village from the implementation of large government projects implemented in the state of Pará, in view of the cultural/identity damages and the environmental damage that occurred in the TI space. As a procedure for its development, the proposal for a bibliographic document review on the subject was adopted. The discussions developed in this dissertation will provide visibility and voice to the reality of conflicts and voice to the reality of conflicts and environmental damage, from a scientific/geographic basis and of conflicts in the community, as well as the survey of the socio-environmental damage that affects the village of the Gavião Kyikatêjê people on Earth Mother Mary. The struggle and territorial conflicts of indigenous peoples, both in their historical processes ad in the current context, are due to the clash of indigenous peoples against the state and the great projects that seek to expel them from their territories, to exploit the riches that territories have.



  • Data: 05-oct-2022
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Riverside communities in the Amazon have significant particularities that are present in
    their daily lives and ways of life, envisioning a universe of practices and knowledge
    linked to the territory. From this perspective, we aim in this work to understand the
    diversity of riverside cultural knowledge that involves the Furo do Nazário community
    on Ilha das Onças in the Municipality of Barcarena-PA, from the educational territory,
    represented by the school as an instrument in the reproduction of this knowledge. The
    educational territory will be discussed from the empirical data collected through the
    territory of the community, focusing on the Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental
    Laurival Cunha. The analyzes will be guided by the qualitative research methodology
    with field work, interviews and based on theoretical references that approach the
    educational territory in the Amazon and its knowledge. The results indicate that the
    experience of community residents, reproduced through their knowledge and ways of
    life, remains in the flow and legitimizing their territoriality, however, the reproduction
    of these practices at school goes against the grain and is distant from the local reality of
    these subjects.


  • Data: 11-feb-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Considering that the open market corresponds to a space that plays a central role in the dynamics of Amazonian riverside cities, as it is an economic pole with convergence of flows and territorialities, it is understood as one of the spaces of greater transterritorial expressiveness in the riverside urban. Based on this principle, this research seeks to understand the transterritorial dynamics of the Feira Livre space in the city of Cametá, turning to the analysis of its structuring, flows, forms of appropriation and economic and symbolic exchanges between the subjects that move from other neighborhoods, towns, islands, roads and neighboring cities to the fair, ending up configuring a territorial peculiarity to this area to the detriment of other spaces in the city. Therefore, a work was carried out to deepen theories, in particular, on the concept of transterritoriality, with Rogério Haesbaert as a pioneer in Brazilian geography, understanding it as territoriality governed “in and by movement” (2012, p. 31), in order to seek support to analyze the geography of the place. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, priority was given to the bibliographic survey of books, book chapters, articles, dissertations and theses, seeking to explore notions of territoriality and trans-territoriality and open markets; the documental survey with information provided by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the Municipality of Cametá and the Municipal Department of Agriculture, Rural and Economic Development, with the purpose of knowing the locus space and subjects of investigation so that we can conceive them the light of the concepts covered; and the field work, in which observation techniques, interviews, testimonies and data analysis were used to understand the materialities and immaterialities present within the free fair. Such methodologies allowed us to understand the economic and sociocultural aspects of the subjects and the space studied, where we are faced with a territorial hybridism that arises from the appropriation and use of the fair spaces, eventually producing its transterritorial identity.

  • Urban activism as a strategy in the environmental movement of Belém-PA: (re)existences and young practices of the NGO Engajamundo 
  • Data: 05-sep-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The research entitled "Practices and strategies activists amazon: the social Ambiental fight of Engajamundo NGO local nucleus in Belém , state of Pará, seeks analyze dynamics that exist of the social movement and intended to reveal which collective practices are directed towards the relationship between the NGO and the city, emerging from the actions of activists involved in the environmental cause in the amazon. Since those points intended to achieve the general objective of analyzing how socio environmental practices are undertaken from the Engajamundo NGO in Belém city. On the other hand, the specifics objectives are about the intention to verify the link between NGO at the national level and the local actions through the local nucleus in Belém, analyzing how group’s strategies and mobilizations relate to the NGO’s national agendas, in addition to investigating how the voices of local group activists are considered throughout the movements established by Engajamundo. It Was decided in Methodological terms, after deep analysis, to adopt the qualitative approach, having as the method the dialectic, being of the type participating research. The methodology used throughout the data production was divided into deepen stages, first conducting exploratory research and after the development of Focus Group, these being carried out from the dynamic of dialogue with the words and the world, based on Paulo Freire (1998) concept. Theoretically, it is based mainly on an established discussion between environmentalists, Non-governmental Organizations, Conflicts and Environmental Injustices. The results obtained it is possible to affirm that the Engajamundo generates from the dissension of its instances a policy of scales, moreover it is remarkable that local nucleus is EngajaÉGUA, develops its agenda based on its realities, thus creating practices, knowledge and spatialities for action in the amazon as well as ways to build and read the Belém city, making it clear that there is participation of the group’s activists in the processes developed and materialized in the NGO’s national spaces. Thus, the subjects of the research verify that their need, agendas and the processes are considered in the Engajamundo’s Agenda, despite signaling numerous obstacles to that. It is concluded that NGO is configured, in the city of Belém as a space for collective construction to focus on socio environmental issues from the strategies developed by Amazonian Activists.

  • Geographical inter-scientificity: a journey around the territoriality of indigenous teachers.

  • Data: 19-oct-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • In the first decades of the 21st century it is observed that the indigenous policy of the state of Pará (Brazil) has been consolidated, particularly within the scope of indigenous school education and in teacher training courses, as well as in the emergence of indigenous organizations and associations, many of which led by professionals in the education field. Considering this context and aware that the insertion of territoriality as a central axis in indigenous school policies necessarily passes through the concepts of indigenous teachers, according to Sousa and Oliveira Neto (2020), the objective of the research is to understand the concepts of territoriality of indigenous teachers from the dialogue interscience. This objective is justified because it is an exercise in understanding how respect for indigenous concepts of territoriality and school education are articulated, two priority demands for the indigenous movement, and how its main interlocutors have evaluated the current model of indigenous school education. To achieve success in this dialogue, we opted to carry out a theoretical study based on Sack (1986) and  Bonnemaison (2003) who express, through their theoretical fundaments, two distinct conceptions of territoriality and that helped us, in the course of this investigative process, to understand the conceptions of territoriality of indigenous teachers. We used, in methodological terms, the qualitative study approach and a type of descriptive research, having, as methodological procedures, the literature review, the bibliometric review, the documentary survey, the remote qualitative interviews, culminating in the inter-scientific dialogue, characterized by the elaboration of new paradigms of apprehension of the real and communication between knowledge, on the threshold between epistemology and hermeneutics (Leff, 2011). According to the analysis carried out, the concepts of territoriality of indigenous teachers trigger four distinct and non-excluding perspectives, one associated with indigenous cultures and the territory as a space for affirming ancestral/cosmological and geosymbolic practices, a functional perspective that conceives territoriality as a dimension of ethno-political affirmation on indigenous territories, one associated with spirituality in which the enchanted appear as important elements for territorial organization and, finally, territoriality as a central axis of the activities of indigenous schools and which, within this perspective, helps these peoples to transmit their conceptions of territoriality.

  • The geography of water in urban rivers: a socio-environmental analysis of the Garrafão stream and the Jipuúba river in Garrafão do Norte-PA

  • Data: 27-oct-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • Cities in the Amazon, as well as many cities in the world, are increasingly exposed to social and environmental problems that directly or indirectly affect watercourses, especially those present in urbanized spaces. In this context, this work brings approaches regarding the socio-environmental problems that affect the urban stretch of a small Amazon city and the consequences that these complications cause to the local society. The study sought to identify whether the behavior of residents and local laws contribute to the emergence, prevention or mitigation of social and environmental problems in the watercourses identified and mentioned here. The main objective of this research was to analyze the socio-environmental conditions of the Garrafão creek and the Jipuúba river, in the course of the city of Garrafão do Norte-PA, identifying the socio-environmental problems in the area through field research, the use of photographic records and geotechnologies. Analyzes of satellite images were carried out with the help of the Qgis software, in order to facilitate knowledge and observation of areas identified with occurrences of socio-environmental problems caused and/or intensified by the action of the local population. There is a brief presentation about the urbanization process in the research area, showing how it has provided and compromised water quality. The methodology of this work was supported, firstly, in a literature review, followed by interviews with residents of the area involved in the research; an analysis of the discharges of liquid and solid waste was carried out through observation, and of satellite images using the Qgis program for the purpose of preparing maps, which enabled the multitemporal analysis of land use and occupation in the area. Of study, highlighting the classifications of consolidated urban area, area of recent urban expansion, exposed soil and Permanent Preservation Area (APP). As a result, this work presents the social and environmental impacts on the banks of the Garrafão creek and the Jipuúba river, aiming to promote knowledge and help, as the work becomes public knowledge, in sensitizing the local population about the importance of preserving the courses in 'water, especially in urbanized space.


  • Data: 08-nov-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • In this study, we discuss the analysis of territorial conflicts between peasants and agents of the capital in the municipality of Codó, in the State of Maranhão, seeking to (re)discover the confronting forces and the intensification in the number of agrarian conflicts in the municipality, in addition to the strategies of confrontation from class and/or support entities. Since the object system is not only technical, but also social, that is, it is a reflection and condition of political actions that participate in the production of a dynamic and functional territorial order that it is transformed as a function of production patterns and capitalist regulation. The territorial conflicts between peasants and agents of capital, that is, farmers, land grabbers, agribusiness entrepreneurs and companies focused on the use of the territory in Codó, has its genesis linked to the policies of expansion of agricultural areas carried out by the Federal and State governments around the 2000s, which encouraged the land market in Maranhão. The territorialization of new residents in the region and the insertion of a new context of land use impacted the way of life of the local population, both in the countryside and in the city, as the new residents brought with them new demands and a new vision for use of land, made possible by the physical characteristics of the area, as well as a set of legislation implemented by the different spheres of Government. It is noteworthy that the area for more than two centuries was/is occupied by original peoples and mainly by peasants who developed/developed their way of life using natural resources for small-scale production, aimed at self-sustainment and family, in addition to the sale of the surplus in local commerce. From this territorial arrangement, several territorial conflicts were installed in the region, which, due to different interests, are being reconfigured to this day, as the activities performed by capital agents have not always been carried out with the best criteria. From the point of view of nature preservation and valuing the pre-existing territoriality, that is, the new activities developed in the countryside do not include the local population, in addition to causing quantitative and qualitative changes in the environment, which in a way, contributes to the worsening of the social reality of peasants in the municipality of Codó. This process generates conflicts, reflecting environmental impacts, land concentration, the subjection of producers to production financing schemes, in view of the productive pattern that has been territorialized in the region. Conflicts that also arise due to the meeting of different cultures and ethnocentric cultural values, which are carriers of the ideology of modernization, which contrasts with those of the pre-existing sociocultural structures in the region. In this study, we will use the historical and dialectical materialist method to understand this situation and the different forms of unequal (de)involvement and, consequently, the conflicts that emerged in the city over the last 20 years.

  • Territorialization of black people in the Amazon region of Pará: a study on the Nova Jutaí Community in Breu Branco, Pará.

  • Data: 02-dic-2021
  • Resumen Espectáculo
  • The present dissertation has as its spatial cutout the Community of Nova Jutaí, located in the municipality of Breu Branco, in the immediate geographic region of Tucuruí, within the intermediate geographic region of Marabá, southeast of the state of Pará, in agreement with the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistic. The general objective of this work is to understand the process of territorialization of that community, based on the strategies to keep its social, political and cultural organization alive. The methodological framework is based on the oral history of individuals, drawing on collective memory, but considering an initial bibliographical review on the subject, as well as research of primary sources, with subsequent fieldwork, where semi-structured interviews were conducted. Such interviews, based on Oral History, allowed a deeper and more substantial understanding of the way in which these traditional Amazonian peoples, remnants of quilombos, were (re)territorialized in the current territory of Nova Jutaí. In general terms, the concept of territory, characterized both in its most explicit sense, of domination, and in relation to the most implicit or symbolic power, that of appropriation, guided the theoretical analysis, from which it was possible to learn about the uses of quilombola territory and its multiterritorialities. Every territory is a historical product of social and political processes, since to analyze the territory of any collectivity, a historical approach is needed. We found through the interviews that cultural practices, such as sharing history, worship of the Holy Trinity and Samba de Cacete, were crucial for the territorialization of the inhabitants of the Nova Jutaí Community, in addition to the important role of social organization through the Afro-Association. Brasileira de Jutaí – AFROBRAJU – for the social achievements most recently identified in the community

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